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Estimating the pose (position and attitude) in real-time is a key function for road autonomous vehicles. This thesis aims at studying vehicle localization performance using low cost automotive sensors. Three kinds of sensors are considered : dead reckoning (DR) sensors that already exist in modern vehicles, mono-frequency GNSS (Global navigation satellite system) receivers with patch antennas and a frontlooking lane detection camera. Highly accurate maps enhanced with road features are also key components for autonomous vehicle navigation. In this work, a lane marking map with decimeter-level accuracy is considered. The localization problem is studied in a local East-North-Up (ENU) working frame. Indeed, the localization outputs are used in real-time as inputs to a path planner and a motion generator to make a valet vehicle able to drive autonomously at low speed with nobody on-board the car. The use of a lane detection camera makes possible to exploit lane marking information stored in the georeferenced map. A lane marking detection module detects the vehicle's host lane and provides the lateral distance between the detected lane marking and the vehicle. The camera is also able to identify the type of the detected lane markings (e.g., solid or dashed). Since the camera gives relative measurements, the important step is to link the measures with the vehicle's state. A refined camera observation model is proposed. It expresses the camera metric measurements as a function of the vehicle's state vector and the parameters of the detected lane markings. However, the use of a camera alone has some limitations. For example, lane markings can be missing in some parts of the navigation area and the camera sometimes fails to detect the lane markings in particular at cross-roads. GNSS, which is mandatory for cold start initialization, can be used also continuously in the multi-sensor localization system as done often when GNSS compensates for the DR drift. GNSS positioning errors can't be modeled as white noises in particular with low cost mono-frequency receivers working in a standalone way, due to the unknown delays when the satellites signals cross the atmosphere and real-time satellites orbits errors. GNSS can also be affected by strong biases which are mainly due to multipath effect. This thesis studies GNSS biases shaping models that are used in the localization solver by augmenting the state vector. An abrupt bias due to multipath is seen as an outlier that has to be rejected by the filter. Depending on the information flows between the GNSS receiver and the other components of the localization system, data-fusion architectures are commonly referred to as loosely coupled (GNSS fixes and velocities) and tightly coupled (raw pseudoranges and Dopplers for the satellites in view). This thesis investigates both approaches. In particular, a road-invariant approach is proposed to handle a refined modeling of the GNSS error in the loosely coupled approach since the camera can only improve the localization performance in the lateral direction of the road. Finally, this research discusses some map-matching issues for instance when the uncertainty domain of the vehicle state becomes large if the camera is blind. It is challenging in this case to distinguish between different lanes when the camera retrieves lane marking measurements.As many outdoor experiments have been carried out with equipped vehicles, every problem addressed in this thesis is evaluated with real data. The different studied approaches that perform the data fusion of DR, GNSS, camera and lane marking map are compared and several conclusions are drawn on the fusion architecture choice.
This dissertation presents several related algorithms that enable important capabilities for self-driving vehicles. Using a rotating multi-beam laser rangefinder to sense the world, our vehicle scans millions of 3D points every second. Calibrating these sensors plays a crucial role in accurate perception, but manual calibration is unreasonably tedious, and generally inaccurate. As an alternative, we present an unsupervised algorithm for automatically calibrating both the intrinsics and extrinsics of the laser unit from only seconds of driving in an arbitrary and unknown environment. We show that the results are not only vastly easier to obtain than traditional calibration techniques, they are also more accurate. A second key challenge in autonomous navigation is reliable localization in the face of uncertainty. Using our calibrated sensors, we obtain high resolution infrared reflectivity readings of the world. From these, we build large-scale self-consistent probabilistic laser maps of urban scenes, and show that we can reliably localize a vehicle against these maps to within centimeters, even in dynamic environments, by fusing noisy GPS and IMU readings with the laser in realtime. We also present a localization algorithm that was used in the DARPA Urban Challenge, which operated without a prerecorded laser map, and allowed our vehicle to complete the entire six-hour course without a single localization failure. Finally, we present a collection of algorithms for the mapping and detection of traffic lights in realtime. These methods use a combination of computer-vision techniques and probabilistic approaches to incorporating uncertainty in order to allow our vehicle to reliably ascertain the state of traffic-light-controlled intersections.
Autonomous Vehicles (AV) applications and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) relay in scene understanding processes allowing high level systems to carry out decision marking. For such systems, the localization of a vehicle evolving in a structured dynamic environment constitutes a complex problem of crucial importance. Our research addresses scene structure detection, localization and error modeling. Taking into account the large functional spectrum of vision systems, the accessibility of Open Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and the widely presence of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) onboard vehicles, we study the performance and the reliability of a vehicle localization method combining such information sources. Monocular vision-based lane marking detection provides key information about the scene structure. Using an enhanced multi-kernel framework with hierarchical weights, the proposed parametric method performs, in real time, the detection and tracking of the ego-lane marking. A self-assessment indicator quantifies the confidence of this information source. We conduct our investigations in a localization system which tightly couples GPS, GIS and lane makings in the probabilistic framework of Particle Filter (PF). To this end, it is proposed the use of lane markings not only during the map-matching process but also to model the expected ego-vehicle motion. The reliability of the localization system, in presence of unusual errors from the different information sources, is enhanced by taking into account different confidence indicators. Such a mechanism is later employed to identify error sources. This research concludes with an experimental validation in real driving situations of the proposed methods. They were tested and its performance was quantified using an experimental vehicle and publicly available datasets.
