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Aussie Know-How is the sequel of Aussie Pilot and continues the events affecting the hero, his friends, and their children. This book enters the world of believable science fiction and joins modern day and ancient magic practices to solve past catastrophes. Since his second marriage to a witch, David Granger and the discovered computer Orack, set about correcting some past disasters whilst also continuing to work as a consultant to the USA president. Their attempts to negotiate peace in Afghanistan and the Middle East are affected. They discover that the bombings, many of the world disasters and serious conflicts are created by business moguls and that the world is being manipulated by blackmail to gain massive wealth, eventually stretching as far as neighbouring recently discovered planets. The use of magic and illusions helps to abate imminent disaster. Space travel with several confrontations occur and the computer Orack, the Granger family and some of their friends find themselves facing adventure and near-death circumstances. This book ends with the defeat of the supreme commander and the saving of the planets Earth, Atlantis, Genesis and Dudgeon from economic collapse. Our hero considers retirement leaving the way open for his families continued concern for the survival of the worlds as we know them. A third book, Aussie Impasse, concludes the families fight for world peace, where our heroes’ children become a serious force.
To provide some past detail for the first-time reader as well as a spot for those needing a refresher while reading the book, either now or partway into it, I outline the family and friends always in the background. The Granger family comprise the original hero Aussie Pilot David, his second wife Pam, queen of the Australian witches, his daughter Susan who has a part amputated the right leg and a husband, Richard Barnard. Davids son Robert, now the captain of the newest space vessel is married to Poema, a Polynesian princess. The final families are Pams younger sister Zoey, her husband Ronald and their first-born daughter Carmen, who is also a witch and warlock, are central to the plot and general activities.
This book is a collection of short stories, diary extracts, letters, anecdotes and quotes from past and present serving soldiers. From WW1 to modern day conflicts, this book is an up close and personal perspective of what the soldier regards as his core values. These include compassion, mateship, courage, initiative, loyalty, integrity and trust. Aussie Soldier includes a 30-page battle book that summarises some of Australia's most famous battles.
Over the last decade there has been a resurgence of interest in what adults learn in their later years (often described as beyond 65) and how this learning is linked to current personal, social and global issues. This learning commonly occurs in informal ways as seniors go about their daily lives. This kind of informal learning can be supplemented by non-formal education (via participation in planned learning as members of organizations) and less frequently in formal education structures such as universities. This book highlights how older people are learning in a myriad of ways and conditions. It covers everything from individualistic learning through to national issues of older adult education. Fresh perspectives are provided on biographical insights into retirement and higher education, how older people generate know-how in the company of others and in cross-cultural aspects, such as Chinese elders in Hong Kong and Māori seniors in Aotearoa New Zealand. In addition, the links between health and learning are explored, as well as the commitment universities in three countries have made to become age-friendly. This book was originally published as a special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education.
The Australian Shepherd Judging Compendium, An Illustrated Workbook for judges and non-judges alike by the award-winning author, of All About Aussies: The Australian Shepherd From A to Z. "The Australian Shepherd, Judging Compendium" by Jeanne Joy Hartnagle-Taylor is an illustrated workbook that reviews not only the breed standard and how it is interpreted but illustrates the breed standard with text and carefully selected pictures that help the reader see the importance of each trait as it is discussed. The Compendium begins with a review of breed history as a herding breed to modern day usage. This workbook also provides the reader with good insight and understanding of why structure and gait are important to its function. Each chapter explains a section of the breed standard followed by a quiz that is used to make the reader think.The text is easy to read and carefully written with a good analysis of unique traits that are described in the breed standard. The illustrations of each trait give the reader good insight into why the breed standard requires certain body proportions and what is considered correct breed type, movement and character. The Compendium makes clear that herding sheep, cattle and other animals requires strong herding and guardian instincts coupled with versatile skills which are required of a dog that must be easy to train. All of these traits are carefully described.I would recommend this judging compendium to anyone who is seriously interested in a better understanding of the Australian Shepherd breed. - Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia, a highly respected AKC Judge, author, lecturer and world-renowned canine expert.
This is the third book of a trilogy. The first was Aussie Pilot; the second, Aussie Knowhow; and now the final book of the series, Aussie Impasse. All books are pure fantasy and include some spectacular deductions, magic, science fiction, and illusionary events that many young Australian boys dreamed of well past the time they reached maturity. The merged happenings in most instances were created by other writers, films, or television exposures and were strung together to form the fictitious, exciting life of a hero and his friends. As previously stated, the book has been growing in the writer’s head since he was an adolescent and, over time, has been progressively added to, regurgitated, and reinvented. As the writer discovered them, they became merged until now, where it would seem they are no longer recognizable. The third book of the series is the end of the need to complete the story and hopefully to conclude an enjoyable reading experience—a mental escape, perhaps even a pleasing fantasy, for the patient and forgiving readers that inexplicably discovered this work. It is my sincere hope that when you all close the last page, you will have a pleasant smile on the face and will quietly say, “That was a satisfying read. I quite enjoyed the entire journey.” Again, my heartfelt thanks to my wife, Judy; my children Michelle, Vanessa, and David; and their children Matthew, Benjamin, Finn, Aislinn, Caelan, Neve, and Taya for providing the encouragement, support, and love that I needed so much to make me finish what I just had to start. So book 3 begins.
The "U" in the title of this book represents a U-turn. A 180-degree turn from the direction you're going now. This book is all about "U." Because all of us have things in our lives that we know we should change. We may even have a strong desire to change certain behaviors about ourselves, but for some reason or another we don't. We make excuse after excuse for continuing this displeasing behavior. This straightforward and to the point book, as told by the self-explanatory title, challenges the reader to "Get That Monkey Off Your Own Back!" The goal being to get you to change your perception. Because the way you see things will affect the way you react to those things. This book implores the reader to "Think About It." Don't just read it and forget it. Think about what is being said. With such chapters as "Self Motivation," "Practice! Practice! Practice!" and "Why Worry?" this book promises to be an enjoyable and thought provoking read. So if you've got something about yourself that you'd like to change, read U! Get That Monkey Off Your Own Back! and discover the hidden power in "U." Something to think about: From the day you are born, you face numerous choices. You hear advice and viewpoints from various voices. Some say do it. Some say don't. Some say you will. Some say you won't. But in this maze of life, with its many doors. The choice has always been, and will always be . . . YOURS!