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From the reviews:"The a thorough and very readable introduction to the arithmetic of function fields of one variable over a finite field, by an author who has made fundamental contributions to the field. It serves as a definitive reference volume, as well as offering graduate students with a solid understanding of algebraic number theory the opportunity to quickly reach the frontiers of knowledge in an important area of mathematics...The arithmetic of function fields is a universe filled with beautiful surprises, in which familiar objects from classical number theory reappear in new guises, and in which entirely new objects play important roles. Goss'clear exposition and lively style make this book an excellent introduction to this fascinating field." MR 97i:11062
From the reviews:"The a thorough and very readable introduction to the arithmetic of function fields of one variable over a finite field, by an author who has made fundamental contributions to the field. It serves as a definitive reference volume, as well as offering graduate students with a solid understanding of algebraic number theory the opportunity to quickly reach the frontiers of knowledge in an important area of mathematics...The arithmetic of function fields is a universe filled with beautiful surprises, in which familiar objects from classical number theory reappear in new guises, and in which entirely new objects play important roles. Goss'clear exposition and lively style make this book an excellent introduction to this fascinating field." MR 97i:11062
This book provides an exposition of function field arithmetic with emphasis on recent developments concerning Drinfeld modules, the arithmetic of special values of transcendental functions (such as zeta and gamma functions and their interpolations), diophantine approximation and related interesting open problems. While it covers many topics treated in 'Basic Structures of Function Field Arithmetic' by David Goss, it complements that book with the inclusion of recent developments as well as the treatment of new topics such as diophantine approximation, hypergeometric functions, modular forms, transcendence, automata and solitons. There is also new work on multizeta values and log-algebraicity. The author has included numerous worked-out examples. Many open problems, which can serve as good thesis problems, are discussed.
This book provides an exposition of function field arithmetic with emphasis on recent developments concerning Drinfeld modules, the arithmetic of special values of transcendental functions (such as zeta and gamma functions and their interpolations), diophantine approximation and related interesting open problems. While it covers many topics treated in 'Basic Structures of Function Field Arithmetic' by David Goss, it complements that book with the inclusion of recent developments as well as the treatment of new topics such as diophantine approximation, hypergeometric functions, modular forms, transcendence, automata and solitons. There is also new work on multizeta values and log-algebraicity. The author has included numerous worked-out examples. Many open problems, which can serve as good thesis problems, are discussed.
This book uses algebraic tools to study the elementary properties of classes of fields and related algorithmic problems. The first part covers foundational material on infinite Galois theory, profinite groups, algebraic function fields in one variable and plane curves. It provides complete and elementary proofs of the Chebotarev density theorem and the Riemann hypothesis for function fields, together with material on ultraproducts, decision procedures, the elementary theory of algebraically closed fields, undecidability and nonstandard model theory, including a nonstandard proof of Hilbert's irreducibility theorem. The focus then turns to the study of pseudo algebraically closed (PAC) fields, related structures and associated decidability and undecidability results. PAC fields (fields K with the property that every absolutely irreducible variety over K has a rational point) first arose in the elementary theory of finite fields and have deep connections with number theory. This fourth edition substantially extends, updates and clarifies the previous editions of this celebrated book, and includes a new chapter on Hilbertian subfields of Galois extensions. Almost every chapter concludes with a set of exercises and bibliographical notes. An appendix presents a selection of open research problems. Drawing from a wide literature at the interface of logic and arithmetic, this detailed and self-contained text can serve both as a textbook for graduate courses and as an invaluable reference for seasoned researchers.
Thisseries is devoted to the publication of monographs, lecture resp. seminar notes, and other materials arising from programs of the OSU Mathemaical Research Institute. This includes proceedings of conferences or workshops held at the Institute, and other mathematical writings.
Field Arithmetic explores Diophantine fields through their absolute Galois groups. This largely self-contained treatment starts with techniques from algebraic geometry, number theory, and profinite groups. Graduate students can effectively learn generalizations of finite field ideas. We use Haar measure on the absolute Galois group to replace counting arguments. New Chebotarev density variants interpret diophantine properties. Here we have the only complete treatment of Galois stratifications, used by Denef and Loeser, et al, to study Chow motives of Diophantine statements. Progress from the first edition starts by characterizing the finite-field like P(seudo)A(lgebraically)C(losed) fields. We once believed PAC fields were rare. Now we know they include valuable Galois extensions of the rationals that present its absolute Galois group through known groups. PAC fields have projective absolute Galois group. Those that are Hilbertian are characterized by this group being pro-free. These last decade results are tools for studying fields by their relation to those with projective absolute group. There are still mysterious problems to guide a new generation: Is the solvable closure of the rationals PAC; and do projective Hilbertian fields have pro-free absolute Galois group (includes Shafarevich's conjecture)?
This book provides an exposition of function field arithmetic withemphasis on recent developments concerning Drinfeld modules, thearithmetic of special values of transcendental functions (such as zetaand gamma functions and their interpolations), diophantineapproximation and related interesting open problems.
This volume collects the texts of five courses given in the Arithmetic Geometry Research Programme 2009-2010 at the CRM Barcelona. All of them deal with characteristic p global fields; the common theme around which they are centered is the arithmetic of L-functions (and other special functions), investigated in various aspects. Three courses examine some of the most important recent ideas in the positive characteristic theory discovered by Goss (a field in tumultuous development, which is seeing a number of spectacular advances): they cover respectively crystals over function fields (with a number of applications to L-functions of t-motives), gamma and zeta functions in characteristic p, and the binomial theorem. The other two are focused on topics closer to the classical theory of abelian varieties over number fields: they give respectively a thorough introduction to the arithmetic of Jacobians over function fields (including the current status of the BSD conjecture and its geometric analogues, and the construction of Mordell-Weil groups of high rank) and a state of the art survey of Geometric Iwasawa Theory explaining the recent proofs of various versions of the Main Conjecture, in the commutative and non-commutative settings.