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Batallas del libre pensamiento es una recopilación de artículos periodísticos de Fernando Lozano Montes, aparecidos en el periódico Las dominicales del libre pensamiento, semanario del que fue co-fundador. Los artículos abarcan diversos temas, desde política a sociedad de su época. Demófilo es el pseudónimo de Fernanzo Lozano Montes, un periodista, militar y librepensador nacido en provincia de Ciudad Real en 1844. Aparte de su carrera militar, fue fundador del semanario Las dominicales del libre pensamiento, periódico activo de 1883 hasta 1909. En dicho periódico publicó la mayor parte de su obra en forma de artículos.
A biographical and critical study of the Spanish poet Manuel Machado (1874-1947), who was highly thought of in his lifetime but who, since his death, declined in popularity. His brother, Antonio, whom he once overshadowed, became more widely read. The first half of the book is biographical, setting Machado against the general literary background in Spain, and estimating his debt to French influence. Dr Brotherston deals in some detail with the Modernista movement, so that the study is almost an account of Spanish literary life of the time. The second half of the book is critical; Dr Brotherston wishes to show the fine quality of certain poems, and to affirm Machado's real importance and distinction. The generous bibliography will be useful to readers closely concerned with Machado and his period.
El capitán LaFontaine Rousseau, militar condecorado francés con licencia, emigra a la ciudad de Puebla, México, a establecer un negocio de esencias, ahí conoce a Ana María, pero para conseguir su amor, deberá cambiar sus malas costumbres y con una nueva actitud decide recuperar la confi anza de su amada. Poemas de amor, refl exión, canciones y cuentos, dan un realce y matizan esta narración de fi delidad a la familia y honor a la patria. De esta relación nacen unos gemelos, uno amable y el otro cruel, y la pequeña María Teresa (Mariquita), juntos enfrentaran el camino de la desventura y una posible traición. Inicia la batalla del 5 de Mayo, el capitán es requerido para combatir con las tropas Francesas en Italia, Edmud se enlista en las fi las mexicanas y Dubois en las Francesas, Edmud toma prisionero a Dubios, por lealtad a su familia y hermano, lo ayuda a escapar, al terminar la batalla, Edmud es apresado por las tropas enemigas, su vida estará en manos de su hermano egoísta y fi el a Francia. Valentina y Tolin, eternos enamorados, con un alto sentido de la amistad, ayudaran a la familia LaFontaine a enfrentar esta batalla de egos, soberbia y honor.
Gathered to meet the rising upsurge of interest in Spain, this collection features major critical articles dealing with the authors and texts customarily taught in colleges and universities in the United States. The articles are in English and Spanish, with a predominance of the former. The material is organized to reflect the common chronological and period divisions of the academic curriculum, and is clustered around major literary figures, with a mix of general articles on the writers and texts that are most commonly included in anthologies. Spanish literature and culture have attracted a renewed interest since the return to constitutional democracy in the mid-1970s and the growing participation of Spain in the world economy and its incorporation into the European common market. Spanish literature balances a participation in the major literary movements of European literature in general with unique features of Hispanic culture that are a consequence of the special circumstances of its geography,especially the ways in which it historically served as a conduit to Europe of Arabic and Jewish cultures. Figures of international acclaim like Federico Garc'a Lorca, Miguel de Unamuno, and Jose Ortega y Gasset, Nobel prizewinners like Vicente Aleixandre and Camilo Jose Cela, the universality of Miguel de Cervantes, without whom the modern novel would not have been possible, the uniqueness of the Hispanic ballad tradition, mystic poets like San Juan de la Cruz and Santa Teresa Jesus, and the picaresque tradition are some of the major reference points for the singularity of Spanish literary culture. All of this literary activity has inspired innumerable dissertations, theses, and books, published by academic and trade presses, as well as articles in journals traditionally devoted to literary history and philosophy, along with new specialized journals and the organization of national and international congresses on national and cultural issues, writers, and schools of writing. These three volumesselect the most seminal works on Spanish literature and collect them in one place for scholars and students alike. This three volume collection of reprinted articles is also available as individual volumes priced at $80.00/Y [Can. $120.00/Y]: * Volume 1.Theoretical Debates0815335636 Volume 2.From Origins to the 18th Century0815335644 Volume 3.The Modern Period0185335652