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Puranas are almost like an encyclopedia listing the human achievements in this part of the world till the time they were edited or compiled. In every cycle of time the master editor called Vedavyas emerges to edit, vet and compile these records. Their significance is enormous even in the present, as they give a peep into the distant past of Hindus when the world was evolving and the psyche of the race was being formed. These Puranas record the arguments that make us to decide as to what is holy and what is vile; what is good and what is bad. By going through them we can compare our present day jurisprudence vis-à-vis the ancient norms. Apart from that, they are a huge store-house of information conceiving every subject under the sun. It is with the view of unearthing these gems that the present series of the puranas has been planned. The Bhavishya Purana, the ninth in the list of the Mahapurana, is a short Purana, containing about fourteen thousand couplets. The Bhavishya Purana earns a special distinction by being the only Purana that is based on the Predictions. It mostly tells us what will be from the time it was compiled in. It is believed that the present edition of the Bhavishya Purana is the abridged or condensed version of the three Puranas known as Bhavishya Purana, Bhavishyati Purana and Bhavishyottara Purana. Table of Contents: Preface Introduction Creation And Ceremonies Stories Highlighting the Efficacy Of The Vratas Education, Marriage And Temples The Past Present And Future Dynasties The Satyanarain Katha And Other Tales Epilogue Glossary
Retold in simple language, underlining importance of each Purana, with a lucid summary.
Bhavishya Purana - A Concise Guide
The Bhavishya Purana is the eleventh among the Puranas and it contains five parts. The first part contains a description of the genesis, greatness of the deities and worship of Lord Vishnu, Shiva and Surya. Second, third and fourth parts describe about the greatness of Shiva, Vishnu and Surya respectively.It gives very accurate forecasts about Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, the fall of Sanskrit and coming of other languages, about the coming of Buddha, Madhavacharya, Chandragupta, Ashoka, Jayadeva and Krishna Chaitanya and about Kutubuddin & the Shaws ruling Delhi.
The Bhaviya Purana (Bhavishya Purana) is one of Hinduism's Purana genre's eighteen major texts written in Sanskrit. In Sanskrit, the word bhavishya means "future," meaning that it is literature that contains prophecies about the future. The Bhavishya Purana is divided into five primary versions, each with its own set of discrepancies in terms of substance and subdivisions. Some manuscripts have four Parvam (pieces), whereas others have two or none. The current version of the book is a mash-up of sources from the medieval to modern ages. Other Indian books like the Brihat Samhita and Shamba Purana are used in parts of the extant manuscripts that are dated to be earlier. Much of the Bhavishya Purana has been questioned by modern scholars and historians, and the text is now seen as an example of the Puranic genre's "continuous changes and alive vitality."
Hindu mythological text with English translation.
Hindu mythological text.
Vishnu Puran is believed to be one of the most important Puranas, if not the most valuable ancient record of the faith called Sanatan Dharma. Its stories reveal about the various exploits of Vishnu incarnations. In rendering this holy text into English, the attention has been paid to put only those details that have certain fundamental truths of life. Hence, in this work those details have been deliberately omitted which may appear rather confusing or uninteresting to the reader not having the initiation in the sacred love. The main thrust of this attempt has been to show a clear glimpse of our ancient hermitage.
[in Bengali] Bhavishya Purana - A Comprehensive Guide