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An awe-filled introduction to an ancient wisdom tradition. Provides you with a deeper understanding of the fundamental teachings of Kaballah, and how you can use this wisdom the clarify your relationship with others and the world around you.
A dynamic exposition of the powerful, ancient Sephardic tradition of dreaming passed down from the renowned 13th-century kabbalist Isaac the Blind • Includes exercises and practices to access the dream state at will in order to engage with life in a state of enhanced awareness • Written by the close student of revered kabbalist Colette Aboulker-Muscat In Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming Catherine Shainberg unveils the esoteric practices that allow us to unlock the dreaming mind's transformative and intuitive powers. These are the practices used by ancient prophets, seers, and sages to control dreams and visions. Shainberg draws upon the ancient Sephardic Kabbalah tradition, as well as illustrative stories and myths from around the Mediterranean, to teach readers how to harness the intuitive power of their dreaming. While the Hebrew Bible and our Western esoteric tradition give us ample evidence of dream teachings, rarely has the path to becoming a conscious dreamer been articulated. Shainberg shows that dreaming is not something that merely takes place while sleeping--we are dreaming at every moment. By teaching the conscious mind to be awake in our sleeping dreams and the dreaming mind to be manifest in daytime awareness, we are able to achieve revolutionary consciousness. Her inner-vision exercises initiate creative and transformative images that generate the pathways to self-realization.
Kabbalistic Healing shows how the Kabbalah--the Jewish mystical path--can kindle the central fire in our being so that we can unite with the divine. As we deepen our understanding of ourselves and enhance our ability to hold new states of consciousness, we become able to live in God as a fish lives in water.
Kabbalah means “a receiving” and in our context, a receiving of a higher conscious experience that ultimately leads to spiritual awakening, which is a permanent state of mind where the emotions awaken to a higher experience of consciousness while the fabricated self that the mind creates surrenders as a consequence. Along with a discussion about what happens in enlightenment or spiritual awakening, and how to develop the mind using the path of Kabbalah, this book also discusses the meaning of God, an explanation of the Infinite as it applies to one’s own personal experience, the question of Will, and the Male and Female parts of the Godhead, along with elucidating some difficult concepts and stories of the Bible and applying them to the Sphirot of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Lastly, this book provides some advice on how to raise children to be mystics and how to recognize a suitable mate or Shiduch using the Sphirot system of the Tree of Life of Kabbalah.
Kabbalah holds the secrets to a path of conscious awareness. In this compact book, noted spiritual teacher DovBer Pinson presents 32 key concepts of Kabbalah and shows their value in opening the gates of perception. From the Introduction: Simply translated, Kabbalah means "that which is received." Looking deeper, the word Kabbalah can mean to be open and receptive, to challenge one's own internal navigational system in order to see, hear, and be open to... more. We must be receptive to a teaching to fully absorb it. We turn ourselves into vessels and invite within that which we wish to understand or grasp. In this way, we become receptacles, dispensaries, and a part of the Kabbalah. We become vessels of this tradition by opening the self to a higher reality, and viewing the spirit within the matter. We raise our consciousness to the point where the Divine within all creation is revealed. As we pursue a deeper awareness, we become less ego-centered and more attuned to the deeper significance of our surroundings. About the author: Rabbi DovBer Pinson heads the Iyyun Center in Brownstone Brooklyn. He has written several books, including Inner Rhythms: The Kabbalah of Music; Reincarnation & Judaism: The Journey of the Soul; Meditation & Judaism: Exploring Meditative Paths and Jewish Wisdom of the Afterlife.
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore... This is the prophesy of Isaiah, promising the world what it yearns for--a perfect future, a future without war, without hunger, without strife. That such a future awaits us, Isaiah says, is a promise from G-d. When it will dawn is up to us.In Awakening the Spark Within, Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh explains how every Jew?man, woman, and child?can live up to this awesome responsibility by cultivating in everyday personal life his or her own innate sparks of leadership. He shows how seemingly insignificant individual efforts can have world-changing consequences and bring the prophetic vision of the future to its ultimate fulfillment.Includes glossary, footnotes, and index.
There are many mistaken ideas about spiritual awakening. One is that you must embrace eastern philosophies in order to achieve enlightenment. This book is intended for serious students who want to achieve awakening, or Initiation, on a western path. The western path, called the Western Mystery Tradition, has been walked by spiritual aspirants for millennia. This well-researched book focuses on two strands of the Western Mystery Tradition, Kabbalah and Tarot, to outline a modern perspective on these ancient traditions. In addition to dispelling false ideas, wishful thinking, and foolish stereotypes, it teaches us how to use individual Tarot cards as a means of staying in touch with what's really happening inside us as we change in response to the many challenges presented by the spiritual quest. This book provides solid, 21st century advice on how to deal with the personal, real-world issues that arise on the journey toward Initiation.
The Hebrew word for Egypt means places of contraction and stuckness. For the metaphorical journey from the slavery of stuckness to the revelations high on Mount Sinai, Rabbi Ted Falcon provides 49 meditations based on the Kabbalah. His newly released book, A JOURNEY OF AWAKENING--Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tree of Life, guides readers to liberation, using an ancient system of levels--corresponding to chakras and the Tree of Life. Flexible and universal, the meditations can be implemented by practitioners of any faith tradition--at any time of the year, in any sequence. They can also be used in conjunction with the traditional, 49-day Counting of the Omer between Passover and Shavuot. No matter when the meditations are begun, they will shine a transforming light into readers lives. Writing his breathtaking truths in simple sentences, Rabbi Falcon confronts us with paradoxes, leaving us available for what we cannot hear from the places of our stuckness.
This is the first translation with commentary of selections from The Zohar, the major text of the Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition. This work was written in 13th-century Spain by Moses de Leon, a Spanish scholar.