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Applied behavior analysis (ABA) has become a widely used form of therapy for autistic children without its theories and methods being well understood. This critical analysis of the theories and research on which ABA bases its claim to being an evidence-based treatment is a must-read for everyone who has a stake in the lives of autistic individuals. This book reviews the literature which shows that ABA is not based on scientific research, and that practitioners of ABA are not required to be trained in child psychology, pediatrics, child development, education, family therapy, language development, or scientific research. ABA is not based on any form of developmental science, but primarily on the works of B.F. Skinner whose ideas were first published over seventy years ago. This philosophical viewpoint, radical behaviorism, holds that individual experiences are irrelevant to behavior change because the determining factors of our actions are in the environment; the rewards and punishments that result from those actions. This in-depth analysis of the theories and research of ABA leads to the conclusion that ABA is not an applied science, nor does it promote values consistent with current models of child development and education. Other promising methods based on modern science, including parent-directed early infancy pre-emptive strategies and peer-based LEGO Clubs, also discussed here, are often overshadowed by the media coverage and marketing strategies of ABA-based autism services, despite these messages being overstated and misleading. Simply put, the public trust and investment in ABA services needs to be reviewed in greater detail, and with greater skepticism. The pseudoscientific concepts described by behavior analysts sound convincing to many, but upon closer examination amount to little more than what most educators and parents typically do already, and at the same time, involve costly and invasive services with little or no evidence of meaningful benefit. Some natural strategies such as peer-mentoring and caregiver training do help autistic children and their families to adapt to mainstream settings, the persistent promise of evidence-based autism treatment, has generated an expanding market for ABA services which actually interferes with typical social development. Modern views of child development, social and cultural adaptability, play, and education emphasize integration of individuals and their sociocultural environments. Less costly, proactive, and non-invasive approaches to improving social adaptability and quality of life for autistic children and their caregivers are currently available, but unlike ABA-based services, they are not widely promoted in the public media or offered directly to families by thousands of newly certified providers. A science-based and holistic understanding of the life experiences of autistic individuals recognizes the importance of sociocultural adjustment and long-term quality of life, not behavioral compliance in adult-controlled settings, even when those settings are described as naturalistic. Radical behaviorism was not and will never be compatible with developmental models which view development as a reciprocal and dynamic synergistic process, not the outcome of a successful behavior plan. It is important for those who care about diversity in society to promote the creative contributions of individuals with diverse life experiences and to stop thinking about being different as a behavior problem.
"The use of applied behavior analysis (ABA) has become a widely used form of therapy for autistic children without its theories and methods being well understood. This critical analysis of the theories and research on which ABA has bases its claim to being an evidence-based treatment is a must-read for everyone who has a stake in the lives of autistic individuals. This book reviews the literature which shows that ABA is not based on scientific research, and that practitioners of ABA are not required to be trained in child psychology, pediatrics, child development, education, family therapy, language development, or scientific research. ABA is not based on any form of developmental science, but entirely on the works of B.F. Skinner whose ideas were first published over seventy years ago. This philosophical viewpoint, radical behaviorism, holds that individual experiences are irrelevant to behavior change because the determining factors of our actions are in the environment; the rewards and punishments that result from those actions. This in-depth analysis of the theories and research of ABA leads to the conclusion that ABA is not an applied science, nor does it promote values consistent with current models of child development and education. Other promising methods based on modern science, including parent-directed early infancy pre-emptive strategies and peer-based LEGO Clubs, also discussed here, are often overshadowed by the media coverage and marketing strategies of ABA-based autism services, despite these messages being overstated and misleading. Simply put, the public trust and investment in ABA services needs to be reviewed in greater detail, and with greater skepticism"--
This volume provides research-based, practical information on managing the challenges that Asperger syndrome (AS) presents in everyday life and in the classroom. Current knowledge is reviewed on the core learning, behavioral, emotional, social, and communication difficulties associated with this complex disorder. Hurdles facing children with AS and their parents and teachers are clearly identified, and effective assessment and intervention approaches described. Special features include firsthand accounts from an adult with AS and a teacher with extensive experience in the area, as well as numerous illustrative vignettes and classroom examples. While written primarily for professionals, the volume will also be of interest to many parents.
