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Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry presents an important breakthrough in arithmetic geometry. In 2014, leading mathematician Peter Scholze delivered a series of lectures at the University of California, Berkeley, on new ideas in the theory of p-adic geometry. Building on his discovery of perfectoid spaces, Scholze introduced the concept of “diamonds,” which are to perfectoid spaces what algebraic spaces are to schemes. The introduction of diamonds, along with the development of a mixed-characteristic shtuka, set the stage for a critical advance in the discipline. In this book, Peter Scholze and Jared Weinstein show that the moduli space of mixed-characteristic shtukas is a diamond, raising the possibility of using the cohomology of such spaces to attack the Langlands conjectures for a reductive group over a p-adic field. This book follows the informal style of the original Berkeley lectures, with one chapter per lecture. It explores p-adic and perfectoid spaces before laying out the newer theory of shtukas and their moduli spaces. Points of contact with other threads of the subject, including p-divisible groups, p-adic Hodge theory, and Rapoport-Zink spaces, are thoroughly explained. Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry will be a useful resource for students and scholars working in arithmetic geometry and number theory.
Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry presents an important breakthrough in arithmetic geometry. In 2014, leading mathematician Peter Scholze delivered a series of lectures at the University of California, Berkeley, on new ideas in the theory of p-adic geometry. Building on his discovery of perfectoid spaces, Scholze introduced the concept of “diamonds,” which are to perfectoid spaces what algebraic spaces are to schemes. The introduction of diamonds, along with the development of a mixed-characteristic shtuka, set the stage for a critical advance in the discipline. In this book, Peter Scholze and Jared Weinstein show that the moduli space of mixed-characteristic shtukas is a diamond, raising the possibility of using the cohomology of such spaces to attack the Langlands conjectures for a reductive group over a p-adic field. This book follows the informal style of the original Berkeley lectures, with one chapter per lecture. It explores p-adic and perfectoid spaces before laying out the newer theory of shtukas and their moduli spaces. Points of contact with other threads of the subject, including p-divisible groups, p-adic Hodge theory, and Rapoport-Zink spaces, are thoroughly explained. Berkeley Lectures on p-adic Geometry will be a useful resource for students and scholars working in arithmetic geometry and number theory.
Now in its second edition, this volume provides a uniquely detailed study of $P$-adic differential equations. Assuming only a graduate-level background in number theory, the text builds the theory from first principles all the way to the frontiers of current research, highlighting analogies and links with the classical theory of ordinary differential equations. The author includes many original results which play a key role in the study of $P$-adic geometry, crystalline cohomology, $P$-adic Hodge theory, perfectoid spaces, and algorithms for L-functions of arithmetic varieties. This updated edition contains five new chapters, which revisit the theory of convergence of solutions of $P$-adic differential equations from a more global viewpoint, introducing the Berkovich analytification of the projective line, defining convergence polygons as functions on the projective line, and deriving a global index theorem in terms of the Laplacian of the convergence polygon.
This proceedings volume contains articles related to the research presented at the 2017 Simons Symposium on p-adic Hodge theory. This symposium was focused on recent developments in p-adic Hodge theory, especially those concerning integral questions and their connections to notions in algebraic topology. This volume features original research articles as well as articles that contain new research and survey some of these recent developments. It is the first of three volumes dedicated to p-adic Hodge theory.
A groundbreaking contribution to number theory that unifies classical and modern results This book develops a new theory of p-adic modular forms on modular curves, extending Katz's classical theory to the supersingular locus. The main novelty is to move to infinite level and extend coefficients to period sheaves coming from relative p-adic Hodge theory. This makes it possible to trivialize the Hodge bundle on the infinite-level modular curve by a "canonical differential" that restricts to the Katz canonical differential on the ordinary Igusa tower. Daniel Kriz defines generalized p-adic modular forms as sections of relative period sheaves transforming under the Galois group of the modular curve by weight characters. He introduces the fundamental de Rham period, measuring the position of the Hodge filtration in relative de Rham cohomology. This period can be viewed as a counterpart to Scholze's Hodge-Tate period, and the two periods satisfy a Legendre-type relation. Using these periods, Kriz constructs splittings of the Hodge filtration on the infinite-level modular curve, defining p-adic Maass-Shimura operators that act on generalized p-adic modular forms as weight-raising operators. Through analysis of the p-adic properties of these Maass-Shimura operators, he constructs new p-adic L-functions interpolating central critical Rankin-Selberg L-values, giving analogues of the p-adic L-functions of Katz, Bertolini-Darmon-Prasanna, and Liu-Zhang-Zhang for imaginary quadratic fields in which p is inert or ramified. These p-adic L-functions yield new p-adic Waldspurger formulas at special values.
