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"Energy and environmental sustainability have become central objectives in mobility system design and mass transit schemes. In addition to environmental prudence, a new world economic order calls for more efficient use of financial resources. This study focuses on developing a benchmarking technique to measure the degree to which energy management systems are utilized in metro stations by reviewing the broad literature in energy management in the transportation and construction sectors and exploring the techniques used to reduce energy consumption. A System Application Matrix is constructed using the Quality Function Development approach and Analytic Hierarchy Process in which the model has three main energy management categories: an energy efficiency system, a renewable energy system and a recovery energy system. Each main category includes a subcategory or subcategories. For example, the LED lighting system, walls insulation and platform screen doors are the subcategories of the energy efficiency system. Solar panel is the only subcategory of the renewable energy efficiency system and energy storage is also the only subcategory of the recovery energy system. The optimal design of these five subcategories will be provided for developing the System Application Matrix. Furthermore, the System Application Matrix is validated via industry and academia experts' input, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and piloted on theoretical data runs. After prioritizing the experts' judgments, the energy efficiency system had the highest priority (61.2%) compared to the two other main categories of the energy management system. Consequently, after Quality Function Development matrix analysis, LED lighting had the highest level of importance by almost 29.1%. The next highest elements were wall insulation and platform screen doors by almost 26.2%. Solar panels, with 9.8%, and energy storage, with 8.7%, were the last two elements in terms of relative importance. Ultimately, the System Application Matrix, which is a "Best in Class" benchmarking model, is considered to be an integration model providing both government and private sectors with the ability to measure the level of importance of applied energy management elements in metro stations."--Abstract.
This book covers many helpful analysis tools and processes to assist energy managers (EMs) administer their energy program through their meter management system (MMS). These tools and the corresponding techniques offer opportunities for the EM to optimize their time. If fully utilized, the MMS will allow an EM to reduce field time significantly, as they can perform most of the energy management pre-analysis, benchmarking, data analysis and, in many cases, complete the task of performing a virtual audit remotely from their office. The book covers many instructional areas that are, for the most part, only offered by consulting groups and software vendors as services. Those two groups offer their services for fees and therefore do not publish their ideas or best practices for commercial use. Software vendors provide software analytics whose functional aspects are addressed by our descriptions of the essential tasks in each chapter. This book allows EMs to expand their knowledge of software capabilities by viewing other best practices. Consulting groups offer services in a few areas: basic benchmarking and monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx). These services are considered essential to energy management but are generally implemented as on-site services, which, due to their nature, are much more expensive than a monitoring commissioning (MCx) solution. Monitoring commissioning, in contrast to MBCx, is purely done at the monitoring level and allows you to manage the critical energy measures that comprise the majority of the savings, but without getting into the field testing. Benchmarking is covered much deeper in the book as we show how to benchmark each system within a building. The benchmarking sections show how to automatically analyze each system’s usage into a separate benchmark for baseload, lighting, AC, and fan/pump systems. These systems produce benchmarks so EMs can compare by site, category type, climate zone, etc. We also introduce benchmarks that enable the EM to utilize tools to determine the performance of each system and which are their most significant energy users. These analytics functions are covered to produce results that identify potential energy savings for each energy system.
This book will cover many helpful analysis tools and processes to help energy managers administer their energy program through their meter management system.
METAHEURISTICS for MACHINE LEARNING The book unlocks the power of nature-inspired optimization in machine learning and presents a comprehensive guide to cutting-edge algorithms, interdisciplinary insights, and real-world applications. The field of metaheuristic optimization algorithms is experiencing rapid growth, both in academic research and industrial applications. These nature-inspired algorithms, which draw on phenomena like evolution, swarm behavior, and neural systems, have shown remarkable efficiency in solving complex optimization problems. With advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, the application of metaheuristic optimization techniques has expanded, demonstrating significant potential in optimizing machine learning models, hyperparameter tuning, and feature selection, among other use-cases. In the industrial landscape, these techniques are becoming indispensable for solving real-world problems in sectors ranging from healthcare to cybersecurity and sustainability. Businesses are incorporating metaheuristic optimization into machine learning workflows to improve decision-making, automate processes, and enhance system performance. As the boundaries of what is computationally possible continue to expand, the integration of metaheuristic optimization and machine learning represents a pioneering frontier in computational intelligence, making this book a timely resource for anyone involved in this interdisciplinary field. Metaheuristics for Machine Learning: Algorithms and Applications serves as a comprehensive guide to the intersection of nature-inspired optimization and machine learning. Authored by leading experts, this book seamlessly integrates insights from computer science, biology, and mathematics to offer a panoramic view of the latest advancements in metaheuristic algorithms. You’ll find detailed yet accessible discussions of algorithmic theory alongside real-world case studies that demonstrate their practical applications in machine learning optimization. Perfect for researchers, practitioners, and students, this book provides cutting-edge content with a focus on applicability and interdisciplinary knowledge. Whether you aim to optimize complex systems, delve into neural networks, or enhance predictive modeling, this book arms you with the tools and understanding you need to tackle challenges efficiently. Equip yourself with this essential resource and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning and optimization with confidence. Audience The book is aimed at a broad audience encompassing researchers, practitioners, and students in the fields of computer science, data science, engineering, and mathematics. The detailed but accessible content makes it a must-have for both academia and industry professionals interested in the optimization aspects of machine learning algorithms.
