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Unlike many books on the Second Coming, The Birth Pangs explores prophecy starting with just the Bible and no preconceived ideas. Author Dr. Abdul-Malak gives fresh and unique insight into key prophetic events and passages found throughout the Bible. When it comes to controversial events, such as the Second Coming or the timing of the Rapture, he challenges mainstream theories in an objective and unbiased manner, subjecting them to rigorous examination in light of other appropriate Scriptures. His goal was to create a straightforward, holistic account of the end times that any Christian can grasp. The Birth Pangs is the fruit of that labor. With the trained eye of a diligent professional, Dr. Abdul-Malak harnesses his experience with thousands of labors as a gynecologist, taking readers on a fascinating journey through the most confusing and controversial parts of the Bibleend-time prophecies. As a skilled surgeon, he carefully dissects God's Word one layer at a time, revealing the details and hidden treasures in the cryptic language of prophecy. Like the labor process, he believes that end-time prophecy should be simple enough for every Christian to understand. With detailed explanations and imagery, Dr. Abdul-Malak reveals exactly why Jesus referred to the end times as The Birth Pangs.
In March 2020, as the Coronavirus began to spread throughout the globe, Ron Cantor received two words in prayer: Be Ready. He was led to Matthew 24:8 where Yeshua spoke of end-time signs, such as plagues, saying, "These are the beginning of birth pangs." Prophetic voices from all over America claimed COVID-19 was not from God. It would be over soon. Many claimed it would be over by Passover, while others boldly (and wrongly) prophesied it would not touch America because of Donald Trump's policies. "I hoped they were right-we have all suffered. But if we were in the season of end-time birth pangs, another one would soon come," said Cantor. Shortly afterward, George Floyd was killed. His death was followed by protests, riots, and Antifa. It exploded on a global scale. In this book, Israeli Messianic leader Ron Cantor seeks to equip us for the times that are ahead. He points out:? Several deadly end-time temptations for believers? The significance of President Trump and our attitude toward him? How Israel will become as controversial as abortion? A stern warning to would-be prophets and a call for accountability? What do we need to learn from 2020 to equip us for the future? The key to revival in the midst of judgments? Encouragement -at the end of birth pangs is a birth: the Second Coming of Yeshua"This is the most important book I have ever written," says Cantor. "It is urgent that we do not have knee-jerk reactions in the flesh to prophetic events, but discern what the Lord is saying to His people." *Be sure to check out the updated insights in The Trump Trap chapter!
The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Rome, "And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written." This will be the culmination of this present age. It is the event that will bring about the coming of Messiah and the rebirth of the entire world into the Kingdom of God. The time period preceding this glorious consummation of human history will be difficult and tumultuous. The Scriptures call it the "birth pangs of Messiah." The question is, what exactly does it mean when it says that "all Israel will be saved"? And how will it come about? These are some of the crucial and important questions that Bible teacher Lars Enarson discusses in this exciting book.
Women are valued for their ability to bear children in many cultures. The birth process, though supposedly the most painful experience of a woman’s life, is seen as a necessary evil to achieve the end goal of children and motherhood. And yet, in the face of a typically masculinized Christianity that nevertheless professes that women are equally created in the image of God, shouldn’t childbirth—a uniquely feminine experience—itself shape Christian women’s souls and teach them about the heart of the God they love and follow? Drawing on her own experience of giving birth and motherhood—and the conflicting assumptions attached to them, by Christians and the culture at large—Aubry G. Smith presents a richly scriptural exploration of common conceptions about pregnancy and childbirth that will not only help mothers and soon-to-be mothers understand how to think biblically about birth, but also walks them through how to put the ideas into practice in their own lives. Along the way, she shows all readers how to see God’s own experience of the birth process—and how childbirth leads to a deeper understanding of the gospel overall.
Paul presents an in-depth examination of how personalities are formed by biological, social, and emotional factors.
The world is filled with messages for women about pregnancy. Popular books and well-meaning family and friends offer unsolicited advice about what to expect and how to stay healthy—sometimes resulting in joy and excitement but other times leading to discouragement and fear. The Bible, too, has a lot to say about childbirth—offering real hope that nothing in this world can match. In Labor with Hope, Gloria Furman helps women see topics such as pregnancy, infertility, miscarriage, birth pain, and new life in the framework of the larger biblical narrative, infusing cosmic meaning into their personal experience by exploring how they point to eternal realities. Women will see that only Christ can provide the strength they desperately need in order to labor with hope.
Oy! For that day is monumental. There will be none like it-a time of trouble for Jacob! Yet out of it he will be saved. Jeremiah 30:7 TLV. Forty-two months that resets the destiny of Israel and the Jewish people. The entire planet will be caught up in this End Time drama. Jerusalem will be the center stage but every person of every nation will be affected. This is a time of decision, not only for Israel and the Jewish people but for the Nations. Things are about to change.
An invitation to listen in on, and perhaps join in, the voyage of mutual discovery between God and humanity which is the central thread of the book of Genesis.