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TO STRIKE AT THE HEART OF A CLAN... An awesome mission has been assigned to Task Force Serpent: to destroy Huntress, homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the Inner Sphere's greatest menace. But the invasion has suffered a serious blow: Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion has been struck down by an unknown assassin. With the fate of the entire Inner Sphere in jeopardy, only one other daredevil warrior is brave—and reckless—enough to bring the enemy to its knees... REQUIRES A WARRIOR WILLING TO RISK EVERYTHING FOR VICTORY... She is General Ariana Winston of the famed Eridani Light Horse mercenary brigade, and now commander of Task Force Serpent. The battle ahead is dangerous and uncertain, but Winston and her courageous comrades have the upper hand with hard-earned battle skills honed to fighting-edge perfection—and a secret weapon that could destroy Huntress for all time...
TAKING THE BATTLE TO THE ENEMY... An awesome mission has been assigned to Task Force Serpent: to destroy Huntress, homeworld of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the Inner Sphere's greatest menace. But the invasion has suffered a serious blow: Marshal Morgan Hasek-Davion has been struck down by an unknown assassin. With the fate of the entire Inner Sphere in jeopardy, only one other daredevil warrior is brave enough to bring the enemy to its knees... She is General Ariana Winston of the famed Eridani Light Horse mercenary brigade, now commander of Task Force Serpent. The battle ahead is dangerous and uncertain, but Winston and her courageous comrades have the upper hand with hard-earned battle skills honed to fighting-edge perfection-and a secret weapon that could destroy Huntress for good...
Swordplay and sorcery leads to unexpected adventures in a strange and exotic land.
POLITICS OF DESTRUCTION… Newly elected Exarch Jonah Levin is still trying to come to terms with the responsibilities of his office. With his recent discovery of treachery in The Republic's Senate, he can trust very few people—and not even his own Paladins have been immune to murderous intrigue... Tensions are heating up between Exarch Levin and the senators determined to fight what they call the "injustice being done to the Republic's government." Some are even agitating for Levin's censure—a move that could accomplish the same thing as the recent attempted coup that killed legendary Paladin Victor Steiner-Davion. One of The Republic's last hopes is the summit of Inner Sphere leaders gathering on Terra. Ostensibly a tribute to the assassinated Steiner-Davion, it also has the potential to halt the escalating violence of the last few years. And although Victor would not have wanted his death to be the cause of more political maneuvering, Levin knows the great man would not begrudge the Republic this one final service to stave off all-out war—if only it isn't too late...
AGAINST ALL FOES… For too long, the people of the Lyran Commonwealth have only reacted to attacks by their enemies. Now, Archon Melissa Steiner launches an intricate gambit that will secure the safety of her subjects—and secure her own power against those who wish to take it… Trillian Steiner has always been a loyal warrior and supporter of the archon. But when she is ordered to strike against the Free Worlds League, victory is not her only goal. The leader of the campaign—the politician and business magnate Vedet Brewer—has been consolidating power within the Commonwealth for years. And now the archon has decided to rider herself of two threats with one move. For Trillian is there not to ensure success but, through a web of machinations, to guarantee the duke’s downfall—before the worlds he conquers become the foundation of an attempt to take over the entire Commonwealth. And in the chaos of war and the never-ending struggle for power, Trillian’s strength and devotion will be sorely tested…
ONE WAR ENDS...AND ANOTHER BEGINS... For Ezra Payne and the Stealthy Tiger mercenaries, professionalism is everything. Hired to assist in the bitter, bloody fighting on the planet Hall, they quickly earn a decisive victory for their employer. They settle afterward in for a needed period of rebuilding, and a few months’ peace before moving on to the next contract. But their respite does not last. More mercenaries, hired by the Allied Mercenary Command itself, land on Hall. They believe the Tigers’ employer to be league with the Word of Blake, a shadowy interstellar organization that worships technology, and which has been building its own empire among the worlds around Terra. The Tigers want nothing of this battle, but war rages across the Inner Sphere. The hard-fought cease-fire cannot last, even on Hall, and when every faction is embittered and fueled by fervor, peace has no chance at all. As a new conflict erupts, will the Stealthy Tigers’ BattleMechs be enough to save them? Or will the looming threat of renewed war engulf them in its fiery embrace?
A DANGEROUS DECEPTION... Truebirth: Born in the laboratory, these genetically engineered soldiers train to be the ultimate warriors. They are the elite pilots of the Clan's fearsome BattleMech war machines. Freebirth: Born of the natural union of parents, these too are soldiers, but pale imitations of their Truebirth superiors. Despised for their imperfections, they fight where and when their Clan commands. Aidan has failed his Trial of Position, the ranking test all Truebirth warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon must pass. He is cast out. Disgraced. His rightful Bloodname denied him. But with a Bloodname, all past failures are forgiven. With a Bloodname comes respect. With a Bloodname comes honor. Aidan will do anything to gain that name. Even masquerade as the thing he has been taught to despise. A freebirth.
DEAD RIGHT THERE Flush with their success against the Jade Falcons on Borghese, Jeremiah Rose and the Black Thorns head to Harlech to draw a new assignment. Their only requirement: Their new job must let them face off against the Clans. They find more than they bargained for. Their assignment: Garrison duty on Wolcott—a Kurita planet deep in the heart of the Clan Smoke Jaguar occupation zone. The world itself is besieged, but protected from further Clan aggression by the Clan code of honor. And Wolcott makes a useful staging area for Kurita raids on Smoke Jaguar-occupied territory. The mission pay is good. The advance is unbelievable. They just have to live long enough to spend it...
THE CLAN INVASION COMES TO A HEAD... In 2786, the elite Star League Army fled the Inner Sphere, abandoning the senseless bloodshed ordered by the Successor Lords. Now, almost three hundred years later, the Clans, heirs of the Star League Army, turn their eyes back upon their former home. Nothing will stop them from raising the Star League banner over Earth once again. For two years, the Clans BattleMech war machines have overwhelmed the armies of the corrupt Successor Lords. Now, at the gates of Earth, the Clans must fight one final battle, a battle that will decide the fate of humanity for all time. For Star Colonel Aidan Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon, the battle is more than a question of military conquest. It is an affirmation of the superiority of the Clan way, a way of life that he has sworn to uphold despite his fear that the noble crusade has fallen prey to the lust and ambition of its commanders.