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The author addresses in this book two important novelties, and they are not the only ones. The official biography of the beatification process (2018) brings a fact hidden for forty years: The doctor who had to make the diagnosis about the unexpected death of Pope John Paul I was denied an autopsy. Moreover, the gangster Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi, in his book When the Bullet Hits the Bone (2019), confesses that he was called by Archbishop Marcinkus, president of the Vatican Bank, to eliminate the pope "painlessly." Marcinkus administered the cyanide, and he only advised and accompanied. What happened? September 4, 2022: John Paul I is beatified in St. Peter's Square. He is beatified for his "ordinary holiness"--that is, because he was good, which no one doubts. However, it is hidden how he died and why. He is beatified, but justice is not done to him. There is maneuvering, concealment, and lying. Meanwhile, people keep on saying, "The pope they killed." The majority of Latin American bishops are convinced that Albino Luciani died, murdered (Serafini), and the world contemplates once again the Vatican scandal. The question is this: How to qualify a beatification that hides a murder?
Includes a new foreword on the resignation and legacy of Pope Benedict XVI. The sudden resignation of Pope Benedict XVI comes as the capstone to a papacy that that shocked some and delighted others. Pope Benedict was both an ardent intellectual and a driven traditionalist charged with leading a divided Catholic Church into a new era. In Pope Benedict XVI, bestselling author Stephen Mansfield tells the story of a youth who grew up in Nazi Germany and went from being a liberal theologian associated with Vatican II to a theological conservative who became Pope John Paul’s closest ally. As a cardinal, the outgoing pope pursued a firmly traditional path in the last quarter century: he excommunicated radical priests, cracked down on Marxist liberation theology in Latin America, and shaped some of John Paul’s more socially conservative positions. He also drew a line of distinction between Catholicism and other faiths, promulgating respect for—but not equality among— the historic religions. To some, Pope Benedict was the ultimate insider whose election ensured that the revolution of John Paul was rendered permanent in our century. Mansfield’s portrait of Pope Benedict was validated by recent history: Benedict XVI will be remembered as the Great Custodian. He sustained the return to tradition marked by John Paul. Pope Benedict XVI examines its subject specifically from the perspective of a non-Catholic—a committed Christian without fealty to Rome. Mansfield’s academic depth, his poetic but widely accessible writing style, and his ability to take complex religious ideas and make them understandable to the nonreligious make his treatment of Pope Benedict XVI significance for readers of all philosophies and faiths.
Durante un siglo, Villa Vistamar ha reinado como el mejor internado católico para jovencitas en los Estados Unidos; sus sacrosantos edificios han sido un hogar para inumerables numerosas jovencitas ¿peculiarmente, hijas de familias millonarias, y políticamente vulnerables¿ originarias de países extranjeros. Juntas de nuevo, durante una reunión de su generación, dos viejas amigas y compañeras del internado, aún intrigadas por los misterios del histórico convento donde vivieron su juventud, se empeñan en descubrir tanto los secretos de la vieja hacienda del suroeste, como la relación tan extraña entre las Hermanas de Santo Tomás y su benefactor. Convencidas de que descubrirían la clave del misterio en los viejos y macabros baúles que las monjas guardan en el sótano del convento, incursionan furtivamente, al amparo de la oscuridad nocturna, a las catacumbas de la antigua abadía, quedando literalmente atrapadas en un callejón sin salida; envueltas en una historia de intriga eclesiástica de la cual no existe escapatoria otra que descubrir la verdad. Varios encuentros terroríficos con los Guardianes de la Iglesia, que protegen los secretos que las mujeres han resuelto descifrar; así como la muerte de una anciana monja, anteriormente Madre Superiora de la Congregación, las llevan al descubrimiento de un escondrijo que guarda un millonario tesoro de un valor incalculable y que protege un tesoro aún mayor: un secreto que la Iglesia ha ocultado del mundo durante las últimas nueve décadas de la historia de Europa Oriental, bajo el código eclesiástico de Salve Regina.
This book is the only existing biography of Pope Benedict XVI, born Joseph Aloysius Ratzinger on April 16, 1927, in southern Bavaria. Comprehensive in scope and intimate in content, it provides a vivid blow-by-blow of the controversies that have wracked the Catholic Church during the past twenty years: Liberation theology, birth control, women's ordination, inclusive language, "radical feminism," homosexuality, religious pluralism, human rights in the church, and the roles of bishops and theologians. One man has stood at the dead center of all these controversial issues: Joseph Ratzinger. A teenage American POW as the Third Reich crumbled and a progressive wunderkind at the Second Vatican Council, Ratzinger, for twenty years, has been head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (until 1908 known as the Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition, or Holy Office). The book goes a long way toward explaining the central enigma surrounding Ratzinger: How did this erstwhile liberal end up as the chief architect of the third great wave of repression in Catholic theology in the twentieth century? Based on extensive interviews with Ratzinger's students and colleagues, as well as research in archives in both Bavaria and the United States, Allen's account shows that Ratzinger's deep suspicion of "the world," his preoccupation with human sinfulness, and his demand for rock-solid loyalty to the church run deep. They reach into his childhood "in the shadow of the Nazis" and reflect his formative theological influences: Augustine, Bonaventure, and Martin Luther rather than the world-affirming Thomas Aquinas. In his words, Ratzinger affirms that "What the church needs today as always are not adulators to extol the status quo, but men whose humility and obedience are not less than their passion for the truth; . . .men who love the church more than the ease and the unruffled course of their personal destiny."-Joseph Ratzinger (1962)>
Professor Echeverria does a thorough job of drawing from the pre-papal writings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the man's current papal writings, talks, and sermons to discover and document the continuity in thought Francis has with the councils.Echeverria compares Francis's discourse with that of his papal predecessors in the era since Vatican II. He draws heavily on the documents of Vatican II and the theology of doctrinal development stemming from the First Vatican Council and embraced by Vatican II. Not left out is the modern ecumenical movement from both the Reformed and Catholic side.