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This invaluable book provides a broad introduction to the fascinating and beautiful subject of many-body quantum systems that can be solved exactly. The subject began with Bethe's famous solution of the one-dimensional Heisenberg magnet more than 70 years ago, soon after the invention of quantum mechanics. Since then, the diversity and scope of such systems have been steadily growing.Beautiful Models is self-contained and unified in presentation. It may be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates in physics. It is also suitable for the non-experts in physics who wish to have an overview of some of the classic and fundamental models in the subject. The explanations in the book are detailed enough to capture the interest of the curious reader, and complete enough to provide the necessary background material needed to go further into the subject and explore the research literature.
An important task of theoretical quantum physics is the building of idealized mathematical models to describe the properties of quantum matter. This text is an introduction to the Bethe ansatz method. It introduces the physical concepts (e.g. the Fermi and Luttinger liquid and quantum phase transitions) and mathematical tools (e.g. many-particle Hilbert spaces and second quantization) needed to construct realistic models from a variety of fields of physics,especially condensed matter physics and quantum optics. The various forms of the Bethe ansatz - algebraic, coordinate, multicomponent, and thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, and Bethe ansatz for finite systems -are then explained in depth and employed to find exact solutions for the physical properties of the integrable forms of these strongly interacting quantum models.
This thesis develops new techniques for simulating the low-energy behaviour of quantum spin systems in one and two dimensions. Combining these developments, it subsequently uses the formalism of tensor network states to derive an effective particle description for one- and two-dimensional spin systems that exhibit strong quantum correlations. These techniques arise from the combination of two themes in many-particle physics: (i) the concept of quasiparticles as the effective low-energy degrees of freedom in a condensed-matter system, and (ii) entanglement as the characteristic feature for describing quantum phases of matter. Whereas the former gave rise to the use of effective field theories for understanding many-particle systems, the latter led to the development of tensor network states as a description of the entanglement distribution in quantum low-energy states.
Integrable models have a fascinating history with many important discoveries that dates back to the famous Kepler problem of planetary motion. Nowadays it is well recognised that integrable systems play a ubiquitous role in many research areas ranging from quantum field theory, string theory, solvable models of statistical mechanics, black hole physics, quantum chaos and the AdS/CFT correspondence, to pure mathematics, such as representation theory, harmonic analysis, random matrix theory and complex geometry. Starting with the Liouville theorem and finite-dimensional integrable models, this book covers the basic concepts of integrability including elements of the modern geometric approach based on Poisson reduction, classical and quantum factorised scattering and various incarnations of the Bethe Ansatz. Applications of integrability methods are illustrated in vast detail on the concrete examples of the Calogero-Moser-Sutherland and Ruijsenaars-Schneider models, the Heisenberg spin chain and the one-dimensional Bose gas interacting via a delta-function potential. This book has intermediate and advanced topics with details to make them clearly comprehensible.
A thorough and pedagogical introduction to phase transitions and exactly solved models in statistical physics and quantum field theory.
This book provides a broad introduction to integrable systems with many degrees of freedom. Within a much larger orbit, discussed are models such as the classical Toda lattice, Calogero fluid, and Ablowitz-Ladik discretized nonlinear Schrödinger equation. On the quantum mechanical side, featured are the Lieb-Liniger delta-Bose gas and the quantum Toda lattice. As a genuinely novel twist, the study deals with random initial data described by generalized Gibbs ensembles with parameters of slow spatial variation. This is the hydrodynamic scale, in spirit similar to the ballistic Euler scale of nonintegrable simple fluids. While integrable microscopic particle models are very diverse, the central theme of this book is to elucidate their structural similarity on hydrodynamic scales.
This book serves as an introduction of the off-diagonal Bethe Ansatz method, an analytic theory for the eigenvalue problem of quantum integrable models. It also presents some fundamental knowledge about quantum integrability and the algebraic Bethe Ansatz method. Based on the intrinsic properties of R-matrix and K-matrices, the book introduces a systematic method to construct operator identities of transfer matrix. These identities allow one to establish the inhomogeneous T-Q relation formalism to obtain Bethe Ansatz equations and to retrieve corresponding eigenstates. Several longstanding models can thus be solved via this method since the lack of obvious reference states is made up. Both the exact results and the off-diagonal Bethe Ansatz method itself may have important applications in the fields of quantum field theory, low-dimensional condensed matter physics, statistical physics and cold atom systems.
The rapidly developing topic of ultracold atoms has many actual and potential applications for condensed-matter science, and the contributions to this book emphasize these connections. Ultracold Bose and Fermi quantum gases are introduced at a level appropriate for first-year graduate students and non-specialists such as more mature general physicists. The reader will find answers to questions like: how are experiments conducted and how are the results interpreted? What are the advantages and limitations of ultracold atoms in studying many-body physics? How do experiments on ultracold atoms facilitate novel scientific opportunities relevant to the condensed-matted community? This volume seeks to be comprehensible rather than comprehensive; it aims at the level of a colloquium, accessible to outside readers, containing only minimal equations and limited references. In large part, it relies on many beautiful experiments from the past fifteen years and their very fruitful interplay with basic theoretical ideas. In this particular context, phenomena most relevant to condensed-matter science have been emphasized. Introduces ultracold Bose and Fermi quantum gases at a level appropriate for non-specialists Discusses landmark experiments and their fruitful interplay with basic theoretical ideas Comprehensible rather than comprehensive, containing only minimal equations
Fundamental concepts of phase transitions, such as order parameters, spontaneous symmetry breaking, scaling transformations, conformal symmetry and anomalous dimensions, have deeply changed the modern vision of many areas of physics, leading to remarkable developments in statistical mechanics, elementary particle theory, condensed matter physics and string theory. This self-contained book provides a thorough introduction to the fascinating world of phase transitions and frontier topics of exactly solved models in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, such as renormalization groups, conformal models, quantum integrable systems, duality, elastic S-matrices, thermodynamic Bethe ansatz and form factor theory. The clear discussion of physical principles is accompanied by a detailed analysis of several branches of mathematics distinguished for their elegance and beauty, including infinite dimensional algebras, conformal mappings, integral equations and modular functions. Besides advanced research themes, the book also covers many basic topics in statistical mechanics, quantum field theory and theoretical physics. Each argument is discussed in great detail while providing overall coherent understanding of physical phenomena. Mathematical background is made available in supplements at the end of each chapter, when appropriate. The chapters include problems of different levels of difficulty. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students will find this book a rich and challenging source for improving their skills and for attaining a comprehensive understanding of the many facets of the subject.