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I was two months away from getting married when I suffered my very first out-of-the-blue epileptic seizure. Along the path set before me in the years to come, with all its twists and turns, I learned to trust in God that although many things were out of my control, I was put on this blessed but sometimes broken road with purpose and I wasn't alone. I could choose to fear each of the unknown curves and bumps along the way or to have faith through them. Painful as each may have seemed at the time, I needed to endure each challenge placed before me for a specific reason. Blessed with Brain Damage is my story of faith, strength, survival, and taking things one day at a time. I may have come out of these experiences with both emotional and physical scars (from invasive brain surgery), but I have learned how much richer my life is by adopting the attitude of gratitude. Many angels, here on earth and from up above, came to my aide along the way and by sharing my encouraging story, I hope I am in my own small way paying forward the kindnesses I received. I wanted this to serve as a reminder for to my daughters of their own inherited strength as they navigate whatever roadblocks they may come across in their own lives. Blessed With Brain Damage is an essential read for anyone struggling with epilepsy, addiction, or simply in need of a message of hope, positivity, and gratitude while encountering challenging circumstances in this crazy thing called life! *A portion of the proceeds from book sales to go to the Eastern Pennsylvania chapter of the Epilepsy Foundation*
Deborah is a survivor of a sporting accident that resulted in Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI. She's been a Born-Again Christian since her early 20s. Like most her walk with the Lord has had its ups & downs. But this accident has brought her full circle. Her life has never been so close to the Lord Jesus Christ. She's a retired Director of Sales for meetings & travel incentive firm and was a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP). She now resides in beautiful Napa, California. Her favorite Bible verses are; Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Both are from the New American Standard Updated Edition.
This memoir shares one individual's journey and his testimony to the goodness of God. Entranced in the complexities of life, he was enjoying his childhood-until the accident ... A head injury has these components: physical, behavioral, psychological, physiological, perceptual, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive. Till Death Do Us Part explores struggles for dealing with the head-injured; physical aggression and rage and whether they can be overcome; family dynamics; hope for the head-injured community; and conflict tips. In this book, you will read of some tragic behavior and its consequences. May you experience God's peace as the details are sewn together. "With God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26 NIV). This is a cursory glance at my life. It hones in on the head injury (TBI) I suffered as a youth. It traces my development into young adulthood and enters into my married life. My relationship with Dana is briefly romanticized and the arrival of our children glorified. The union with my beloved bride started to change dramatically over time. Often with the distractions in life, I lose my focus and then my cool. My head injury was the source of these changes. It became the greatest culprit of all. Unfortunately, my wife fell victim to my relentless physical aggression, albeit unintentionally. As the story unfolds, for my wife the question would be her reaction-Till Death Do Us Part ... or not?
Hole in my Head is based on the theme of a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) following a road traffic accident that the author had at the age of six. It covers a period of 31 years until the age of 37. His recovery after the accident including various challenges that he faced along the way, including various medical problems, follow up appointments, mental health, being a special needs pupil, challenges with gaining and retaining employment, trying to overcome a fear of driving and more. These lessons are discussed throughout the book. All the themes come together and ultimately show how even when things do not go well, there are many blessings, including having a "hole in the head". The book touches upon various aspects of culture, including living in Kuwait, the first Gulf War, working with refugees and minorities in the UK and life in various regions of Saudi Arabia, including road trips across the country. Other areas that are touched are theology, post 9/11 discrimination against Muslims, the month of Ramadan and the Hajj /pilgrimage to Makkah. Hole in my Head can be used in a variety of courses including many medical degrees, educational degrees and HR degrees.
Why do our lives sometime go in unexpected and even unpleasant directions? The apostle Paul in Romans 5:1-5 provides a major insight into dealing with this life question when he reflects upon the life sequence of suffering, endurance, character, hope, hope not disappointing us, and joy. This book discusses all this and is also a wonderful testimony to the role of the Christian faith in helping anyone to recover from tough life events.
In this inspirational autobiography, the author shares his journey of death, paralysis from neck down, and a conversation with God. He shares his story of faith-driven determination--relearning how to breathe, to movement, and adjusting to being disabled while living the rest of his days on earth for the purpose of bringing as many people to God's kingdom. Reflecting back, the author refers to the experience as "a stroke of blessing."