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Cell phone apps share location information; software companies store user data in the cloud; biometric scanners read fingerprints; employees of some businesses have microchips implanted in their hands. In each of these instances we trade a share of privacy or an aspect of identity for greater convenience or improved security. What Robert M. Pallitto asks in Bargaining with the Machine is whether we are truly making such bargains freely—whether, in fact, such a transaction can be conducted freely or advisedly in our ever more technologically sophisticated world. Pallitto uses the social theory of bargaining to look at the daily compromises we make with technology. Specifically, he explores whether resisting these “bargains” is still possible when the technologies in question are backed by persuasive, even coercive, corporate and state power. Who, he asks, is proposing the bargain? What is the balance of bargaining power? What is surrendered and what is gained? And are the perceived and the actual gains and losses the same—that is, what is hidden? At the center of Pallitto’s work is the paradox of bargaining in a world of limited agency. Assurances that we are in control are abundant whether we are consumers, voters, or party to the social contract. But when purchasing goods from a technological behemoth like Amazon, or when choosing a candidate whose image is crafted and shaped by campaign strategists and media outlets, how truly free, let alone informed, are our choices? The tension between claims of agency and awareness of its limits is the site where we experience our social lives—and nowhere is this tension more pronounced than in the surveillance society. This book offers a cogent analysis of how that complex, contested, and even paradoxical experience arises as well as an unusually clear and troubling view of the consequential compromises we may be making.
This thesis was motivated by the advent of digital technologies and their effects on workers. Using technology as a substitute for labor is a common industrial practice and the effects of substitution (though not the decision to substitute) will continue to dominate collective bargaining in the information age. More relevant than substitution is the effect that digital technologies are having on the production process itself. It is becoming 'taskified' and 'digitized.' Decomposed into smaller, well-defined tasks that are also digitally compatible with each other, the entire production process is becoming easier to direct, control, and monitor. Each new task presents management a new lever of power in two forms -- the decision to substitute and the ability to monitor. While substitution of technology for labor remains an issue, the complementarity of labor and technology contributions in the production process is becoming more important; apportioning value created to a factor in the production process is especially complicated and subjective with large numbers of complementary tasks. The need for labor education is amplified by these factors and argues for a renewed interest in technology bargaining. A policy examination from various labor-related organizations and informant discussions suggest that labor recognizes this and is responding accordingly. Bargaining agreements have data and technology clauses, `digital union representatives' are being hired, and education on digital technologies is being prioritized. Keywords: Complementarity, Decision bargaining, Effects bargaining, Industrial relations, Labor education, Labor substitution, Power, Production process, Taskification, Technology bargaining, Worker monitoring
This book suggests an innovative approach to understanding the sources of industrial policy and technological development. The conceptual sections address long-standing debates over the nature of the state and ruling coalitions, the political power of private actors, the process of international bargaining, and the determinants of technological change in the industrializing world. The empirical study constitutes the first book-length comparison of the Argentine and Brazilian nuclear programs, using a multidisciplinary approach that ranges from the broad macropolitical to the most specific microeconomic. Finally, the book provides a perspective on the nuclear sector in industrializing states that the more typical concentration on strategic aspects has obscured.
Technology underpins everything we do, and the contracts which underpin the delivery of technology-related services are important from both an economic and social perspective. Negotiating technology-related contracts can, however, be challenging: for the uninitiated or uninformed, the significance of the points under discussion may be unclear, confusing and often at odds with the outcomes one might expect in more traditional 'bricks and mortar'-style contracts.To avoid unnecessarily protracted negotiations, it is essential to have a clear understanding of: (i) what each part of a technology-related contract is designed to deal with; (ii) what the customer and service provider seek to protect; and (iii) what solutions or compromises are available.This second edition provides a practical, commercial guide to negotiations without a heavy focus on 'black letter law', and seeks to explain the perspectives of both sides of the negotiating table on a clause-by-clause basis, clearly setting out the key points they will want to protect - and why - while also offering suggestions as to what they may be willing to concede or compromise upon. It is written with the benefit of DLA Piper's unparalleled view of the global market for technology sourcing and outsourcing projects, and from acting for customers and service providers in this space over many years and in many jurisdictions.Chapters cover the common negotiating 'battlefields', from service descriptions and service levels through to warranties, indemnities, liability provisions and termination rights. The authors also examine issues associated with particular technology-related engagements, such as those based on agile methodologies, those involving the use of AI-based solutions, or those operating within heavily regulated sectors.This edition will be of interest to anyone involved in technology-related contracts, whether acting for the buy side or sell side, and whether working within law firms or legal departments or more general commercial functions who have a need to understand the way in which such contracts work.
New technology arguably provided the greatest challenge to industrial relations since the formation of unions. The problems raised led to a whole range of responses - from rejection of the new technology to acceptance fo the change with management and workers making new (and sometimes unheard of) agreements. This book, originally published in 1986 and based on extensive original research, examines the changes in industrial relations which the new technology of the 1980s caused, analysing the implications for the workforce and the reactions of the management and trade unions to the challenges.