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During the 1980s, those of us who were involved in forensic psychiatry have seen an increase in the interest in our subspecialty. This increased interest has been from psychiatrists, lawyers, judges, and correctional officials as well. As a part of this demand for our services, there has also been an increase in the demand for detailed quality in our reports and testimony. Whether this is the result of the educational efforts of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, the establishment of the American Board of Forensic Psychiatry, the stimulation of thought by the publication of this series, Critical Issues in American Psychiatry and the Law, or Supreme Court decisions such as Ake v Oklahoma is anybody's guess. My experience as an observer of the development of the patient's rights movement was that there was a coalescence of numerous forces, such as the new human rights movement, the active mental health bar, and the development of neuroleptics. I therefore suspect that there are a multitude of factors contributing to the new interest in forensic psychia try and the elevation of the standards of forensic experts. Regardless of the causes, those who are practicing forensic psychiatry today are ex pected to conduct more thorough evaluations and to report findings more completely. No longer will simple conclusory statements be accept able. The forensic psychiatrist is expected to present data in a clear, understandable, detailed, reliable, and competent fashion whether testi fying or in a report.
Bullwinkle on Business is a delightful 10-lesson business course disguised as a humorous tale featuring the beloved TV characters Bullwinkle J. Moose, Rocky the Flying Squirrel, Boris Badenov and Natasha, and Peabody the dog and his boy Sherman. Sooner or later it was bound to happen. The world of business has now grown hungry for a fresh, new voice to speak out for organizational excellence in the free enterprise system. But where is a great leader who possesses the stature, the stamina, and the swagger to be called the consummate CEO? Who can grasp the helm of business in a shifting global economy and steady the ship? Who can capture the confidence of consumers and anxious business professionals on every continent and calm their anxiety with nerves of steel? Look no further than Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. Cast your eyes toward that imposing figure with antlers spread wide and a profile that protrudes into next week. Step aside Warren Bennis, Ken Blanchard, Jim Collins, Steven Covey, Spencer Johnson, Donald Trump, and even Jack Welch. Make way for that superb snout that belongs to none other than the magnificent moose himself, Bullwinkle. But how can a solitary moose, revered by millions, maintain his competitive edge amidst so much acclaim? How can he focus in the blinding spotlight of fame and fortune? How can he sustain a significant value proposition when he can't even spell the term? By teaming up with someone more talented, intelligent, and resourceful, of course. And so the saga of Bullwinkle J. Moose and his better angel, Rocket J. "Rocky" Squirrel begins. Bullwinkle and his better angel, Rocky, become the Chief Executive and Chief People Officers, respectively, of the Frostbite Falls Mitten Company. But Bullwinkle is soon seduced by the trappings of power and prestige. He begins to believe his own press clippings and forgets who makes the business run and who the business exists to serve. The antics of Bullwinkle's bungling and misguided management consultants, Boris and Natasha, only serve to auger the maladroit moose deeper into his own entropy. Former communist comrades—now turned capitalist colleagues—Fearless Leader (now Chief Evil Officer) sends his most notorious spies to steal Western business secrets. Mr. Peabody and his adroit pupil, Sherman, use the WayBac Machine to monitor lessons learned from leaders throughout history. The Beagle and his adopted boy draw concise correlations to how Rocky helps his much-headed friend learn that only enthusiastic people can energize an enterprise. By teaching Bullwinkle to unleash the collective wisdom, experience, and talent of his team members, Rocky transforms a moose with marginal managerial potential into a magnificent motivator. You won't want to miss a single episode of John Hoover's BULLWINKLE ON BUSINESS.
A story about adventure and finding your true self. If you like adventure, comedy and a little romance, this is the book for you.
