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God's wisdom is very apparent to us in this latest book. His ability to reveal truth and disclose long-suppressed information that is relevant for the world of today and the world of many, many tomorrows simply can not be denied. God's plan is to not only set people on the right course in life while they may still be able to do this, but to explain in detail why so many things that will actually transpire here on the Earth Star planet, is not information that many people are aware of. It is a "last ditch effort" to help people to turn around and confront the illusions they have allowed to be created here. God discusses the Earth changes, the necessity of His not issuing permission for interventions by Himself or others of His Children, and what we can all do to form a unified consciousness, a unified gathering of Souls, while people are still in incarnate state. Throughout most of this book God is very serious and at times very stern. Yet the relevancy of His writings can not be denied; they can not be treated as anything but the ultimate truths. Those who believe that "the truth will set you free" will have their hands full with the honesty and the reality of God's words. Some Chapter titles are: Prevailing Conditions, Diversity of the Human Spirit, New Book of Revelations, NESARA, Thee Myself and I, I AM, Quantum Interference, Caretaker Responsibility, Luminosity, Perspectives, The Chosen Ones, Thy Will Be Done, My Macrocosmic Vision and The Beginning. Authors of God's first book "And Then God Said...Then I Said...Then He Said..." Celestial Blue Star of the Pleiades and David of Arcturus
Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Matthew 23:24 God's promised kingdom is visible using everyday items. By combining Scripture and truly seeking God in all things, a servant of God has located the frequency and line of sight in which you can visually witness Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit under God's directive, which is imprinted on our material world. The mysteries spoke to us become clear and obvious once you glimpse behind the veil. This revelation will give mankind the evidence that God is the Master Principle guiding the unity field. Giving us the promised Comforter to bring each of us to salvation eliminating all doubt from humanity.
All men know that they must die... It is but reasonable to suppose that God would reveal something in reference to the matter and it is a subject we ought to study more than any other. If we have any claim on our Heavenly Father for anything, it is for knowledge on this important subject (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Vol. 6 pg. 50). If you enjoyed Return from Tomorrow, if you liked Life after Life, you are going to love Beyond the Veil, Volume III. As I began listening to, and reading [these] stories, I was amazed at the variety of content and experience. I was amazed at the vast abundance of spiritual experiences people are having that have something to do with that thin veil separating us from our spirit brothers and sisters. It is refreshing to know that miracles are happening every day. I hope this book, in its own small way, can add a little strength or momentum to this groundswell. -Lee Nelson
Intimacy is where Brother Tagoe takes us in this well written book: Beyond the Veil. Among other images and analogies herein, Alfred takes us on a sacred journey through Scripture by looking at the type and shadow of the Old Testament Tabernacle of Moses. This movable structure contained three principle areas; the Outer Court, the Inner Court, and the Most Holy place (Holy of Holies). With amazing connectivity, Alfred is our tour guide for the expanded meaning these three areas of this Old Testament icon and at every point he relates it to our spiritual journey with Jesus. Herein, the journey becomes the destination and intimacy with our Lord is the result. Dr. Scott T. Kelso, Author Biblical Eldership; Back to the Future with Spirit Filled Leadership in the Local Church
Beggars…Outcasts…Homeless Such were the forgotten, uneducated children in China when the Spirit of God fell upon their humble orphanage, the Adullam Home. The boys spent days in powerful meetings, praying and praising God. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they prophesied, saw visions, and discovered: Angels…how they operate and protect us Unbelievers…and their fate Heavenly occupations…what our jobs will be Paradise…revealed through the eyes of children The throne of God…experiencing true worship Death…what happens when we die Demons…and their evil works This mighty outpouring was a fulfillment of God’s promise: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions.” Acts 2:17
An epiphany is a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple or commonplace occurrence. What greater epiphany than to see the hand and power of God present in our everyday lives and situations? Epiphanies: Insights for Everyday Life is a journey through the commonplace of life's highs and lows seen through eyes of spiritual perception. Allow God to give you insight into your life as He guides you to your destiny through a series of epiphanies. I encourage you to take a few moments and read the beautiful writings of a special friend of mine, Miss Tiffany Anderson. In times like these, words become more delicate and friendships seem rare, but we can find a place of true solitude in just giving ourselves an intimate place to become involved mentally and spiritually with God through words penned by this gifted new writer. Enjoy! - Nancy Harmon of Nancy Harmon Ministries Minister Tiffany Anderson; a phenomenal teacher, student of the Word, and servant of Almighty God; pens this wonderful work entitled, Epiphanies: Insights for Everyday Life. It is exciting to see what began as a daily encourager for friends transform into a book of revelation to the nations. She articulates necessary truths that have the potential to transform the lives of every reader. The concepts are presented with such clarity that it makes it easy to comprehend and apply to one's life. It is my pleasure and honor to recommend this relevant work. I pray that it will be a blessing to your everyday life as it has been to mine. - Pastor Rueben Speight, Greater Destiny International Ministries "Sometimes the big lessons in life flow from the smallest moments. Such is the case with Tiffany Anderson's book. It takes big ideas and applies them to life's ordinary, everyday situations. She reflects on things around her, and the most eternal lessons come into view." - Dr. Paul Conn, President, Lee University
"It seemed most wonderful how the Spirit revealed to these simple believers, who had only heard of the Bible for a few months, the things of Christ, His salvation, and the things of the future by visions of the unseen worlds." - H.A. Baker Harold Armstrong Baker was the grandfather of Rolland Baker - husband of Heidi Baker of IRIS Ministries. He and his wife were missionaries to China during the 20th century.This book discusses different visions and dreams that should not only excite the believer, but encourage him to prepare for the coming of the Lord.May this book bless you in Jesus name!
This book is brought to open the eyes and minds of mainly the Israelites throughout this world, who are of the white race and are situated in the countries such as The whole of the British Isle, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, The whole of the British Commonwealth of Nations, The United States of America, Greenland, Iceland and wheresoever else they have moved to throughout this world. For we have gone so far away from God’s great ways it is absolutely unbelievable. We have actually gone so far from God’s ways, we no longer know what we are doing, for we are now in the devil’s hand and the hand of the devil’s 1st born son, King Saul himself, who is in fact the imaginary pagan individuals, such as the virgin mother and many so called saints. We have forgotten the covenant our ancestors had made with the Lord God, not to worship anyone, or thing via their graven, painted, standing, sitting images of whatsoever, God in Deut, 4:23 forbid us to do this, for he alone we must worship, pray to, serve, sacrifi ce to, and follow only his ways. When I truly began studying the bible all by myself, I came across a scripture I will never forget. This scripture is Proverbs 1:23, “Turn you at my reproof: behold I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you, “I swear that God Himself was giving me the knowledge and understanding of his great words because I was in fact proving and reproving all the scriptures with one another. One only must read this book and see all the proves and reproves I used to get a true picture of what is really happening today, and it will truly shock you. I kid you not. Yours: R.A. Mueller