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All of our lives we’ve been told that superheroes are these “fictional” characters with extraordinary powers, yet every day, millions of us put on our capes, and continue to face and overcome the obstacles, adversities, and hurdles in our lives. But, are we using our inner-Heroes correctly? In Becoming Your Own Hero author Parmida Barez guides readers on the journey of becoming your life’s truest Hero. A journey that leads to you not only putting on your cape but truly owning and earning it, perhaps for the first time. Her proven and practical approaches can be successfully applied by people from all walks of life to decipher where they are sitting on the Hero spectrum and how they can unlock their next level of purposeful, self-aware, and empowered living. Along this journey, you will learn how to free yourself from self-sabotaging thoughts, behaviours, and associations that have been holding you back. Becoming Your Own Hero isn’t just a ‘to-do’ list; it’s a lifestyle that is within your reach.
Help Kids Discover Their Own Inner Hero We often teach children that heroes are famous because of something they did, but it's just as important to teach them that heroes are remembered for who they are. In Be Your Own Hero, Lisa King reveals what it takes to be a real-life hero. And it has a whole lot more to do with character and kindness than anything else! Being a hero takes having the courage to believe in yourself, overcome obstacles, and make the world a better - and brighter - place for everyone around you. And the good news is, we all can do that! It's Hero Week at school, and Quinn Wilson can hardly contain her excitement! Each day, her class will meet a real-life hero, and on Friday they get to dress up as their favorite hero from the past or present. Every other kid in the class knows who they want to be, except for Quinn! There are so many heroes she looks up to! How can she choose just one? But when Quinn's teacher, Mr. Finley, teaches the class some important truths about heroes, Quinn discovers something unexpected. In her search to find a hero in someone else, she actually finds the hero in herself!
Foster care was Schwartzen Precil's home since he was one years old. He endured many extreme hardships including an encounter with the criminal justice system as a teenager. He used that obstacle as an opportunity to start over. Despite a traumatic childhood, Schwartzen remained hopeful as he developed a resilient spirit. Through the game of basketball, he enhanced his leadership skills which earned him college scholarship. After graduation, he went on to empower and inspires youth and young professionals with his story as he searched for his long lost family. "Many people struggle with acceptance, identity, and emotional instability their entire lives. I decided to stop blaming others and take full responsibility. I became my own hero." -Schwartzen Precil
A Hero Like You looks at everyday heroes and highlights qualities such as loyalty, compassion, resourcefulness, justice, and courage. The lyrical rhyme and relatable illustrations remind us that we all have the opportunity to be a hero by helping others, doing right and making the world a better place. "What the world needs is a hero like you!"
Introduce the young reader in your life to the inimitable, expectation-destroying, glass ceiling-shattering, world-saving female Super Heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, from Captain Marvel and Shuri to Gamora, Black Widow, Nebula, and more, in this beautifully-illustrated picture book aimed at the young reader set. Fans of all ages will be thrilled by this adventure that celebrates the strength, intelligence, and ingenuity of the women who are vital to MCU's best stories, distilled into a child-friendly package.
New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller shares the plan that led him to turn his life around. This actionable guide will teach you how to do the same through journaling prompts and goal-planning exercises. There are four characters in every story: The victim, the villain, the hero, and the guide. These four characters live inside us. If we play the victim, we’re doomed to fail. If we play the villain, we will not create genuine bonds. But if we play the hero or guide, our lives will flourish. The hard part is being self-aware enough to know which character we are playing. In this book, bestselling author Donald Miller uses his own experiences to help you recognize if the character you are currently surfacing is helping you experience a life of meaning. He breaks down the transformational, yet practical, plan that took him from slowly giving up to rapidly gaining a new perspective of his own life’s beauty and meaning, igniting his motivation, passion, and productivity, so you can do the same. In Hero on a Mission, Donald’s lessons will teach you how to: Discover when you are playing the victim and villain. Create a simple life plan that will bring clarity and meaning to your goals ahead. Take control of your life by choosing to be the hero in your story. Cultivate a sense of creativity about what your life can be. Move beyond just being productive to experiencing a deep sense of meaning. Donald will help you identify the many chances you have of being the hero in your life, and the times when you are falling into the trap of becoming the victim. Hero on a Mission will guide you in developing a unique plan that will speak to the challenges you currently face so you can find the fulfillment you have been searching for in your life and work.
A survivor of bullying, Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta empowers you to embrace your uniqueness, connect with the people who deserve you, and create the life you've always wanted. Elevate your life to next-level joy, success, and contentment.
Limiting Beliefs, Self-Doubt & Anxiety still make you a Hero. Do you want to start a new adventure but feel like there's something stopping you? Do you know you've got more inside of you that the world hasn't seen yet? If so - this is the book for you. Through an early age battle with self-acceptance and failure, Leonard tells us how he went from being an intern and generating clients for an estate agency to running an international business in South Asia recruiting nurses to the UK. Taking his experience into the Tech Industry, he is now on the forefront of a new community-driven platform - developing the mindset of a new generation of creative, talented and disruptive entrepreneurs. His journey of entrepreneurial success shows how embracing isolation and self-doubt led him to rediscover his confidence. Join Leonard Sekyonda, CEO of MYCOMEUP.COM, as he teaches you how to re-create and re-discover yourself so you can progress, succeed and get back in the driver's seat of your own journey. "Your life is your party - but only if you control the invitation list" - Leonard Sekyonda
In a world filled with comparison, confined creativity, limited flexibility, and sustained dissatisfaction, young adults are suffering from a lack of pure passion and zest for life now more than ever. Social media makes things so easy to constantly feel your life is not as good as the person on your Snapchat feed or Instagram scroll, and today’s society puts so much emphasis on being the “perfect” person that adolescents are setting themselves up for an impossible standard to reach. The youth of our generation needs to be reminded that they have the power within themselves to set their own standards and go after their innermost blissful desires to create more thrill and purpose in their lives than they could ever deem possible. Magic in the lives of young adults needs to be reinstalled, dreams need to be reintroduced, and seeds of passion for life needs to be replanted. Be Your Own Hero cultivates a mind-set that the door to success always swings inward, not outward. In order to achieve your external goals, you must work on your inner self. This book aims to help young adults realize that their external empire only goes as far as their internal empire. By building a sense of self heroism and an ability to save themselves versus relying on external factors to do their saving for them, young adults can not only dream bigger but also love and serve bigger—leading them to a life they never thought possible.
In 2012 I began writing (and designing) short devotional pieces. We posted them on Instagram thinking that our friends and family would politely like them. But to our absolute shock, complete strangers liked them, too. A few years on, and here we are. I never dreamed that Pocket Fuel would turn into this practice and lead me to you. I'm forever grateful for it, no matter how rudimentary and humble our beginnings were.Not too long into our Instagram experiment, we found ourselves asking deeper questions around our faith. Everything we thought we knew; thought we had a handle on; thought was secure and for always; was challenged, questioned, and stripped bare. We experienced tragedy at home, and at work. We quit our jobs as Pastors, and started from scratch (faith and vocation) in our mid thirties. But through what felt like the death of all we thought we knew and would be, we found beauty and community. Our faith has a vibrancy that it was once devoid of. And our questions and doubts? I no-longer feel guilty for having them. They are an active part of my faith.