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Discusses various types of bacteria and viruses, methods of fighting diseases, and how bacteria and viruses can be used to benefit people and the environment.
Bacteria and viruses are among the oldest agents on Earth and reveal much about the planet's past and evolution. As scientists and doctors make progress in fighting the harmful effects of bacteria and viruses, they also often make discoveries that can lead to life-saving vaccines and antibiotics, making the fields of microbiology and biochemistry more intriguing and challenging than ever. In this volume, readers will venture into the realm of bacteria and viruses to explore these constantly changing agents and the roles they play in nature, medicine, and disease.
Discusses bacteria and viruses.
Sugar chains (glycans) are often attached to proteins and lipids and have multiple roles in the organization and function of all organisms. "Essentials of Glycobiology" describes their biogenesis and function and offers a useful gateway to the understanding of glycans.
Mter the discoveryof the tobacco mosaic virus by D. I. Ivanov skU in 1892 [14], the new science of virology was born and began to develop rapidly. The number of viruses now known is enormous and they can infect nearly all animal and plant organisms. Microorganisms themselves are no exception to this rule. Despite intensive study of Vlruses, their origin and nature are still a subject for speculation and hypothesis. The general concept of viruses embraces a wide group of biologically active structures occupying an intermediate position between living and nonliving matter. The dual character of viruses is determined by the fact that, while they do not possess an inde pendent system of metabolism, which is a characteristic feature of every living being, they nevertheless carry within themselves all the necessary information for autoreproduction. A striking feature of the virus is that it consists essentially of two components: a protein envelope and the nucleic acid con tained within it. In contrast to the elementary structural unit of the living or ganism, the cell, which contains two types of nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), the virus particle contains only one type of nucleic acid - either DNA or RNA. It is perhaps this which is responsible for the imperfection of the virus as a living organism.
Polymicrobial diseases, those involving more than one etiologic agent, are more common than is generally realized and include respiratory diseases, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, hepatitis, periodontal diseases, multiple sclerosis, genital infections, intra -- abdominal infections, and pertussis.
Taking a disease-based approach, Fish Viruses and Bacteria: Pathobiology and Protection focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. The book covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases which can become huge threats to local fish populations in new geographical regions if transported there via infected fish or eggs. An invaluable bench book for fish health consultants, veterinarians and all those wanting instant access to information, this book is also a useful textbook for students specializing in fish health and research scientists initiating fish disease research programmes.
In 1965, French microbiologist André Lwoff was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on lysogeny—one of the two types of viral life cycles—which resolved a contentious debate among scientists about the nature of viruses. A Tale of Two Viruses is the first study of medical virology to compare the history of two groups of medically important viruses—bacteriophages, which infect bacteria, and sarcoma agents, which cause cancer—and the importance of Lwoff’s discovery to our modern understanding of what a virus is. Although these two groups of viruses may at first glance appear to have little in common, they share uniquely parallel histories. The lysogenic cycle, unlike the lytic, enables viruses to replicate in the host cell without destroying it and to remain dormant in a cell’s genetic material indefinitely, or until induced by UV radiation. But until Lwoff’s discovery of the mechanism of lysogeny, microbiologist Félix d’Herelle and pathologist Peyton Rous, who themselves first discovered and argued for the viral identity of bacteriophages and certain types of cancer, respectively, faced opposition from contemporary researchers who would not accept their findings. By following the research trajectories of the two virus groups, Sankaran takes a novel approach to the history of the development of the field of medical virology, considering both the flux in scientific concepts over time and the broader scientific landscapes or styles that shaped those ideas and practices.