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An evil helper is a backstabbing witch. She feigns helpfulness just to destroy you sis. Sorry to tell you this but the world's an evil place and you must be on the defense: get a fence. You see the truth about relationship when differences crop up for they threaten a narcissist who can't meet you in the middle--justifying anger, smear campaigns and bullying creating more trouble. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside page by Blaze Goldburst
It’s a painful thing being a stranger in a strange land filled with false accusations. It's part of the path because you're growing and they're not: a time of misperception/feeling left out for it’s a severe eruption as homeostasis is maintained son. The worse their portrayal of you then the more miraculous your recovery now friend. When the appetite [desire] rules we make huge mistakes: this is the rule for the saints. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
KELLOCK PSYCH TEXTBOOKS FOR A LOST GENERATION: MANUAL FOR SUPERIOR MEN. THE FULL COLLECTED WORKS OF KAREN KELLOCK. NEW PSYCH THEORY by Karen Kellock Ph.D., Psychology & Proverb Author. The cause of mental illness is other people: be shocked into a new world view seeing mental illness in a new light. Elite Review: "Koestler [1962] shows all discoveries blend art with science. Vivid poetic images combined with rock-solid psychology show the tyranny of groups vs. the individual: collective insanity, the contagion of lunacy. What does it take to be a champion in a sea of sharks? That’s the essence of this work. The writing is subtle, witty, clever and highly accurate. The therapy: open the book anywhere". Mansell Pattison M.D., Postdoctoral Sponsor at UCI School of Medicine, Dept. of Psychiatry. Karen Kellock received her Ph.D. from University of California, Irvine and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Medical School, Dept. of Psychiatry [NIAAA and NIMH grants] to develop a theory of System Pathology: the Debris Theory of Disease, presented in 120 books and 22 textbooks for the general public. The theory has a general formula: All disease is obstruction, all recovery is elimination, all success is attraction. The three obstructions are people, habit and food. Remove your obstruction and snap to your goals, waiting in the wings. "An integrator and discoverer. As her Ph.D. advisor it's WOW on pathological systems theory, a sudden eye-opener". Doug Chalmers, Ph.D., UCI Dept. of Psychology "Brilliance inspires thinking in new realms by debunking old myths. A true theoretician ties everything together so we can see the whole". Daniel Feldman M.D., Postdoc sponsor V.A. hospital/UCI Med Chapter art by Karen Kellock and Fox Design, Cover by Blaze Goldburst
The boomers marked the beginning of mental and moral decline. They’re so dumbed if you're too deep, all-encompassing, mystical, never heard before or not part of narrative you're out of line. The enemy sows discord and division to the mob who can't discern good from evil. You're not even supposed to reason with fools yet that’s the enemy's army against you. Don't envy when they flourish like a green tree for just as suddenly they're mowed down see. Cover by Karen Kellock, Inner page by Blaze Goldburst
The bible calls it a DROUGHT: when no one knows what you're talking about--spiritual and mental nuts. The female community is a massive impediment to genius: they are petty, mean, underhanded, fiendish. They hang together like peas in a pod and gossip [like old hens going for recognition] that you’re odd. The calumny is horrible and unwarranted. Just cuz one says something they take it as truth darn it. Cover by Karen Kellock, Inside page by Blaze Goldburst
The superior man bows to no one but the weak bow down to their every need no matter how ridiculous: that's the people pleasing sickness. It keeps us mentally unstable: entrenched from early development it's hard to get rid of it. How about your mental health, your safety, your boundaries? They’re gone if you people please: something in the future you’ll look back on and will not believe. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
We haven't lost our homeland tho’ we live in dread and fear. Mass immigration is underhandedly clever: the left found a way to attain power and hold it forever. Correct think: whites are oppressors and everyone else their victims for sure. America is a battlefield thru demographic change and population replacement. Even white people want the white race erased. But suddenly there’s a wake up to the tragedy before us: being reduced to a hated minority in our own country which ancestors built and gave us. Women see how they’ve been misled and choose decency and family instead. The youth see the ridiculousness of college notions, how it’s destroying our great nation. KK Picturestrip and Theory. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Get Jezebel outa your life or she'll ruin it with strife. Nothing's worse than a tyrannical harridan in the home with wimpy hubby acting like a silly pawn. Female bullying is most vicious, taking the form of reputation destruction, innuendo and gossip. Girls who bully have many friends, are socially skilled and act in groups: destroy reps/spread the scoop. Cover by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blake Goldburst
It was not fair but God saw what happened and He's a God of Justice and resolution is His promise. The difference between happy/positive and the losers/negative is the happy drops the past and is done with it. Life is too short to carry around old baggage--you're destiny too important, your time too valuable a loss. Something better is coming. To overcome the herd is to cut the curse and if you can let the past go you'll be successful with perks. {Karen Kellock Picturestrip}. Cover design and inner art by Karen Kellock
He was mesmerized by her beauty and poise but after he tested her she lost her power and he was annoyed. When he shifts into devaluation a beautiful woman becomes the black widow spider syndrome. Learning self-love is actually separating from users blocking power from above. First they love then devalue you after saying you were great. You’re so sensitive to his moods you need separation from trauma bonds/bad dudes. Now it all falls together in a whole new view. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst