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God gave man dominion over the earth, and the practical wisdom to use it for his good and His glory God placed the treasures of the earth for man's benefit. Political correctness denies God's goodness, while practical wisdom directs thankful use of His bounty. We were told we could not drill our way out of our problems while practical thinking doers were proving the stupidity of the statement. Ivory tower thinking is of little use to our progress while practical planning is our salvation from crisis. Dishonest charlatans pursue politically correct ideologies, while wise people use practical solutions. Practical plans always trump divisive dreams. Practical planning and hard work built our great nation - political correctness and sloth are destroying it. Practical truthfulness applied to our many problems can, in God's will, overcome the evil plans of our dishonest, lying oppressors. The Golden Rule Jesus gave us is the epitome of practical consideration of others. The Marshall plan after WW II was practical wisdom applied - pacification of Islam before WW III is ideological suicide. Practical plans and hard work built this great nation - ivory tower thinking and slothfulness is its doom. Practical workers build houses on rock foundations - Foolish men build on sand, and great is their fall. See Matthew 7: 24-27. A practical man planning to build a tower, sits down first and counts the cost. See Luke 14:28. Practical people energetically earn their keep and support others - lazy dreamers feel entitled to exist on the fruits of others' efforts. Practical politicians endorse responsible, truthful fiscal policies - dishonest liars waste our resources and leave the pitiful mess for our grandchildren to suffer under. Impractical charlatans promise anything to gain power - practical planners tell the truth, even when it is unpopular. The lies of evil leaders imprison the souls of the masses - the truth shall make us free. See John 8:32. Peace and joy come to practical people. Dishonest dreamers exist in turmoil and fear. One practical person benefits the community more than a score of entitled lay-abouts.
Practical Wisdom is a compilation of the quotes, phrases and sayings that have impacted John Leonard Harris' life. Each bit of practical wisdom has a lesson that Mr. Harris has learned and he desires that you might be impacted by them as well. Each quote or phrase provides the reader with the opportunity to REFLECT, REACT and RESPOND. The hope is that each reader will find ""helpful nuggets"" that will transform their life. The proceeds from the sale of this book will go to the ongoing work of Encouragement Unlimited, Inc., the organization that Mr. Harris founded in 2002. This organization endeavors to find ways to engender or restore hope for people who for all extensive purposes have no reason to have it. The organization helps to ""fill in the gaps"" for those who ""fall through the cracks."" Learn more about the organization at: Note: This book is the pocket sized version.
A reasoned and urgent call to embrace and protect the essential human quality that has been drummed out of our lives: wisdom. In their provocative new book, Barry Schwartz and Kenneth Sharpe explore the insights essential to leading satisfying lives. Encouraging individuals to focus on their own personal intelligence and integrity rather than simply navigating the rules and incentives established by others, Practical Wisdom outlines how to identify and cultivate our own innate wisdom in our daily lives.
Book publishers claim that 90 percent of the books purchased are purchased by less than three percent of the people. What does that mean? It means that you-if you purchased this book or if you received this as a gift-are either in the top three percent, or thinking about getting there. The greatest material gift anyone can give themselves, or anyone else, is a life-enhancing book. The wisest thoughts ever thought, the most powerful ways to deal with problems, and the universal truths enabling peace of mind appear in print. It is not the words that make a difference, but the meaning behind the words. If you are searching for more practical meanings, this book is filled with new views. This book began as 52 scripts for Dick Warn's The Miracle Minute radio spots that Bob Ridzak and Bill Georgi tested on the air in 2004 and 2005. (Clear Channel Radio Stations-Riverside, California.) Each Miracle Minute can be read in less than 60 seconds and each should be followed by thoughts and questions like: What did Dick Warn mean? What does this mean to me? And what, if anything, should I, or we, do differently? In the game of life, continual change is the name of the game because we are either growing or dying. I've done both and growing is better. Will every Miracle Minute be a perfect fit for you? Hardly! Some will miss the mark, others will spark awesome thought and a few will alter your life forever. One old truth, newly understood, is worth far more than the price of any book. Having spent most of my life trying to help others gain valuable insights, I have discovered that simple thought pieces like The Miracle Minute work much better than talking heads and video. And, in training sessions, The Miracle Minutes allow training facilitators to be highly effective, without preparation. First, a training facilitator has each participant read the same Miracle Minute before they come to the meeting. Then, during a meeting, the facilitator draws the best out of others. Through a process of reading, thinking about what they read, brainstorming and sharing information, the participants become their own teachers-learning far more than they would in any other way. The hardest part for facilitators is to remain silent and encourage participants to speak. Whether we like it or not, we are all riding together on Space Ship Earth. There are not two planet Earths. Nor is there any way to change planets. The very best we can do is build a better world from the inside out. And we can, if we are willing, be a miracle worker in the lives of others. When we help someone-including ourselves-to see deep-seated beliefs in brand new light, miracles do occur. Our thinker is our Creator. When time allows, get comfortable, throw on your thinking cap, and dive in to Miracle Minute One. Discover for yourself what these 52 Miracle Minutes can do for you and others with whom you share your world. Miracles occur the instant light breaks through and we gain a new view. What readers are saying: "I was a creature of comfort; I had been with the same company for 14 years. It 'felt safe.' When approached by another company, I didn't know what to do and Dick Warn asked: 'What are you afraid of-failure?' He hit the nail on the head. I was afraid. But that was then and now is now. As a result of Dick's practical wisdom, I have learned to step outside of my comfort zone. I have been inspired to excel as an employee, wife, mother, mentor and friend. Dick Warn occupies a very special place in my heart." Antoinette (Toni) Price Nestle Waters North America Inc. The book is new, yet Miracle Minutes (in the current form) have been going out weekly to over 300 people directly for over two years. This weekly process - in slightly different form - began two weeks before 9/11. As a result of those original emails, two radio stations in Southern California are broadcasting
Wisdom is when we make a decision and action it from the mind and the heart working together. There is wisdom in all of us. Wisdom may be the outcome of stupidity or brilliance, ignorance or knowledge, hate or love. One can never tell from which of these fountains of human experience wisdom may flow. Each piece in this collection has been selected from literally thousands of volumes over more than fifty years of this learned man's lifetime. Some are about how to live, and others are simply beautiful to read. They are all inspiring. A few of the selections have been minimally edited for easier reading.
With Wisdom comes long life, riches, honor, peace and happiness - all things the world desperately seeks but cannot find. Proverbs 3:13-15 tells us wisdom and understanding is ours preserved in God's promises. In Practical Wisdom for Successful Living, Gaspar Anastasi gleans godly wisdom in a collection of meditations to help you navigate through difficult times of everyday living and maintain success in our choices. It is a great resource that you will turn to again and again for help with topics like: Making Good Choices, Maximizing Your Potential, Relationships, Fear-Grief-Disappointment, Finances and other decisions we face in our lives. In Practical Wisdom for Successful Living, you will benefit from over 3 decades of pastoral counseling and life experience as Gaspar Anastasi demonstrates how to successfully walk out the Word of God in your life.
The Heart of Judgment explores the nature, historical significance, and continuing relevance of practical wisdom. Primarily a work in moral and political thought, it also relies extensively on research in cognitive neuroscience to confirm and extend our understanding of the faculty of judgment. Ever since the ancient Greeks first discussed practical wisdom, the faculty of judgment has been an important topic for philosophers and political theorists. It remains one of the virtues most demanded of our public officials. The greater the liberties and responsibilities accorded to citizens in democratic regimes, the more the health and welfare of society rest upon their exercise of good judgment. While giving full credit to the roles played by reason and deliberation in good judgment, the book underlines the central importance of intuition, emotion, and worldly experience.