Introduced by Peter Scholze in 2011, perfectoid spaces are a bridge between geometry in characteristic 0 and characteristic $p$, and have been used to solve many important problems, including cases of the weight-monodromy conjecture and the association of Galois representations to torsion classes in cohomology. In recognition of the transformative impact perfectoid spaces have had on the field of arithmetic geometry, Scholze was awarded a Fields Medal in 2018. This book, originating from a series of lectures given at the 2017 Arizona Winter School on perfectoid spaces, provides a broad introduction to the subject. After an introduction with insight into the history and future of the subject by Peter Scholze, Jared Weinstein gives a user-friendly and utilitarian account of the theory of adic spaces. Kiran Kedlaya further develops the foundational material, studies vector bundles on Fargues–Fontaine curves, and introduces diamonds and shtukas over them with a view toward the local Langlands correspondence. Bhargav Bhatt explains the application of perfectoid spaces to comparison isomorphisms in $p$-adic Hodge theory. Finally, Ana Caraiani explains the application of perfectoid spaces to the construction of Galois representations associated to torsion classes in the cohomology of locally symmetric spaces for the general linear group. This book will be an invaluable asset for any graduate student or researcher interested in the theory of perfectoid spaces and their applications.
This volume introduces some recent developments in Arithmetic Geometry over local fields. Its seven chapters are centered around two common themes: the study of Drinfeld modules and non-Archimedean analytic geometry. The notes grew out of lectures held during the research program "Arithmetic and geometry of local and global fields" which took place at the Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) from June to August 2018. The authors, leading experts in the field, have put great effort into making the text as self-contained as possible, introducing the basic tools of the subject. The numerous concrete examples and suggested research problems will enable graduate students and young researchers to quickly reach the frontiers of this fascinating branch of mathematics.
This book contains selected chapters on perfectoid spaces, their introduction and applications, as invented by Peter Scholze in his Fields Medal winning work. These contributions are presented at the conference on “Perfectoid Spaces” held at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, India, from 9–20 September 2019. The objective of the book is to give an advanced introduction to Scholze’s theory and understand the relation between perfectoid spaces and some aspects of arithmetic of modular (or, more generally, automorphic) forms such as representations mod p, lifting of modular forms, completed cohomology, local Langlands program, and special values of L-functions. All chapters are contributed by experts in the area of arithmetic geometry that will facilitate future research in the direction.
A self-contained introduction to logarithmic geometry, a key tool for analyzing compactification and degeneration in algebraic geometry.
This is Part 2 of a two-volume set. Since Oscar Zariski organized a meeting in 1954, there has been a major algebraic geometry meeting every decade: Woods Hole (1964), Arcata (1974), Bowdoin (1985), Santa Cruz (1995), and Seattle (2005). The American Mathematical Society has supported these summer institutes for over 50 years. Their proceedings volumes have been extremely influential, summarizing the state of algebraic geometry at the time and pointing to future developments. The most recent Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry was held July 2015 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, sponsored by the AMS with the collaboration of the Clay Mathematics Institute. This volume includes surveys growing out of plenary lectures and seminar talks during the meeting. Some present a broad overview of their topics, while others develop a distinctive perspective on an emerging topic. Topics span both complex algebraic geometry and arithmetic questions, specifically, analytic techniques, enumerative geometry, moduli theory, derived categories, birational geometry, tropical geometry, Diophantine questions, geometric representation theory, characteristic and -adic tools, etc. The resulting articles will be important references in these areas for years to come.