Rhinehoth - Centuries ago a great castle was built in the mountains of Germany's Black Forest. Its ancient guardians still thrive in its walls forever protecting its dark secrets, holding captive an enemy that threatens their very existence. Foretold is a story of an ancient warrior that is to return to the castle to free the captive Vampire Prince. Simon Roberts was a petty thief who fled England to escape Scotland Yard after a series of unsuccessful jewelry store heists. He was recruited to do a job in Germany where he was to simply drive the get away car while providing a look out. He thought this was going to be an easy job and a way to break into the German crime scene. But things go terribly wrong and he ended up being the only survivor of the botched heist. Simon is quickly sentenced to a prison called Rhinehoth. This is where Germany sent the worst of the worst, surely not a place for a petty thief such as himself. Rhinehoth is a great German castle that was converted in the late 1930's to a Stalag for war criminals of World War II. The converted prison's modern day inhabitants are relentlessly tortured, starved and sleep deprived. This contributes to the prisoners' delusional visions that help hide the truth and keeps Rhinehoth's secrets. Their captors are the army of Werewolves who have survived the centuries off the very flesh and blood of Germany's worst forgotten criminals. Simon, imprisoned becomes plagued with visions from his subconscious ancient past with confusion of his modern day consciousness. He discovers through his visions that he is the ancient warrior, Guthrie who has come to free the Vampire Prince and all the captives while saving the world from a dark plan of biblical proportions that has been orchestrated over the centuries!
When a nuclear bomb destroys an American city, Sean Falcone, national security advisor, is charged with the task of identifying and tracking down the attackers.
There comes a pivotal moment in everyones life when his mettle is truly tested and he discovers who he really is. The Three Keys tells the inspiring story of a highly principled man torn apart when two irreconcilable worlds collide. Faced with his wifes affair and embroiled in a bitter court battle involving a land dispute with a powerful and unscrupulous builder a dispute fraught with bribes, ominous threats, and mysterious phone calls surveyor James Schroeder suddenly finds himself locked in a desperate fight to save his marriage and his family. And all he has to do to win is compromise his convictions. This puts him in a difficult position as he prepares to testify: Does his honor mean so much to him that he's willing to risk losing all that he holds dear?
This is the first book to provide an in-depth study of the juvenile transfer process. Criminal justice's get tough policy has led to greater use of this process which, on the surface, transfers persistent juvenile offenders to criminal court jurisdiction in order to impose more serious penalties. The implications of this growing phenomenon are increasingly important for both the juvenile and criminal court systems. Champion and Mays' analysis includes descriptions of juvenile courts, types of offenders processed by these courts, and characteristic outcomes of transfers. Examining the transfer process in detail, they explore social and legal definitions of delinquency; goals and functions of transfers; legal rights of juveniles; and the implications of possible penalties, such as the death penalty. Questions such as whether transfers necessarily result in harsher punishment are discussed at length. Transferring Juveniles to Criminal Courts is designed for students majoring in criminal justice, public administration, political science, sociology, and psychology. Examining the transfer process, Chapter One provides a thorough discussion of the social and legal definitions of delinquency. Chapter Two is an overview of juvenile options, juvenile punishments, public policy, and the theme of deterring juvenile offenders. A description of transfers in different jurisdictions, including their goals and functions, is provided in Chapter Three. Chapter Four then explores the various implications of these transfers. Public policy is examined as it relates to the prevalent get tough policy. Chapter Five describes the criminal court and some of the varied functions served by these courts. Finally, Chapter Six summarizes several important trends relating to juvenile transfers. It includes male/female juvenile comparisons, the issue of selective certification, implications of prison overcrowding, and the emergence of a unified court system. An up-to-date bibliography is provided for further research.
Thomas and Theresa Hammonds believe in tough love and old-fashioned discipline. They do not believe in doctors. When their controversial beliefs lead to personal tragedy, the Hammonds face heartbreaking loss, a crisis of faith—and a charge of negligent homicide by a relentless prosecutor. Defending Thomas and Theresa is freewheeling lawyer Charles Arnold. He believes in grace and mercy, but nothing in his colorful past has prepared him for the challenges of this shocking case, or for the dangerous conspiracy at its heart.