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In the heart of London stands Sphere Music Hall, a venue that enjoys immense popularity amongst the populace. However, the fervour with which its visitors return causes consternation in the mind of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, who suspects the organisation of cult practices and sends Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his impeccable butler, Sebastian, to infiltrate the hall. They are met with none other than the disgraced erstwhile prefects of Weston College and an otherworldly fortune-teller called Blavat, who takes one look at Sebastian and divines his true nature without faltering...!
Earl Ciel Phantomhive's quietude is interrupted as Queen Victoria's very own butlers commandeer Phantomhive Manor for a lavish banquet sanctioned by Her Majesty. Preparations for such an event are quick work in the hands of Sebastian, the house's most able butler, but corralling the eminent guests may prove to be rather more of a challenge. For this dinner party is anything but festive, and as a stormy night batters the outside of the grand residence, a far more violent storm begins to unfurl within. And no one is safe from the havoc it will wreak-not even one seemingly impervious manservant...
Ciel Phantomhive and his butler Sebastian are in harm's way when Phantomhive Manor is comandeered by the Queen for a dinner party that becomes less festive than originally intended.
When one curtain falls upon the big top stage, another rises behind the scenes, as young Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his virtuoso butler, Sebastian, face off against the villain behind the missing children. But as Sebastian, under orders from his master, single-handedly draws the gruesome tale to its sad conclusion on one front, battle lines are drawn on another! With the masterless Phantomhive Manor under attack from the Noah's Ark Circus and Sebastian nowhere nearby to protect its inhabitants, is Ciel's home once again headed for the same tragedy that took the lives of the young earl's parents?
For use in schools and libraries only. A mysterious cult mesmerises legions of spectators with glorious rituals of song and dance. But the unbridled passion it inspires in its followers gives Queen Victoria cause for concern, and she urges Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his expert butler, Sebastian, to do some digging. Ciel has his own reasons for taking this lot to task, but the discovery of the cult's penchant for blood means the Queen's watchdog must make an immediate move. And when Sebastian goes probing behind the stages and into the shadows, he's met by a girl standing in his way, her sword ready to meet him head on...
Having escaped the wolves in sheep's clothing of Wolfsschlucht, Earl Ciel Phantomhive, indomitable butler Sebastian, and the rest of the Phantomhive household abscond with the Emerald Witch. They take refuge in the hideaway of an old family friend-Diedrich, the late Vincent Phantomhive's schoolmate and confidant. But as preparations are made and wounds rested for the passage home to England, word of the Undertaker and his odd behavior hangs over the proceedings. What little memory could have tripped up the ever-jovial reaper, causing his chartreuse eyes to well with tears...?
The truth of what happened three years ago comes to light, as the past Ciel sought to erase is thrust in his face. The revelations shake the Phantomhive manor to its foundations, and even Sebastian, the resident devil, can only look on in admiration at the consummate gamesmanship at play. The Phantomhive blood, it would seem, runs thick with the thirst for vengeance...
The cheer of the holidays has passed, but the Noah's Ark traveling circus has been making the rounds, bringing fun and joy to children of all ages. However, as the ringmaster's cries fade away, a disturbing trend begins to surface in the wake of the colourful entourage. Children seem to disappear whenever the circus packs up for its next destination, and there are no clues...or be found. But when the situation calls for Ciel and Sebastian to infiltrate the big top, will Sebastian's inhuman skills be enough to see him and his young master through a treacherous tightrope act that may well end in death?
London - the capital of the Great Empire - is once again under siege, as a string of bizarre attacks on British citizens returned from India sends rumours flying and casts a pall upon Queen Victoria's rule. Sent in by Her Majesty, young Earl Phantomhive and his most capable butler, Sebastian, follow a trail that collides head-on with an Indian youth who claims to be a prince. And this prince possesses an extraordinary butler of his own! As an intense rivalry between the two butlers begins to form, will the kitchen be the dueling duo's final battleground?!
The veil of mystery cast over the Aurora Society's "absolute salvation" is torn away, and the true mastermind behind the scheme steps forward at long last. In the ensuing battle, Earl Ciel Phantomhive looks on in horror as Sebastian, his infallible manservant, is struck down by the death scythe of an unforeseen combatant. Devil though he may be, even Sebastian is not immune to the blade of a reaper's scythe. As Sebastian's cinematic record spills forth, the tale of how a devil became a butler to a little lost lord flickers to life in shades of sepia, blood, and ash...