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Although aquaculture as a biological production system has a long history, systematic and efficient breeding programs to improve economically important traits in the farmed species have rarely been utilized until recently, except for salmonid species. This means that the majority of aquaculture production (more than 90 %) is based on genetically unimproved stocks. In farm animals the situation is vastly different: practically no terrestrial farm production is based on genetically unimproved and undomesticated populations. This difference between aquaculture and livestock production is in spite of the fact that the basic elements of breeding theory are the same for fish and shellfish as for farm animals. One possible reason for the difference is the complexity of reproductive biology in aquatic species, and special consideration needs to be taken in the design of breeding plans for these species. Since 1971 AKVAFORSK, has continuously carried out large scale breeding research projects with salmonid species, and during the latest 15 years also with a number of fresh water and marine species. Results from this work and the results from other institutions around the world have brought forward considerable knowledge, which make the development of efficient breeding programs feasible. The genetic improvement obtained in selection programs for fish and shellfish is remarkable and much higher than what has been achieved in terrestrial farm animals.
"The genetic diversity comprised in farm animal species and breeds is an important resource in livestock systems. For several reasons, within the different species used for food production, only a few breeds are developed towards high-output breeds fitting in high-input systems. In this process many breeds are set aside from the food producing livestock systems. These breeds will be faced with extinction unless new functions for these breeds are found. This is a real threat for the genetic diversity within species. This book is intended to give insight into the issues of the utilisation and conservation of farm animal genetic resources towards a broad group of readers interested in these subjects. The insight is presented as applications of population, molecular and quantitative genetics that can be used to take appropriate decisions in utilisation and conservation programmes. A previous edition of this book is a key resource in courses worldwide and cited in many scientific publications. The first two chapters discuss the decisions to be made in utilisation and conservation. Chapter 3 surveys the different ways in which the diversity we observe within a species can be characterised. Chapter 4 illustrates recent results using this theory for utilisation and conservation purposes. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 give theoretical backgrounds necessary to make decisions and chapters 8 and 9 present the operation and practical implications of selection and conservation schemes."
The foundation of quantitative genetics theory was developed during the last century and facilitated many successful breeding programs for cultivated plants and t- restrial livestock. The results have been almost universally impressive, and today nearly all agricultural production utilises genetically improved seed and animals. The aquaculture industry can learn a great deal from these experiences, because the basic theory behind selective breeding is the same for all species. The ?rst published selection experiments in aquaculture started in 1920 s to improve disease resistance in ?sh, but it was not before the 1970 s that the ?rst family based breeding program was initiated for Atlantic salmon in Norway by AKVAFORSK. Unfortunately, the subsequent implementation of selective breeding on a wider scale in aquaculture has been slow, and despite the dramatic gains that have been demonstrated in a number of species, less than 10% of world aquaculture production is currently based on improved stocks. For the long-term sustainability of aquaculture production, there is an urgent need to develop and implement e- cient breeding programs for all species under commercial production. The ability for aquaculture to successfully meet the demands of an ever increasing human p- ulation, will rely on genetically improved stocks that utilise feed, water and land resources in an ef?cient way. Technological advances like genome sequences of aquaculture species, and advanced molecular methods means that there are new and exciting prospects for building on these well-established methods into the future.
Sustainable beef production in the 21st century; Sustainable milk production in the 21 st century; Recent advances in swine production systems; New technologies for efficient poultry production; Increasing role of secondary animal species in the 21st century; Role of small ruminant in the supply of animal products (Under Joint Sponsorship by IGA, HPI and WAAP).
The Second International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture built on the foundation laid down at the first symposium held in Galway, Ireland in 1982 (Aquaculture, Volume 33), by addressing specific problems and developments in aquaculture genetics. The content of these proceedings demonstrates the tremendous breadth of research activity as well as the complexity of issues in aquaculture genetics.
The objectives of this study are to assess the role of small ruminants (sheep and goats) in the food production systems of developing countries, examine their advantages and disadvantages, analyze the constraints limiting their further contribution to the welfare of small farm/low income rural producers, prescribe measures for overcoming these constraints, and make recommendations related to potential donor involvement in support of the development of sheep and goat production. Small ruminants are viewed as an integral, but not dominant component of complex agricultural systems. Particular emphasis is placed on sheep and goats in mixed herds grazing dry rangelands and in small mixed farm systems in medium to high rainfall areas. An analysis of major constraints -- ecological, biological, policy, and socio-economic -- leads to recommendations on the need for a balanced production system approach for research, training and development programs, and for a combination of support activities such as herd health programs, and formulation of favorable credit, marketing and pricing policies for small ruminants and their products.