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This book has arisen from the Second European Meeting on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (Bageco-2) held at the University of Wales, College of Cardiff which we organised on 11-12 April 1989. The meeting was attended by some 60 participants from eight European countries and was made possible by partial financial support from the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) and Imperial Chem ical Industries (UK) Ltd. The meeting was organised to discuss modern developments in the genetics of bacteria in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. It followed on from, and complemented, the first meeting of this series organised by Jean-Pierre Gratia in Brussels during April 1987 which concentrated more on medical and epidemiological issues. ! The next meeting will be organised by Michel J. Gauthier in 1991 at Nice, France. If you have been fired with enthusiasm for ecological bacterial genetics after having read this book, and want to attend the next meeting but did not hear about the one in Cardiff, you should write to Dr Gauthier to be put on the address list. A lot is now known about bacterial genetics at the physiological, biochemical and molecular level, and bacterial ecology has developed rapidly over the last 20 years. However, until very recently, few researchers have crossed the divide and linked these two specialisms.
Provided here is an up-to-date survey of gene transfers in the main natural habitats, with a special reference to genetically engineered microorganisms.In the first of five sections technical approaches of gene transfer in the natural environment are developed. These emphasize the use of modernmethodologies for the detection of recombinant bacteria in natural waters and soil, using DNA or rRNA probes and PCR technology. The three following sections deal with various aspects of gene transfer in aquatic environments, terrestrial habitats and human and animal gut. These include transfer of plasmidic or chromosomal markers through either conjugation, mobilization, transformation or transduction processes. Also covered are factors influencing survival of cells harbouring the transferred genes in these environments. The last section is devoted to an examination of scientific and ethical problems related to the release of genetically engineered microorganisms.
This book gives an overview of gene transfer and stability in those aquatic and terrestrial environments where bacteria and fungi can survive and interact genetically. It examines the role played by sex between microbes in the evolution of populations and their survival. Special emphasis is placed on methodology, including the analysis by novel techniques of genetic material extracted directly from soils, rivers and lakes. The natural spread of antibiotic resistance and the safe use of genetically manipulated microbes are matters of considerable scientific, medical and public concern upon which the investigations presented here have direct bearing. This unique collection will be of value to specialist researchers in applied microbiology, ecology and biotechnology as well as biomedical scientists interested in the environmental risks of genetic engineering.
Provided here is an up-to-date survey of gene transfers in the main natural habitats, with a special reference to genetically engineered microorganisms.In the first of five sections technical approaches of gene transfer in the natural environment are developed. These emphasize the use of modernmethodologies for the detection of recombinant bacteria in natural waters and soil, using DNA or rRNA probes and PCR technology. The three following sections deal with various aspects of gene transfer in aquatic environments, terrestrial habitats and human and animal gut. These include transfer of plasmidic or chromosomal markers through either conjugation, mobilization, transformation or transduction processes. Also covered are factors influencing survival of cells harbouring the transferred genes in these environments. The last section is devoted to an examination of scientific and ethical problems related to the release of genetically engineered microorganisms.
