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First Published in 1989. Tackling the problem of Germany's role in the history of world politics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is one of the most interesting tasks of historiography. Furthermore, the relationship between Britain and Germany is of central significance in understanding this role.
"His labors were often fruitless. His own master, Wilhelm I, and the Prussian bureaucrats, diplomats, and courtiers with direct access to this first of Bismarck's Wilhelmian nemeses could be at least as obstructionist in Berlin as Franz Joseph and his minions in Vienna. In fact, all too often Bismarck's lack of control over the Prussian elites was in part responsible for the resistance of the Habsburg ruling circle.".
“A complete operational history of the Bismarck . . . with period photos [and] underwater photography of the wreck, allowing a forensic analysis of the damage.” —Seapower This new book offers a forensic analysis of the design, operation, and loss of Germany’s greatest battleship, drawing on survivors’ accounts and the authors’ combined decades of experience in naval architecture and command at sea. Their investigation into every aspect of this battleship is informed by painstaking research, including extensive interviews and correspondence with the ship’s designers and the survivors of the battle of the Denmark Strait and Bismarck’s final battle. Albert Schnarke, the former gunnery officer of Tirpitz, Bismarck’s sister ship, aided the authors greatly by translating and supplying manuscript materials from those who participated in the design and operations. Survivors of Bismarck’s engagements contributed to this comprehensive study including D.B.H. Wildish, RN, damage control officer aboard HMS Prince of Wales, who located photographs of battle damage to his ship. After the wreck was discovered in 1989, the authors served as technical consultants to Dr. Robert Ballard, who led three trips to the site. Filmmaker and explorer James Cameron has also contributed a chapter, giving a comprehensive overview of his deep-sea explorations on Bismarck and sharing his team’s remarkable photos of the wreck. The result of nearly six decades of research and collaboration, this is an “encyclopedic and engrossing” account (Naval Historical Foundation) of the events surrounding one of the most epic naval battles of World War II. And Battleship Bismarck finally resolves some of the major questions around her career, not least the most profound one of all: Who sank the Bismarck, the British or the Germans?
Maximilian Harden, editor of the magazine Die :(,ukunft (The Future), which appeared weekly from 1892 until 1922, was Wilhelminian Germany's greatest publicist. Bismarck and Clemenceau as well as Max Reinhardt and Pirandello recognized his political and literary genius. Thomas Mann sent early works to him with the inscription: "To the hero and savior";1 and when Paul Valery learned that Harden had attended one of his lectures, he wrote that there was "nothing more flattering and. . . intimi dating than to know that you were among those who had listened to me. "2 Today Harden is misunderstood, if not forgotten. It is known that he was an actor who turned to journalism and became famous as a champion of the retired Bismarck. He was the most persistent and daring critic of Kaiser Wilhelm II. He befriended Friedrich von Holstein, the disgraced "evil genius" of the Foreign Office. He entered the First World War a flaming patriot, but later became the voice of the "good German. " He vainly aspired to a post of high responsibility under the Weimar Repub lic; and he died in 1927, allegedly a bitter, misanthropic radical. His name is associated with the homosexual scandals of 1907-1909, which were the result of his public campaign against Prince Eulenburg, the Kaiser's close friend and advisor. More than anything else, the Eulenburg affair has obscured Harden's accomplishments as the master critic and guide to a generation of German intellectuals and politicians.
Winner of the Lionel Trilling Award Nominated for the National Book Award “A major contribution to our understanding of some of the great themes of modern European history—the relations between Jews and Germans, between economics and politics, between banking and diplomacy.” —James Joll, The New York Times Book Review “I cannot praise this book too highly. It is a work of original scholarship, both exact and profound. It restores a buried chapter of history and penetrates, with insight and understanding, one of the most disturbing historical problems of modern times.” —Hugh J. Trevor-Roper, London Sunday Times “[An] extraordinary book, an invaluable contribution to our understanding of Germany in the second half of the nineteenth century.” —Stanley Hoffman, Washington Post Book World “One of the most important historical works of the past few decades.” —Golo Mann “In many ways this book resembles the great nineteenth-century novels.” —The Economist
Wäre Lola Montez nicht gewesen, hätte Harry Flashman Bismarck nicht kennengelernt - und Schleswig-Holstein wäre heute eine dänische Provinz. Aussicht auf Profit und Abenteuerlust locken ihn aus Londoner Spielsälen nach Deutschland. Eine dramatische Folge von Fluchtversuchen, Verkleidungen und Amouren treiben ihn durch Deutschland, wo er schliesslich in die Wirren der 48er Revolution in München gerät. Flashman beweist hier von neuem seinen überlegenen Umgang mit Staatsmännern vom Kaliber Bismarcks, mit Kurtisanen, Duellanten, Kammerzofen und Damen der Gesellschaft. George MacDonald Fraser wurde vor allem berühmt durch die Serie historischer Romane, den Flashman Manuskripten, deren 11 Bände von 1969 bis 2005 erschienen. Dabei handelt es sich um die fiktiven Memoiren von Sir Harry Flashman, einem hoch dekorierten britischen Offizier im Ruhestand, der auf seine Abenteuer zwischen 1840 und 1890 zurückblickt, die ihn unter anderem mit Bismarck, General Custer, Lola Montez und vielen anderen zusammengeführt hatte. Geboren wurde Fraser 1925, wurde Soldat und kämpfte in Burma. Danach wurde er Journalist, später Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor (unter anderen "Die drei Musketiere" und den James-Bond-Film "Octopussy") in Grossbritannien und Kanada. Er starb 2008.
Biographische Informationen Claudia Glunz ist Mitarbeiterin des Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrums an der Universität Osnabrück. Dr. Thomas F. Schneider leitet das Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrums und lehrt Neuere Deutsche Literatur an der Universität Osnabrück. Reihe Krieg und Literatur / War and Literature International Yearbook on War and Anti-War Literature - Vol. XX.