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Presents botanical illustrations of familiar and exotic flowers, trees, and plants mentioned in the accompanying Bible verses and selections.
The eviction of the crofters from their homes between 1792 and the 1850s was one of the cruellest episodes in Scotland's history. In this novel Iain Crichton Smith captures the impact of the Highland Clearances through the thoughts and memories of an old woman who has lived all her life within the narrow confines of her community. Alone and bewildered by the demands of the factor, Mrs Scott approaches the minister for help, only to have her faith shattered by his hypocrisy. She finds comfort, however, from a surprising source: Donald Macleod, an imaginative and self-educated man who has been ostracised by his neighbours, not least by Mrs Scott herself, on account of his atheism. Through him and through the circumstances forced upon her, the old woman achieves new strength.
Behold the Lilies draws from the riches of the author's long-standing work in the theology of nature and ecological spirituality, especially from his classic historical study, The Travail of Nature (1985), and from his Franciscan exploration in Christian spirituality, Before Nature (2014). In this new volume, Santmire maintains that those who would follow Jesus are mandated not just to care for the earth and all its creatures but also to contemplate the beauties of the whole creation, beginning with "the lilies of the field." His first-person reflections range from "Scything with God" to "Rediscovering Saint Francis in Stone," from "Taking a Plunge in the Niagara River" to "Pondering the Darkness of Nature." Behold the Lilies offers brief spiritual reflections that can be read in any order, over a period of time. This accessible primer will be welcomed not only by those who have already identified themselves with the way of Jesus but also by others who are searching for a contemplative spirituality attuned to global ecological and justice issues.
Consider the lilies, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. -Luke 12:27, NASB Women today occupy a critical moment of history. Yet Shari Rigby believes many of us toil and spin, unaware that God already has a plan and has already equipped us for our calling. Her methods provide reassurance and a way forward.
How can we perceive and experience God's grandeur in creation? What does creation tell us about his plans, purposes, truth, or ways? T. M. Moore answers these and other questions in this artful introduction to creational theology, the discovery and celebration of God's glory through what he has made. Moore helps us develop the skills and disciplines for doing theology as we look upon and interact with the world around us.
Behold the Lilies draws from the riches of the author's long-standing work in the theology of nature and ecological spirituality, especially from his classic historical study, The Travail of Nature (1985), and from his Franciscan exploration in Christian spirituality, Before Nature (2014). In this new volume, Santmire maintains that those who would follow Jesus are mandated not just to care for the earth and all its creatures but also to contemplate the beauties of the whole creation, beginning with "the lilies of the field." His first-person reflections range from "Scything with God" to "Rediscovering Saint Francis in Stone," from "Taking a Plunge in the Niagara River" to "Pondering the Darkness of Nature." Behold the Lilies offers brief spiritual reflections that can be read in any order, over a period of time. This accessible primer will be welcomed not only by those who have already identified themselves with the way of Jesus but also by others who are searching for a contemplative spirituality attuned to global ecological and justice issues.
Consider the Lilies is a 7X10 softbound, matte cover Scripture study journal that is thoughtfully written and beautifully designed. Every day of this six week study provides Scripture to get you started and notes for further Bible reading. You will find a daily devotion, some thoughts to consider as journal, and a prayer prompt to dovetail with your reading. There are beautifully designed, generous pages for writing and art journaling. Step by step, day by day, these words console and bring clarity to the hard days. Maybe this is a difficult season in your life-you're overwhelmed by the burdens weighing you down, the crosses the He's asked you to carry. You look heavenward and all you feel is... abandoned. This study is for you. It is full of the consolations of the Holy Spirit. Here, you will find a guidebook to what God is saying, how He is encouraging you to lament, to pour out your grief and your fears and your anger. This journal acknowledges that in this broken, fallen world we do suffer. Or maybe you're in a sweet spot. Life is really rather good right now. You're not feeling any particular strain. This study is for you, too. In it, you find the words you need to console a friend, to empathize with the people around you who are suffering. I promise you, they are suffering. You are daily surrounded by people who bow low under the weight of grief, often without any outward sign of dismay. This study makes you a better friend to woman next to you, to the growing child who aches, to the spouse who despairs. And it buries words into your heart so that they are there, waiting, when the rain begins to fall. Because it will fall.
A masterful new translation of one of Kierkegaard's most engaging works In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells his followers to let go of earthly concerns by considering the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. Søren Kierkegaard's short masterpiece on this famous gospel passage draws out its vital lessons for readers in a rapidly modernizing and secularizing world. Trenchant, brilliant, and written in stunningly lucid prose, The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air (1849) is one of Kierkegaard's most important books. Presented here in a fresh new translation with an informative introduction, this profound yet accessible work serves as an ideal entrée to an essential modern thinker. The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air reveals a less familiar but deeply appealing side of the father of existentialism—unshorn of his complexity and subtlety, yet supremely approachable. As Kierkegaard later wrote of the book, "Without fighting with anybody and without speaking about myself, I said much of what needs to be said, but movingly, mildly, upliftingly." This masterful edition introduces one of Kierkegaard's most engaging and inspiring works to a new generation of readers.
A young African-American man driving through the Southwest helps a group of German refugee nuns build a church.
Women in the world today occupy critical places in history, yet many of us "toil and spin," anxious and overwhelmed by the pressure to find purpose in this never-changing culture. In Consider the Lilies 40-Day Devotional, actress, author, and speaker Shari Rigby shares how to go from confusion to clarity by aligning with God's plan by digging deeper into the Word of God, discovering rich soil to grow in.