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Help remediate—and in some cases eliminate—autism and other developmental delays in young children, even in as little as 15 minutes a day with this toolkit of behavioral practices that can be taught at home. Developmental delays and signs of autism usually show up before 18 months of age, yet children are often not diagnosed until they are 4 or 5 years old. In Turn Autism Around, Dr. Mary Barbera explains why parents can't afford to worry and wait in long lines for evaluations and treatment while not knowing how to help their children. She empowers parents, caregivers, and early intervention professionals to regain hope and take back control with simple strategies to dramatically improve outcomes for their children. Dr. Barbera has created a new approach to teaching kids with developmental delays that uses the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) married with a positive, child-friendly methodology that any parent can use—whether or not their child has delays—to learn to teach communication skills, socialization strategies, as well as tackle sleep, eating, potty training, and behavior challenges in a positive, effective, and lasting way. Turn Autism Around is the first book of its kind that calls attention to an important fact: parents can make a tremendous impact on their child's development through behavioral practices taught at home, even in as little as 15 minutes a day. Her program shows these autism and developmental delays can be remediated, and in some cases, delays can be caught up altogether, if parents intervene while the child is young. This book is for parents of young children aged one-to-five years who are passionate about helping their child as well as learning how they can change the trajectory of their child's and family's life.
Ce document, qui est le deuxième de la série “Visual Strategies” du même auteur, se présente comme une ressource permettant d'aider les parents, comme tous les intervenants, qui font face à des troubles du comportement de la part d'enfants autistes, ayant des troubles envahissants du développement ou des troubles importants de la communication. Il décrit tout d'abord les liens entre les comportements, la communication et les stratégies visuelles (Visual Strategies), en clarifiant la notion de comportement et leurs diverses causes, la notion de communication ainsi que celle des stratégies visuelles. Par la suite, il est question de l'évaluation des situations comportementales problématiques, des moyens pour favoriser une meilleure communication, enseigner des stratégies éducatives liées à la communication et alors faire le pont, par des stratégies visuelles, entre le soutien à la communication et la résolution des problèmes du comportement. Les stratégies visuelles sont surtout axées sur l'environnement, le milieu de vie de la personne autiste, la gestion du temps et les activités de la vie quotidienne, tout comme sur la sélection ou la liberté de choix, les relations interpersonnelles et sociales, le langage, l'auto-contrôle ainsi que la manière d'aborder les enfants ayant des besoins spécifiques: déficience multiple, visuelle etc.
Division TEACCH, a statewide program in North Carolina, serves people with autism and their families through the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. TEACCH was one of the first, and remains one of the most comprehensive and effective, programs in the world working with this population. Over the years the puzzling and unusual behavior problems these children present have been among the most interesting and challenging of the enigmas parents and professionals confront. This book is designed to provide information on these behaviors that will be relevant and useful. As with the preceding books in our series, Current Issues in Autism, this volume is based in part on one of the annual TEACCH Conferences held in Chapel Hill in May. The books are not simply published proceedings of the conference papers. Instead, conference participants are asked to develop full-length chapters around their presentations. Other international experts, whose work is beyond the scope of each conference but related to its major theme, are asked to contribute chapters as well. These volumes provide the most up-to-date information on research and professional practice available on the most important issues in autism.
The North Carolina State Legislature's mandate to Division TEACCH has three major components. First, to provide the most up-to-date and cost effective services possible for families with autistic or similar language impaired children; second, to conduct research aimed toward the better under standing of such devastating disorders; and third, to provide training for the professionals needed to pursue these goals. One element in achieving these aims is to hold annual conferences on topics of special importance to the under standing and treatment of autism and similar disorders. In addition to training professionals and parents on the most recent de velopments in each conference topic, we are publishing a series, Current Issues in Autism, based on these conferences. These books are not, however, simply the published proceedings of the conference papers. Instead, some chapters are expanded conference presentations, whereas others come from national and in ternational experts whose work is beyond the scope of the conference, but es sential in our attempt at comprehensive coverage of the conference theme. These volumes are intended to provide the most current knowledge and profes sional practice available to us at the time.
Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disorders. Individuals with autism spectrum disorders develop differently. These differences are usually present in social interaction, communication, and sensory processing, and become visible through a wide variety of behavioral responses that differ from individuals without autism spectrum disorders. Despite significant research efforts, the exact causes of autism spectrum disorders remain poorly understood; however, researchers have gained extensive insights into possible pathomechanisms, even at the molecular level of cells. Many diagnostic criteria have been developed, adapted, and improved. The eight chapters in this book highlight the current state-of-the-art in many areas of autism spectrum disorders. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the epidemiology of autism spectrum disorders and the current knowledge of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms. Chapter 2 summarizes the diagnostic criteria and procedures and highlights present and upcoming therapeutic strategies. Chapter 3 reviews the adverse events and trauma in people with autism spectrum disorders. Chapters 4 and 5 focus on atypical sensory processing, and Chapter 6 discusses the genetic overlap of autism spectrum disorders with other neuropsychiatric disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, and schizophrenia. Chapter 7 focuses on the contribution of abnormalities in mitochondria, and chapter 8 discusses gut-brain interactions and a potential role for microbiota in autism spectrum disorders. This book is aimed primarily at clinicians and scientists, but many areas will also be of interest to the layperson.