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Updated and expanded. The best way to learn the aviation maintenance language.
Annotation. An A-Z compilation of terms, definitions, and illustrations from the general aviation, commercial airline, and military sectors. It can be used as a dictionary, reference, or learning tool.
Completely revised to include over 10,000 technical aviation definitions. Excellent reference for both pilots and aviation maintenance technicians. The best way to learn the unique language of aviation. ISBN# 0-88487-318-8. New format: 8 1/2 x 11; 388 pages.
This revised edition contains over 5,000 terms used by air traffic controllers, pilots, cabin crew, maintenance crews, ground staff and other airline personnel. Designed for those specialising in aviation and related industries, including trainee pilots, maintenance engineers and other professionals, this dictionary has all the words you need. 'For those in need of a handy reference for everyday work, this new release should prove most useful.' - Aviation News
An updated reference for aviation industry professionals provides comprehensive coverage of more than 10,000 terms, phrases and acronyms as well as helpful appendices that contain the periodic table, the phonetic alphabet and Morse code. Original.
This book focuses on current practices in scientific and technical communication, historical aspects, and characteristics and biblio-graphic control of various forms of scientific and technical literature. It integrates the inventory approach for scientific and technical communication.
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