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She’d always been a good girl. Except when it came to him. She’d done all the “bad girl” things with him, and they had been glorious. Until he’d vanished the next morning. No note. No exchanged numbers. She hadn’t even known his name… Until she’d walked into her office and found out she had to work with him. Side by side. Every single day with Sebastian Henley—the sexy, gorgeous, irresistible, disappearing man from that night. And the worst part? He still made her want to do bad, bad things.
"A must-read for any student—present or former—stuck in hookup culture’s pressure to put out." —Ana Valens, Bitch Offering invaluable insights for students, parents, and educators, Lisa Wade analyzes the mixed messages of hookup culture on today’s college campuses within the history of sexuality, the evolution of higher education, and the unfinished feminist revolution. She draws on broad, original, insightful research to explore a challenging emotional landscape, full of opportunities for self-definition but also the risks of isolation, unequal pleasure, competition for status, and sexual violence. Accessible and open-minded, compassionate and honest, American Hookup explains where we are and how we got here, asking, “Where do we go from here?”
Bad Date Blind dates were the absolute worst. Awkward, filled to the brim with small talk, and they never, ever worked out. Kay knew all that. Yet for some reason, she still had agreed to let Heather set her up. Okay, because it was Kay had serious pushover tendencies. But when the date came, Kay found herself alone at a table for almost an hour before she called it quits. She’d been stood up. Yup, that was just perfect. Her night was shot, she was behind on her word count, but then . . . she quite literally ran into tall, dark, and handsome outside the restaurant. One look at him and Kay thought that perhaps her night might be salvaged after all. Until she discovered tall, dark, and handsome was a jerk. Until she discovered that jerk was her missing blind date—her rude and insufferable date who blew right by her as if she didn’t exist. What. The. Hell? Bad Text It came in the middle of the night. Totally her fault, as she should have had her phone on Do Not Disturb. But she hadn’t, and that buzz-buzz had woken her. Then she’d seen the picture and . . . wow. She couldn’t let that pass her by. She’d just had to respond and then had stayed up texting back and forth with the man who’d had the great abs and the spectacular di— Cough. Sense of humor. She meant the spectacular sense of humor. But as the sun had risen and as she’d had to force her bleary self out of bed, she’d set the text chain aside and gotten on with her day. Until she’d walked out of her apartment, turned toward the elevator, and saw . . . Him. Bad Marriage Abby and Jordan were blissfully married. Or supposed to be anyway. But three kids, copious poopy diapers, and minimal sleep meant that she and Jordan were well past the honeymoon stage. And she didn’t know how to get that bliss back. Luckily, Jordan had a plan.
Hookup culture dominates the lives of college students today, and many feel great pressure to engage in it. But how do these expectations affect students themselves? Freitas uses students' own testimonies to define hookup culture and propose ways of opting out.
Bad Night Stand I’d brought him home thinking that for once in my life I would live a little. Then he’d walked out, and I’d chalked the experience up to a bad one-night stand. Now weeks later I was puking my guts up and had a pink stick with a plus sign on it declaring my future. And because my life was my life, I was pregnant, alone, and starting a new job. And whose company was I working for? Jordan. Jordan O’Keith. The man who’d I’d brought home that night. The man whose baby was currently residing in my belly. The man I hadn’t recognized… And the man who was my father’s arch enemy. Bad Breakup Twice he’d broken her. CeCe was supposed to be traveling the world, taking the vacation she had always dreamed of, living the life she’d always hoped for. Not pushing away an ex who was determined to have her again. Not finding it harder and harder to resist Colin at every turn. But she was. Finding it harder to turn him away, harder to steel her heart against him. Especially when she found out exactly why the past had torn them apart. Because just like before she was falling hard. Falling fast. Falling deep. Bad Husband He was her mortal enemy in the business world. But in the real world? He had a soft spot…and it was only for her. And when sexy, smart, and oftentimes cold Clay Steele showed that soft part to her, Heather forgot to be the smart, calculated businesswoman she was. In fact, Heather got stupid. And stupid had her waking up hungover and naked in Clay’s bed. With a giant diamond ring. On her left hand. Oh hell— What had she done? Bad Date: A Never Before Released Novella Blind dates were the absolute worst. Awkward, filled to the brim with small talk, and they never, ever worked out. Kay knew all that. Yet for some reason, she still had agreed to let Heather set her up. And when the date came, Kay found herself stood up. Yup, that was just perfect. Her night was shot, she was behind on her word count, but then…she quite literally ran into tall, dark, and handsome outside the restaurant. One look at him and Kay thought that perhaps her night might be salvaged after all. Until she discovered tall, dark, and handsome was a jerk. Until she discovered that jerk was her missing blind date—her rude and insufferable date who blew right by her as if she didn’t exist. What. The. Hell?
He was her mortal enemy in the business world. But in the real world? He had a soft spot…and it was only for her. And when sexy, smart, and oftentimes cold Clay Steele showed that soft part to her, Heather forgot to be the smart, calculated businesswoman she was. In fact, Heather got stupid. And stupid had her waking up hungover and naked in Clay’s bed. With a giant diamond ring. On her left hand. Oh hell— What had she done?
Trixie Donovan had left California for bigger and better things. Now she was back, and she’d become her half-sister Heather’s pet project. Which meant that—after a sickening amount of pestering—Trix gave in, agreeing to a single blind date. A blind date who turned out to be Jet. The doctor she’d worked with. The man she’d fallen desperately in love with. The one who had decimated her heart. And the one who transformed an unwanted, but tolerable night out into the blind date from hell. Because apparently Jet had decided his biggest regret was letting her go.
What were the characteristics of a good girlfriend? Everything that wasn’t her. Tammy wasn’t good with mush, couldn’t stand watching romantic movies without wanting to hurl. She didn’t have songs with her significant others. Hell, she didn’t have significant others. So when Fletcher needed a fake girlfriend to take to a wedding—one who wouldn’t get attached like all the other women who fell in love with him at the drop of a hat—she was the obvious choice. She went, and everything was great. Until Fletcher fell for her. Until…she fell for him right back.
Kelsey Scott was done with men. She certainly didn’t want anything to do with Tanner—the only man who had ever managed to weasel his way into her heart. And by typical male progression, the only man to break it. But then she and Tanner were paired up as bridesmaid and groomsman at her brother's wedding, and suddenly, she found it hard to remember all her steadfast rules. Found it hard to remember her broken heart. Because she was falling for Tanner all over again.
I’m snowed in. With a famous hockey player. My life has been a disaster. I’ve lost my job, my apartment, and my direction, so when my best friend suggests a week trip up to her house in Tahoe, I jump on the chance for a change in scenery. Only, I didn’t anticipate Snowmageddon. I didn’t anticipate being trapped on the side of the road and rescued by a famous hockey player—and certainly not by Lake Jordan, star center for the Sierra Hockey team, model, and entrepreneur. I didn’t anticipate having to share his house. Or that there would only be one bedroom. And I didn’t anticipate…that he might want to keep me. Forever.