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Malone is busy working on his Life of Shakespeare and adding new notes to Boswell''s Life of Johnson. Mentions a portrait of [Edmund?] Spenser.
Confirms that the Dorset Garden Theatre was opened on the 9th of November. Discusses an essay concerning Ford [?] and Macklin.
He has found so much misinformation in the article taken from various newspapers that he is obliged to just write a new one.
Informs the recipient that the story of Davenant, Shakespeare's supposed illegitimate son, is mentioned in his edition twice. Addressed to "Sir."
Addressed to "Sir." Thanks the recipient for his extract from Artistotle's Problems. Discusses Wilson's Life of Congreve.
Requests the recipient's acceptance of the enclosed (no longer with this letter) which is an answer to a pamphlet written by Mr. Warton's antagonist, Joseph Ritson, criticizing Malone's edition of Shakespeare. Also, a note in a different hand and ink: Add rep'd to Dr. Jos. Warton.
Thanks the recipient for the two volumes that accompanied the last letter and critiques them. Mentions a line from the Spanish tragedy which Malone had thought was borrowed by Nashe from King John. Also discusses Troilus and Cressida, and notes that he wrote for Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra.
Concerning the engraved portrait of Shakespeare for The works then being printed under the care of Mr. Reed (i.e., ed. Johnson and Steevens, 1785).
The reference Nichols has given Malone for the G. [Gentleman's?] magazine is incorrect. Mentions an epitaph for Erasmus Dryden and Dr. Johnson's references to Swift in his Life of Dryden.
Also included, several annotated pages from Merry Wives of Windsor, in Boswell's hand. They were later incorporated in the 1821 edition of Shakespeare's Works, edited by Malone and Boswell.