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The Basic Practice of Statistics has become a bestselling textbook by focusing on how statistics are gathered, analyzed, and applied to real problems and situations—and by confronting student anxieties about the course’s relevance and difficulties head on. With David Moore’s pioneering "data analysis" approach (emphasizing statistical thinking over computation), engaging narrative and case studies, current problems and exercises, and an accessible level of mathematics, there is no more effective textbook for showing students what working statisticians do and what accurate interpretations of data can reveal about the world we live in. In the new edition, you will once again see how everything fits together. As always, Moore’s text offers balanced content, beginning with data analysis, then covering probability and inference in the context of statistics as a whole. It provides a wealth of opportunities for students to work with data from a wide range of disciplines and real-world settings, emphasizing the big ideas of statistics in the context of learning specific skills used by professional statisticians. Thoroughly updated throughout, the new edition offers new content, features, cases, data sources, and exercises, plus new media support for instructors and students—including the latest version of the widely-adopted StatsPortal. The full picture of the contemporary practice of statistics has never been so captivatingly presented to an uninitiated audience.
This is a clear and innovative overview of statistics which emphasises major ideas, essential skills and real-life data. The organisation and design has been improved for the fifth edition, coverage of engaging, real-world topics has been increased and content has been updated to appeal to today's trends and research.
The OpenIntro project was founded in 2009 to improve the quality and availability of education by producing exceptional books and teaching tools that are free to use and easy to modify. We feature real data whenever possible, and files for the entire textbook are freely available at Visit our website, We provide free videos, statistical software labs, lecture slides, course management tools, and many other helpful resources.
What statistical test should I use for this kind of data? How do I set up the data? What parameters should I specify when ordering the test? How do I interpret the results? Herschel Knapp′s friendly and approachable guide to real-world statistics answers these questions. Intermediate Statistics Using SPSS is not about abstract statistical theory or the derivation or memorization of statistical formulas–it is about applied statistics. With jargon-free language and clear processing instructions, this text covers the most common statistical functions–from basic to more advanced. Practical exercises at the conclusion of each chapter offer students an opportunity to process viable data sets, write cohesive abstracts in APA style, and build a thorough comprehension of the statistical process. Students will learn by doing with this truly practical approach to statistics.
This market-leading text provides a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics for engineering students in all specialties. This proven, accurate book and its excellent examples evidence Jay Devore’s reputation as an outstanding author and leader in the academic community. Devore emphasizes concepts, models, methodology, and applications as opposed to rigorous mathematical development and derivations. Through the use of lively and realistic examples, students go beyond simply learning about statistics-they actually put the methods to use. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of conducting scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related disciplines. It is a one-stop, comprehensive, and compact source for foundational concepts in behavioral research, and can serve as a stand-alone text or as a supplement to research readings in any doctoral seminar or research methods class. This book is currently used as a research text at universities on six continents and will shortly be available in nine different languages.
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Scores of talented and dedicated people serve the forensic science community, performing vitally important work. However, they are often constrained by lack of adequate resources, sound policies, and national support. It is clear that change and advancements, both systematic and scientific, are needed in a number of forensic science disciplines to ensure the reliability of work, establish enforceable standards, and promote best practices with consistent application. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward provides a detailed plan for addressing these needs and suggests the creation of a new government entity, the National Institute of Forensic Science, to establish and enforce standards within the forensic science community. The benefits of improving and regulating the forensic science disciplines are clear: assisting law enforcement officials, enhancing homeland security, and reducing the risk of wrongful conviction and exoneration. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States gives a full account of what is needed to advance the forensic science disciplines, including upgrading of systems and organizational structures, better training, widespread adoption of uniform and enforceable best practices, and mandatory certification and accreditation programs. While this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators.
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