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IntroductionAs I compile this book "Beheading of Humans Since Biblical Time" is to remind the World Religion is the downfall of man. Jesus came in this World end Religions and worship only God and establish a new way of life. Religions are pitted against each other. Practice what you preach, love your fellowman as you love yourself and do unto others as you would have them to do to you. Ask yourself what would Jesus do? Sam Harris criticizes Western Religion's reliance on divine authority as lending itself to authoritarianism and dogmatism. There is a correlation between Religious Fundamentalism and Extrinsic Religion (when Religion is held because it serves ulterior interests) and Authoritarianism, Dogmatism, and Prejudice. These arguments—combined with historical events that are argued to demonstrate the Dangers of Religion, such as The Crusades, Inquisition, Witch Trials, and Terrorist Beheading (ISIL Jihad)—have been used in response to claims of beneficial effects of Belief in Religion. Both Muslims and Jews are cousins, they hate each other to this day in the name of Religion which will doom them until the end of time. There is no solution to their cause, because they both think they are God's chosen people. United States will be destroyed because the Ruling Class in the United States has chosen the side of Israel to defend. The only solution is for them to integrate like the Blacks and Whites in the United States. America is on the road to become the greatest Nation on Earth because she is slowly becoming one. My summary on "Beheading of Humans Since Biblical Time" of mankind inflicting death on each other; this create hate and revenge, which brings out the evil demons from within each of us. We must one day overcome those evils as we evolve into higher intelligent beings so the future of mankind will evolve into a higher relationship with God. The Author
While secular support for capital punishment in America seems to be waning, religious conservatives, particularly in the "Bible belt," remain staunch advocates of the death penalty, citing biblical law and practice to defend government-sanctioned killing. Dale S. Recinella compares biblical teaching about the death penalty, including such passages as "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life," with the nation's current system of capital punishment, and offers persuasive arguments for a faith-based moratorium on -- and eventual abolition of -- executions. Framing his careful and incisive analysis as a legal brief to those who believe the Bible mandates the ultimate punishment, the author addresses two critical areas of inquiry: what do the scriptures tell us about who is deserving of death and who has the authority to kill, and what do they tell us about the required standards for execution and the plight of victims' families. Recinella's examination of the Hebrew Torah, or Christian Pentateuch, and the Talmud reveals that the biblical death penalty was not a simple system of swift retribution, but a complex and practical set of laws that guided capital courts established under the Sanhedrin. His scrutiny of these texts, the Christian doctrine of atonement, and Romans 13 in the Pauline Epistles, draws parallels between the traditional biblical arguments used in favor of capital punishment and those used as the basis for pro-slavery positions in the nineteenth century. Demonstrating that both approaches are unsubstantiated in biblical terms, Recinella debunks the accepted religious reasoning for support of the death penalty and shows instead that the Bible's strict conditions for sanctioning execution are at odds with the arbitrary ways in which capital punishment is administered in the United States. He provides convincing evidence that a sentence of death in today's criminal justice system in fact fails to meet both the Bible's exacting procedural requirements and its strict limitations on judicial authority. By providing actual scriptural language and foundation to counter the position that biblical truth justifies a pro-death penalty stance, this thoughtful, solidly researched, and well-reasoned work will give pause to religious fundamentalists and challenge them to rethink their strongly held views on capital punishment.
This unconventional cultural history explores the lifecycle of the radical historical Jesus, a construct created by the freethinkers, feminists, socialists and anarchists who used the findings of biblical criticism to mount a serious challenge to the authority of elite liberal divines during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.
An unprecedented rereading of the passages from the New Testament and other early Christian writings that ascribe saving significance to Jesus' death on the basis of an in-depth study of second-temple Jewish thought regarding atonement, sacrifice, suffering, and death. This 2-volume work is the result of over 40 years of research on the subject.
Are you willing to test whether what you believe is built on sand or stone? Are you absolutely positively sure what you believe is true? Want to find out what the Bible really does say? It just may shock you. It shocked me BIG TIME!
Though dreaded, there is no topic which people are so reticent to speak about as death--and nothing in life which is more certain. Man cannot postpone what he ignores nor remove the terror from what he persists in forgetting. This is perhaps the last fear that is overcome in the heart of the child of God. In an effort to help the believer face death with frankness, understanding and purpose, the author answers such pertinent questions as: What is death? Will the dead live again? What and where is heaven? Shall we know each other there? What is the resurrection, the nature of the resurrected body, and the believer's judgment? And most important--How do we prepare? While reference is made to spiritual death, physical death is the primary subject of this study. Factual, scriptural, and well-organized, The Christian After Death offers hope, assurance, promise, and a challenge.