Understanding of bacterial genetics and genomics is fundamental to understanding bacteria and higher organisms, as well. Novel insights in the fields of genetics and genomics are challenging the once clear borders between the characteristics of bacteria and other life. Biological knowledge of the bacterial world is being viewed under a new light with input from genetic and genomics. Replication of bacterial circular and linear chromosomes, coupled (and uncoupled) transcription and translation, multiprotein systems that enhance survival, wide varieties of ways to control gene and protein expression, and a range of other features all influence the diversity of the microbial world. This text acknowledges that readers have varied knowledge of genetics and microbiology. Therefore, information is presented progressively, to enable all readers to understand the more advanced material in the book. This second edition of Bacterial Genetics and Genomics updates the information from the first edition with advances made over the past five years. This includes descriptions for 10 types of secretion systems, bacteria that can be seen with the naked eye, and differences between coupled transcription-translation and the uncoupled runaway transcription in bacteria. Topic updates include advances in bacteriophage therapy, biotechnology, and understanding bacterial evolution. Key Features Genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics integrated in one place Over 400 full-colour illustrations explain concepts and mechanisms throughout and are available to instructors for download A section dedicated to the application of genetics and genomics techniques, including a chapter devoted to laboratory techniques, which includes useful tips and recommendations for protocols, in addition to troubleshooting and alternative strategies Bulleted key points summarize each chapter Extensive self-study questions related to the chapter text and several discussion topics for study groups to explore further This book is extended and enhanced through a range of digital resources that include: Interactive online quizzes for each chapter Flashcards that allow the reader to test their understanding of key terms from the book Useful links for online resources associated with Chapters 16 and 17
Fundamental Bacterial Genetics presents a conciseintroduction to microbial genetics. The text focuses on onebacterial species, Escherichia coli, but draws examples fromother microbial systems at appropriate points to support thefundamental concepts of molecular genetics. A solid balance ofconcepts, techniques and applications makes this book anaccessible, essential introduction to the theory and practice offundamental microbial genetics. FYI boxes - feature key experiments that lead to what we nowknow, biographies of key scientists, comparisons with other speciesand more. Study questions - at the end of each chapter, review and teststudents' knowledge of key chapter concepts. Key references - included both at chapter end and in a fullreference list at the end of the book. Full Chapter on Genomics, Bioinformatics and Proteomics -includes coverage of functional genomics and microarrays. Dedicated website – animations, study resources, webresearch questions and illustrations downloadable for powerpointfiles provide students and instructors with an enhanced,interactive experience.
The value of studies of monotypic populations is constantly argued in bacterial ecology. The controversy itself is evidenceofthe strong awareness that bacterial activities in natural sites are not determined by the bacteria alone. At the same time, the best evidence that bacteria are influenced by environmental factors is the contrast between their behavior in laboratory cultures and their relatively subdued influence when in the presence of com petitors, predators, and fluctuating-often stressful-environmental conditions. Monotypic populations are admittedly reductionist, but are not therefore irrelevant to bacterial ecology. Quite the contrary. Without pure culture studies, our understanding of important and applicable bacterial activities-N fixation, for example-would still be z limited to what we could discern from a comparison of events in steamed vis-a-vis un heated soil. As was evident throughout the previous volume in this treatise, practically any method of studying natural bacterial communities upsets them while permitting only limited assessment of the respective qualities and quantitative contributions to total com munity activity of each type of bacterium present. Total activity itself is difficult to assess and is not dependably accomplished by any single method. This third volume comprises information regarding the properties of bacteria as they have been learned largely from pure culture studies. Its purpose is twofold: to provide readers with fundamental information regarding the cellular organization, physiological capabilities, and genetic systems of bacteria; and to connect known bacterial properties with environmental influences on them and with their influences on natural processes.
Presenting the basic concepts and most exciting developments, this textbook provides an introduction to the molecular genetics of bacteria in a form suitable for the needs of students studying microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and related biomedical sciences.
Welcome to the wonderful world of microbiology! Yay! So. What is microbiology? If we break the word down it translates to "the study of small life," where the small life refers to microorganisms or microbes. But who are the microbes? And how small are they? Generally microbes can be divided in to two categories: the cellular microbes (or organisms) and the acellular microbes (or agents). In the cellular camp we have the bacteria, the archaea, the fungi, and the protists (a bit of a grab bag composed of algae, protozoa, slime molds, and water molds). Cellular microbes can be either unicellular, where one cell is the entire organism, or multicellular, where hundreds, thousands or even billions of cells can make up the entire organism. In the acellular camp we have the viruses and other infectious agents, such as prions and viroids. In this textbook the focus will be on the bacteria and archaea (traditionally known as the "prokaryotes,") and the viruses and other acellular agents.