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List of participants (vol. I).
Papers written during the last 40 years by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his collaborators on various physical effects which can be observed on atoms interacting with electromagnetic fields.
List of participants (vol. I).
Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons is a unique effect in which the electronic states of a solid can self-organize to acquire quantum phase coherence. The phenomenon is closely linked to Bose-Einstein condensation in other systems such as liquid helium and laser-cooled atomic gases. This is the first book to provide a comprehensive survey of this field, covering theoretical aspects as well as recent experimental work. After setting out the relevant basic physics of excitons, the authors discuss exciton-phonon interactions as well as the behaviour of biexcitons. They cover exciton phase transitions and give particular attention to nonlinear optical effects including the optical Stark effect and chaos in excitonic systems. The thermodynamics of equilibrium, quasi-equilibrium, and nonequilibrium systems are examined in detail. The authors interweave theoretical and experimental results throughout the book, and it will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers in semiconductor and superconductor physics, quantum optics, and atomic physics.
This book is one of the most important reference books in Field Theory with permanent value. To enable wider access by students, researchers and libraries of developing countries, this valuable volume has been reprinted and is sold at a much lower price than before.
The laser as a radiation source with temporal and spatial coherence has made a tremendous impact in the different fields of science. As a result, new and exciting research has been developing allover the world. Laser spectro scopy shares a large fraction of this research, and in the last decade nu merous books and monographs have been published on this subject. Most of these books and monographs contain the work done in the physics community. Very few books represent the advances made in laser chemistry, a field that is flourishing and whose future is indeed very exciting. It was felt that a meeting that focused on the important questions being asked in the chemistry community, and on new and possible directions in laser chemistry, was needed. This three-day conference, held at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, on March 20-22, 1978, covered five important areas in laser chemistry: Laser-induced chemistry, picosecond processes and techniques, nonlinear optical spectroscopy and dephasing processes, multiphoton exci tation in molecules, and molecular dynamics by molecular beams.
“The production quality is very high; even the smallest symbols are easily readable, and some papers are reproduced in color. The clarity of the exposition, the wide range of topics, and the logic of the presentation make this a valuable teaching reference. This book is highly recommended for physicists and students working on atoms in intense laser fields, laser cooling and trapping and Bose-Einstein condensation.”Optics & Photonics NewsThis invaluable book presents papers written during the last 40 years by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his collaborators on various physical effects which can be observed on atoms interacting with electromagnetic fields. It consists of a personal selection of review papers, lectures given at schools, as well as original experimental and theoretical papers. Emphasis is placed on physical mechanisms and on general approaches (such as the dressed atom approach) having a wide range of applications. Various topics are discussed, such as atoms in intense laser fields, photon correlations, quantum jumps, radiative corrections, laser cooling and trapping, Bose-Einstein condensation. In this new edition, about 200-page of new material has been added.
Contents: Percolation and Localization (D J Thouless)Disordered Systems — Experimental Viewpoint (J Joffrin)Lectures on Amorphous Systems (P W Anderson)Elementary Algebraic Topology Related to the Theory of Defects and Textures (V Poenaru)Models of Disordered Materials (S Kirkpatrick)Thermal and Geometrical Critical Phenomena in Random Systems (T C Lukensky)A Short Guide to Polymer Physics (P-G de Gennes)and 9 seminars Readership: Graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics.