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Drawing on the OECD’s expertise in comparing country experiences and identifying best practices, this book summarises OECD’s policy advice for Greece in a wide variety of policy areas.
This book presents a comprehensive economic plan for Greece to encourage growth and avoid future crises. This book emphasizes structural reforms and the rational financial management and analysis of private and investment infrastructures. This book also looks at the country's production and places an emphasis on revitalizing its technological structure. The analysis in this book includes policy implementation (in the short-, medium- and long-term) across important topics such as sustainability, inclusivity, pro-growth social behavior, and dynamic economic growth. This book takes an evolutionary economics perspective, looking at important structures throughout society like governance, political functioning, cultural attitudes, and growth. With its comprehensive approach, this book is crucial reading for scholars and policymakers interested in the Greek economy.
Drawing on the OECD’s expertise in comparing country experiences and identifying best practices, the Better Policies series tailors the OECD’s policy advice to the specific and timely priorities of member and partner countries, focusing on how governments can make reform happen.
The 2021 edition includes input indicators on public finance and employment; process indicators include data on institutions, budgeting practices, human resources management, regulatory governance, public procurement, governance of infrastructure, public sector integrity, open government and digital government. Outcome indicators cover core government results (e.g. trust, political efficacy, inequality reduction) and indicators on access, responsiveness, quality and satisfaction for the education, health and justice sectors.
The Territorial Review of Greece offers analysis and policy guidance to strengthen regional development and well-being. It examines Greece's regional development framework, the EU Cohesion policy and multilevel governance in Greece. Since the global financial crisis, Greece has undertaken an impressive number of structural reforms. Recovery initiated in 2017 but the current COVID-19 pandemic is slowing down Greece's efforts. The country is now facing a number of strategic development priorities including fostering digitalisation, improving entrepreneurial and business ecosystems, and addressing environmental challenges. These new priorities must also tackle existing social challenges and mitigate rising inequalities. The Review examines a range of policies that have the potential to propel inclusive growth in Greece's regions and improve the quality of life for their residents. It stresses that policies for economic growth, social capital and environmental sustainability are more effective when they recognise the different economic and social realities where people live and work. OECD work illustrates the importance to align place based regional development strategies with sectoral policies (support for private investment, infrastructure and human capital policies) in each place to generate multiplier effects. To fulfil this task, Greece will need to continue advancing the reform of its institutional and fiscal multi-level governance system.
This paper discusses the key structural deficiencies of the Greek justice system and proposes some concrete policy reforms. In the first part, we provide an anatomy of the Greek legal system using cross-country indicators reflecting the formalism, quality, and speed of the resolution mechanisms. The analysis shows that the Greek justice system is failing to protect citizens, as delays in all types of courts exceed five years and in some instances reach a decade. At the same the quality of laws protecting investors, even property, is low. Using comparative data from other EU jurisdictions, we show that the key reasons behind these failures are the absence of information technology, the lack of supporting to judges staff, the absence of specialized courts and tribunals, and a hugely dysfunctional administration. At the same time, there are minimal checks and balances. In the second part, we detail a set of policy proposals. Our proposals consist of immediate measures for clearing the large backlog and a set of more ambitious medium-term reforms (many of which require a constitutional amendment). Our proposals aim to make the Greek justice system professionally administered, less formalistic, suitably flexible, more responsive and more accountable to society at large. Given the strong link between legal institutions and development, justice reform is an absolute priority of the reform agenda and a sine qua non-condition for the much-needed sustainable recovery of the Greek economy.
The portrayal of Greece by the international press during the financial crisis has been seen by many independent observers as very harsh. The Greeks have often been blamed for a myriad of international political problems and external economic factors beyond their control. In this original and insightful work George Tzogopoulos examines international newspaper coverage of the unfolding economic crisis in Greece. American, British, French, German and Italian broadsheet and tabloid coverage is carefully analysed. The Greek Crisis in the Media debates and dissects the extent to which the Greek response to the financial crisis has been given fair and balanced coverage by the press and questions how far politics and national stereotypes have played their part in the reporting of events. By placing the Greek experiences and treatment alongside those of other EU members such as Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain, Tzogopoulos examines and highlights similarities and differences in the ways in which different countries tackled the challenges they faced during this crucial period and explores how and why the world's media reported these events.
Once the world’s bastion of liberal, democratic values, Europe is now having to confront demons it thought it had laid to rest. The old pathologies of anti-Semitism, populist nationalism, and territorial aggression are threatening to tear the European postwar consensus apart. In riveting dispatches from this unfolding tragedy, James Kirchick shows us the shallow disingenuousness of the leaders who pushed for “Brexit;” examines how a vast migrant wave is exacerbating tensions between Europeans and their Muslim minorities; explores the rising anti-Semitism that causes Jewish schools and synagogues in France and Germany to resemble armed bunkers; and describes how Russian imperial ambitions are destabilizing nations from Estonia to Ukraine. With President Trump now threatening to abandon America's traditional role as upholder of the liberal world order and guarantor of the continent's security, Europe may be alone in dealing with these unprecedented challenges. Based on extensive firsthand reporting, this book is a provocative, disturbing look at a continent in unexpected crisis.
This book addresses and explains the divergent economic and political outcomes of the financial crisis in the eight European Union member states which needed a bailout program: Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Portugal, Romania and Spain. Looking at crisis management as a series of relationships where cooperation is essential, this book focuses on the essential role of trust during the process. It argues that the presence or absence of trust during the negotiation and implementation of the bailout program leads to self-reinforcing cycles of success and failure. The analysis of these eight countries also explores the institutional sources of trust – it shows that a commitment to limited government is associated with both economic success and resistance to populism. The final chapter considers the implications for the future of the EU and calls attention to the importance of strengthening domestic institutions in order to bridge the gap between concerns over moral hazard and expectations of solidarity.