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According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), side-impact car accidents are the second leading cause of fatalities in the United States. Compared to all other accidents, side-impact crashes are quite dangerous to the occupants because of their limited ability to absorb the crash energy and less space for intrusion. NHTSA and IIHS have developed safety standards to prevent fatalities by conducting several experiments using anthropomorphic test dummies (ATDs). Although the regulations are based on the use of crash dummies, there might be differences between actual human crash performance and dummy crash performance. In recent years, technology has improved in such a way that crash scenarios can be modeled in various computational software, and human dynamic responses can be studied using active human body models, which are a combination of rigid bodies, finite elements, and kinematic joints, thus making them flexible to use in all crash test scenarios. In this research, nearside occupants were considered because they are more likely to be injured in a side-impact crash. Vehicle side-impact crash simulations were carried out using LS-DYNA finite element (FE) software, and the occupant response simulations were conducted with Mathematical Dynamic Models (MADYMO) software. Because the simulation of an entire FE model of a car and occupant is quite time consuming and expensive, a prescribed structural motion (PSM) technique was utilized and applied to the side-door panel with an occupant positioned in the driver seat of the car using the MADYMO code. Regular side-impact deformable barrier and pole test simulations were performed with belted and unbelted occupant models considering two different target vehicles—a mid-size sedan and a small compact car. Responses from dummy and human body models were compared in order to quantify the noticeable differences between the two performances in nearside-impact accidents.
Significant advancements in enhancing passenger safety and vehicle structures have been made in the automotive industry to protect the occupants and to minimize the injuries during crash events. Variety of crash tests, based on federal regulatory standards, have been performed with an end goal to examine the occupant kinematics and potential injury responses. Among different automotive crash scenarios, the frontal impact is the most common type of accident, which has been considered in this study. In recent years, computer-aided engineering tools have been extensively utilized in modeling, analysis and design of vehicle structures and occupant safety systems. The primary reason for the development and use of simulation models is to reduce the number of full-scale sled tests performed, which require vast flow time and are associated with significant cost. This thesis entirely focuses on the comparison of dynamic responses of human body models versus the crash dummy models in various vehicle frontal federal regulatory standards. For this reason, a ford taurus car representing a typical sedan has been considered as a medium. The simulation tests are conducted for the full frontal impact, small offset overlap impact and oblique impact configurations. A car interior environment is developed in MADYMO code, in which the human and dummy models are placed in. The acceleration acquired from the finite element analysis of frontal crash scenarios and the driver seat node are then input into the MADYMO code for both human and dummy models, and their kinematic responses are then compared. Per regulations, chest injury is considered to be a prominent factor in frontal crashes. Hence, the variations of chest deflection, chest acceleration and viscous criteria are investigated. The results from this study illustrate the potential difference between the human and dummy dynamic performances in various frontal crash scenarios. In particular, the differences in chest acceleration, chest deflection, and flexibility of spine are quantified.
[Author's abstract] Over the past few years, the computer aided engineering tools have focused on the occupant safety and comfort. Wide ranges of crash tests have been performed in order to study the occupant kinematics and injury response. Similar models were built with the help of simulation tools and validated with the crash test data. The main purpose of building the simulation models is to reduce the number of full scale sled tests which require large flow time and are associated with significant costs. Moreover the Sled tests are typically not repeatable. Therefore this research is mainly focused on building the simulation models, which are aimed at performing the same results as the sled tests. Crash test dummies are widely used in automotive safety research and design. Hence it is logical that the first Hybrid dummy models developed were based on the crash dummies. These models have the same differences that exist between crash dummies and the real human body. Considering the growing demand to improve the occupant safety and comfort for an ever wider range of crash situations than those covered by the current regulation, Human Body Models were introduced in the occupant safety. In general it is of interest and importance to study the dynamic behavior and potential injuries to a real human being than a crash test dummy, and to obtain difference or correlation between the two. Several models describing sub systems of the human body have been developed in the past, but few models describe the response of the entire human body in impact conditions. Also these models are usually restricted to one of the three loading directions: frontal, lateral or rear. Taking into consideration all these facts, an "omni directional" human body model representing the average age male is developed. In this thesis, occupant response and injury parameters of the HBM (Human Body Model) are studied and compared to SID H3 and EUROSID I dummies. All the models were tested for FMVSS 214 regulation and IIHS Crash Testing procedures. The study is further extended to FMVSS 214 and IIHS with Chevy Pick up as a striking car instead of Moving Deformable Barrier ("MBD") as in earlier case) with relaxed regulations, for side impact crash. The results from this study indicates that the response of the Human Body Model (HBM) is more similar to a real human being when compared to dummy models SID H3 and EUROSID 1, however there are few recommendations which can make the response even better.
The main objective of this thesis is to develop a computational human musculoskeletal model to investigate the change in the kinematic behavior of the model's lower extremities under the influence of activated (active) and deactivated (passive) muscles during a representation frontal collision using OpenSim software. Since OpenSim is seldom used in crash simulations, an appropriate model evaluation is performed by comparing the model's kinematics, obtained from the OpenSim's inverse dynamic simulation, against LS-DYNA's explicit non-linear side impact simulation of a finite element model for a car-pedestrian collision. The required musculoskeletal model is constructed in OpenSim and scaled to meet the requirements of the Hybrid III 50th Percentile crash test dummy. For evaluating the developed model, the kinematics from both programs (OpenSim and LS-DYNA), containing identical displacement data, is compared by visual observation of identical time frames. Using the evaluated model in the forward dynamics domain of OpenSim, a representative frontal crash simulation is conducted for the active and passive muscle states of the model, and the kinematic difference in its lower extremities is observed and compared. The results were also compared to MADYMO's human body model simulations conducted under similar conditions. This study indicates that the role of the muscle activation on the human body responses during a car collision is important. The novel technique developed and utilized in this study is shown to be quite useful in modeling and simulation of a car occupant's real kinematic response during a car collision.
Safety of the car occupant is given foremost importance by the consumers, federal regulatory agencies, and automobile manufacturers. Many techniques and new technologies are proposed every year and implemented for the enhancements of the safety and crashworthiness of the vehicles. More efforts are still needed to make the cars safer, which in turn reduces the risk of fatal injuries to the occupants. In this study, a typical compact-sized sedan model is analyzed for the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) 214 Moving Deformable Barrier (MDB) and, Side Pole impact collisions, via numerical simulations. In particular, the effect of placement of the driver's seat laterally inward is investigated. A methodology is presented in this thesis to examine the structural damage experienced by the car when it is engaged in side collision with a rigid pole and the MDB barrier, and also to assess the injuries sustained by the driver in both scenarios. In order to delay the contact, a seat position is modified to provide during a side impact with an additional 18mm clearance between the seat and struck door. The National Crash Analysis Center (NCAC)'s Toyota Yaris finite element (FE) model have been utilized in this thesis to analyze the structural side impact responses of this compact sedan. The EuroSID-2re 50th percentile adult male side impact crash test dummy has been as the car occupant. The critical injury parameters of the dummy and the vehicle deformation are evaluated and compared. This study indicates that a small inward lateral displacement of the driver's seat towards the interior of the car can significantly reduce the potential injuries to the occupant. This is due to the fact that most of the energy of impact is absorbed by the vehicle side structure instead of the seat structure and the occupant.
Governed by strict regulations and the intricate balance of complex interactions among variables, the application of mechanics to vehicle crashworthiness is not a simple task. It demands a solid understanding of the fundamentals, careful analysis, and practical knowledge of the tools and techniques of that analysis. Vehicle Crash Mechanics s