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2020) Proceedings presents selected research papers from CSNC 2020 held during 22nd-25th November in Chengdu, China. These papers discuss the technologies and applications of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and the latest progress made in the China BeiDou System (BDS) especially. They are divided into 13 topics to match the corresponding sessions in CSNC2020, which broadly covered key topics in GNSS. Readers can learn about the BDS and keep abreast of the latest advances in GNSS techniques and applications.
This book is the first technical overview of autonomous vehicles written for a general computing and engineering audience. The authors share their practical experiences of creating autonomous vehicle systems. These systems are complex, consisting of three major subsystems: (1) algorithms for localization, perception, and planning and control; (2) client systems, such as the robotics operating system and hardware platform; and (3) the cloud platform, which includes data storage, simulation, high-definition (HD) mapping, and deep learning model training. The algorithm subsystem extracts meaningful information from sensor raw data to understand its environment and make decisions about its actions. The client subsystem integrates these algorithms to meet real-time and reliability requirements. The cloud platform provides offline computing and storage capabilities for autonomous vehicles. Using the cloud platform, we are able to test new algorithms and update the HD map—plus, train better recognition, tracking, and decision models. This book consists of nine chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of autonomous vehicle systems; Chapter 2 focuses on localization technologies; Chapter 3 discusses traditional techniques used for perception; Chapter 4 discusses deep learning based techniques for perception; Chapter 5 introduces the planning and control sub-system, especially prediction and routing technologies; Chapter 6 focuses on motion planning and feedback control of the planning and control subsystem; Chapter 7 introduces reinforcement learning-based planning and control; Chapter 8 delves into the details of client systems design; and Chapter 9 provides the details of cloud platforms for autonomous driving. This book should be useful to students, researchers, and practitioners alike. Whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student interested in autonomous driving, you will find herein a comprehensive overview of the whole autonomous vehicle technology stack. If you are an autonomous driving practitioner, the many practical techniques introduced in this book will be of interest to you. Researchers will also find plenty of references for an effective, deeper exploration of the various technologies.
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence and the emergence of various new sensors, autonomous driving has grown in popularity in recent years. The implementation of autonomous driving requires new sources of sensory data, such as cameras, radars, and lidars, and the algorithm processing requires a high degree of parallel computing. In this regard, traditional CPUs have insufficient computing power, while DSPs are good at image processing but lack sufficient performance for deep learning. Although GPUs are good at training, they are too “power-hungry,” which can affect vehicle performance. Therefore, this book looks to the future, arguing that custom ASICs are bound to become mainstream. With the goal of ICs design for autonomous driving, this book discusses the theory and engineering practice of designing future-oriented autonomous driving SoC chips. The content is divided into thirteen chapters, the first chapter mainly introduces readers to the current challenges and research directions in autonomous driving. Chapters 2–6 focus on algorithm design for perception and planning control. Chapters 7–10 address the optimization of deep learning models and the design of deep learning chips, while Chapters 11-12 cover automatic driving software architecture design. Chapter 13 discusses the 5G application on autonomous drving. This book is suitable for all undergraduates, graduate students, and engineering technicians who are interested in autonomous driving.
Vehicle self-localization, the ability of a vehicle to determine its own location, is vital for many aspects of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and telematics where it is often a building block in a more complex system. Navigation systems are perhaps the most obvious example, requiring knowledge of the vehicle's location on a map to calculate a route to a desired destination. Other pervasive examples are the monitoring of vehicle fleets for tracking shipments or dispatching emergency vehicles, and in public transit systems to inform riders of time-of-arrival thereby assisting trip planning. These system often depend on Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to provide vehicle localization information; however, GPS is challenged in urban environments where satellite visibility and multipath conditions are common. Vehicle localization is made more robust to these issues through augmentation of GPS-based localization with complementary sensors, thereby improving the performance and reliability of systems that depend on localization information. This thesis investigates the augmentation of vehicle localization systems with visual context. Positioning the vehicle with respect to objects in its surrounding environment in addition to using GPS constraints the possible vehicle locations, to provide improved localization accuracy compared to a system relying solely on GPS. A modular system architecture based on Bayesian filtering is proposed in this thesis that enables existing localization systems to be augmented by visual context while maintaining their existing capabilities.
Advanced Driver Intention Inference: Theory and Design describes one of the most important function for future ADAS, namely, the driver intention inference. The book contains the state-of-art knowledge on the construction of driver intention inference system, providing a better understanding on how the human driver intention mechanism will contribute to a more naturalistic on-board decision system for automated vehicles. Features examples of using machine learning/deep learning to build industry products Depicts future trends for driver behavior detection and driver intention inference Discuss traffic context perception techniques that predict driver intentions such as Lidar and GPS