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Patrick Schulze investigates the performance effects and organizational antecedents of innovation strategies and, in particular, ambidexterity.
In order to improve competitiveness and performance, corporations must embrace advancements in digitalization. Successful implementation of knowledge management is a huge factor in corporate success. Analyzing the Impacts of Industry 4.0 in Modern Business Environments is a critical scholarly publication that explores digital transformation in business environments and the requirement for not only a substantial management change plan but equally the two essential components of knowledge management: knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer. Featuring a broad range of topics such as strategic planning, knowledge transfer, and cybersecurity risk management, this book is geared toward researchers, academicians, and students seeking current and relevant research on organizational knowledge intensity and monitoring of knowledge management development.
Exploration and Exploitation is a key text for scholars and business practitioners interested in promoting economic well-being and sustainable growth. March’s work promotes the preservation of companies’ competitiveness and sustainability in the fluctuating market environment by maintaining a balance between exploration and exploitation processes. He explicates that this balance depends on the interchange between the adaptive capability of the company, predictability and consistency, competition, anticipations, level of risk, learning, socialization dynamics within the organization, and the overall environmental turbulence. These intricacies make March’s text invaluable.
The present research reviews the managerial literature concerning the balance between exploration and exploitation. With this regard, 56 empirical studies published on 19 journals have been selected and analyzed. Papers cover multiple research issues, adopt several methodological approaches, such as case study, econometric, and simulation techniques, and are distinguished according to the level of analysis: individual, single organization, or interorganizational context. Each of these research streams is discussed presenting the papers in terms of methodology and results. Finally, some unanswered questions and promising directions for future researches are provided.
In this monograph, the focus is on two extreme cases in which the analysis of regret is particularly simple and elegant: independent and identically distributed payoffs and adversarial payoffs. Besides the basic setting of finitely many actions, it analyzes some of the most important variants and extensions, such as the contextual bandit model.
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management has been written by an international team of leading academics, practitioners and rising stars and contains almost 550 individually commissioned entries. It is the first resource of its kind to pull together such a comprehensive overview of the field and covers both the theoretical and more empirically/practitioner oriented side of the discipline.
Tatjana-Xenia Puhan demonstrates that ambidexterity need not necessarily be implemented in one single organization but can also be realised in a network of associated organizations. She develops the concept of think tanks as organizations which concentrate on radical innovations while their network associates exploit this newly generated knowledge commercially.
This book presents the latest management ideas in knowledge creation and management in readable and non-technical chapters. Leading experts have contributed chapters in their fields of expertise. Each distils his or her subject in a chapter that is accessible to managers who want to learn what can be applied to their organizations without the distracting details of research methodology. Each chapter, however, is based on careful research. The book is organized so that readers can easily find chapters of most interest and value to them. The emphasis is on the practical applications of knowledge to a wide variety of organizations and functional areas.
Pour survivre à long terme, les entreprises doivent être capables à la fois de satisfaire les besoins immédiats du marché et d'anticiper et de s'adapter aux futures évolutions de leur environnement. En d'autres mots, elles doivent faire cohabiter des capacités d'exploration et d'exploitation. Récemment, trois mécanismes - l'équilibre ponctué, l'ambidextrie structurelle et l'ambidextrie contextuelle - ont été proposés. Chacun de ces mécanismes impliquent des procédures de prise de décision et des architectures organisationnelles spécifiques. Une firme peut-elle choisir librement parmi ces approches? Ces mécanismes sont-ils substituables, complémentaires ou orthogonaux ? Une solution est-elle préférable à une autre ? Nous abordons ces questions en proposant un modèle formel qui permet de comparer les différentes approches de manière non ambigüe. Neuf types organisationnels composés des trois mécanismes d'articulation de l'exploration et de l'exploitation et trois structures organisationnelles (organisation en équipe, en réseau et hiérarchique) sont confrontés à deux types de marchés (stable ou instable). En outre, nous étudions les effets de la qualité de la collaboration et de l'intensité de l'exploration. Nos résultats montrent que sur un marché stable, l'exploitation et le design formel des firmes est le mieux adapté, tandis que dans des conditions de turbulence, une adaptation rapide via l'exploration devient la compétence la plus importante pour les entreprises. L'ambidextrie contextuelle devenant alors le meilleur mécanisme de gouvernance.