URBAN ENERGY SYSTEMS With climate change and energy issues infiltrating seemingly every aspect of our lives, it is more important than ever to continue the march toward sustainability. It is not just about switching to a gasoline-free car or installing solar panels. Many countries, including our own, are dealing with these very difficult problems by converting to “smart cities” and other “green energy” projects. This is perhaps one of the most important issues facing our world today. Urban energy systems play a critical role in the sustainability and resilience of smart cities. As cities continue to grow and face increasing energy demands, it becomes essential to develop efficient and sustainable energy solutions. Modelling and simulation techniques provide valuable insights into the design, operation, and optimization of urban energy systems, supporting the transition towards more sustainable and smart cities. This perspective highlights the importance of modelling and simulation in achieving sustainable urban energy systems and their role in shaping smart cities. Modelling and simulation play a crucial role in achieving sustainable urban energy systems and shaping smart cities. By integrating diverse energy systems, optimizing renewable energy integration, enabling demand-side management, supporting microgrid and storage system design, enhancing resilience, and facilitating policy evaluation, these tools empower decision-makers to develop and implement sustainable energy solutions. Embracing a modelling and simulation perspective in urban energy planning supports the transition towards more sustainable, efficient, and resilient smart cities that meet the energy needs of present and future generations. This book uncovers the latest research in the field of urban energy sustainability and climate management. Urban energy sustainability and climate management have been employed successfully for various purposes like human-computer interaction, decision-making, recommender systems, and so on. Data analytics have supported these applications through various efficient and effective methods. Covering all of these topics, this is a “one-stop shop” for engineers, students, policymakers, scientists, and other industry professionals working with smart cities and urban energy systems. It is a must have for any library.
The challenges in metro operations keep the operations managers on their toes to continually explore innovative ways to resolve the day-to-day issues and keep the organization sustainable. In absence of any precedence, often solutions are tried ab initio. The book presents comprehensive coverage of various operational issues such as running of trains, customer-centric timetabling, management of stations, depot, control center, crew, collection of fare and non-fare revenue, maintenance of assets, human resources management, integrated transport, driverless trains, adoption of AI/ML/IoT, and predictive maintenance. The book is designed for transport professionals engaged in management of urban transportation services. It will also be very useful for students undertaking courses on Urban Transport and Railway Systems. KEY FEATURES • Innovative O&M practices based on real-life experiences—case studies and examples included • Emerging technologies in metro operations such as Driverless Operations, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and Predictive Maintenance • Excel program to estimate human resources required to operate the metro rail system commensurate with the facilities created • List of data and KPIs required to monitor the performance of a metro rail system TARGET AUDIENCE • Transport Professionals engaged in Metro and Railway Operations and Planning • Students undertaking courses on Urban Transport and Railway Systems
Even after years of training and awareness building at thestate and national level, industrial cross-cutting systems (motor-driven, steam, process heating) continue to offer significant opportunities forenergy savings. The US Department of Energy estimates these remainingsavings at more than 7 percent of all industrial energy use. This paperpresents a different approach to promoting industrial system energyefficiency -- providing plant personnel with ready access to data uponwhich to base energy management decisions. In 2005, a Del Monte Foodsfruit processing plant in Modesto, California worked with LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)to specify and purchase permanentinstrumentation for monitoring their compressed air system. This work, completed as part of a demonstration project under a State TechnologiesAdvancement Collaborative (STAC) grant, was designed to demonstrate theeffectiveness of enterprise energy management (EEM), which is predicatedon the assumption that the energy efficiency of existing, cross-cuttingindustrial systems (motor-driven, steam) can be improved by providingmanagement and operating personnel with real-time data on energy use. Theinitial STAC grant provided for the installation and some initialanalyses, but did not address the larger issue of integrating these newdata into an ongoing energy management program for the compressed airsystem. The California Energy Commission (CEC) decided to support furtheranalysis to identify potential for air system optimization. Through theCEC's Energy in Agriculture Program, a compressed air system audit wasperformed by Tom Taranto to: Measure and document the system's baselineand CASE Index of present operation; Establish methods to sustain anongoing CASE Index measure of performance; Use AIRMaster+ to analyzesupply side performance as compared to the CASE Index; Identify demandside opportunities for efficiency and performance improvement; Assesssupply / demand balance and energy reduction opportunities; Evaluate thepresent air compressor control strategy and potential improvement, andCollect data to benchmark parameters for compressed air systems atsimilar facilities. This paper addresses the benefits and limitations ofboth continuous and targeted measurement in benchmarking, optimizing, andsustaining an efficient compressed air system. Included are methods usedin applying both of these measurements to a complex industrial system. Further, this paper will describe the results of these additionalanalyses and the plant response to them.
These papers, presented at the Fifth Urban Research Symposium in Marseille, France, put into perspective ESMAP’s prioritization of city-wide and sector specific urban energy initiatives to make cities energy efficient, providing analytical tools, policy insights, and good practices.
This volume focuses on practical aspects of sustainable water management in urban areas and presents a discussion of key concepts, methodologies, and case studies of innovative and evolving technologies. Topics include: (1) challenges in urban water resiliency; (2) water and energy nexus; (3) integrated urban water management; and (4) water reuse options (black water, gray water, rainwater). This volume serves as a useful reference for students and researchers involved in holistic approaches to water management, and as a valuable guide to experts in governmental agencies as well as planners and engineers concerned with sustainable water management systems in urban environments.
Surveys the systems, manufacturers and consultants within the global market. City by city, you can analyse and review both current operations and future plans. Provides traffic statistics, fleet lists and numbers in service. Provides contact details and background of approx. 1,500 manufacturers