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This work was written by St. Augustine late in his life with the intention of supplying a well-educated Roman layman with a brief but comprehensive exposition of the essential teachings of Christianity. It contains many of his most profound and mature definitions of his thoughts on sin, grace, and predestination, and is regarded as an indispensable guide to Augustinian Christianity.
Presents an English translation of Saint Augustine's "Confessions" in which the fourth-century bishop reflects on his faith and reveals his sins
Written in 397 A.D., St. Augustine's classic, Confessions, reveals the innermost thoughts and struggles of a soul converting from selfishness and pleasure-seeking to a life of love for God. Augustine of Hippo (345-430 A.D.) was born in North Africa to a devoutly Christian mother and pagan father. Of Latin stock, Augustine was given Christian instruction but waited until later in life to be baptized. Augustine took a mistress who bore him a son before he was eighteen. Augustine's sexual appetite drove him to seek pleasure where he could find it, but it also plagued his consience. His hunger for religious things led him through many of the belief systems of the day, including Manichaeism and Neoplatonism. Augustine finally turned to God in 386 A.D. when he heard a child say, "take, read" a copy of Paul's letter to the Romans. Upon his conversion to Christianity, Augustine became a prodigious writer, with his writings standing second only to the apostle Paul in their impact on the church. He died as Bishop of Hippo in North Africa. Confessions is the autobiography of Augustine of Hippo, a moving and profound record of a human soul and its struggles. The most widely read of all his works, it not only tells the story of Augustine's struggle in the faith, but also his love for the Master. Confessions speaks to the heart of humanity about human weakness, human frailty, human depravity, and the human need for a holy God. This classic is an exercise in self-knowledge and true humility in the atmosphere of grace and reconciliation. Book jacket.
Henry Chadwick, an eminent scholar of early Christianity, has given us the first new English translation in thirty years of Augustine's The Confessions. We witness the future saint's fascination with astrology and with the Manichees, and then follow him through scepticism and disillusion with pagan myths until he finally reaches Christian faith. There are brilliant philosophical musings about Platonism and the nature of God, and touching portraits of Augustine's beloved mother, of St. Ambrose of Milan, and of other early Christians like Victorinus, who gave up a distinguished career as a rhetorician to adopt the orthodox faith. To make The Confessions accessible to contemporary readers, Chadwick provides the most complete and informative notes of any recent translation, and includes an introduction to establish the context.
Confessions (401) is the work of Saint Augustine, a Roman theologian and bishop responsible for some of the core doctrines of today’s Catholic church. His literary works, including The Confessions, The Enchiridion, and On Christian Doctrine, are commonly viewed as foundational works of Christian theology and Western philosophy. Bishop of Hippo Regius—in modern day Algeria—from 395 to his death in 430, Augustine helped to justify and consolidate the role of Christianity in the Roman Empire and was canonized as a saint for his efforts. A young man does poorly in school, steals from his neighbor’s orchard, and has a son with a woman to whom he is not married. These are some of the core personal experiences detailed by Augustine in his autobiographical and theological work Confessions, in which he grows from a life of sin to accepting God and the Christian faith. Interspersed with stories of his life and conversion are descriptions and critiques of Neoplatonism, Manichaeism, and astrology, systems of belief and understanding which, for Augustine, fall short of the vision of humanity and salvation offered by Christianity. Throughout this text, Augustine encourages readers—especially those who have led troubled lives—not only to convert to Christianity, but to understand the inherent imperfection of all humanity and to envision the ultimately hopeful message of transformation and forgiveness offered by faith in God. Confessions is at heart a Christian text, but it is also essentially human. Augustine is remembered not just as a saint and Christian leader, but as a figure who precipitated the evolution of Western thought. Augustine’s Confessions is a foundational work of autobiographical and philosophical writing, influencing such writers as Blaise Pascal, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Aquinas, Bertrand Russell, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Its personal nature and depth of honesty are considered formal innovations in autobiography and memoir writing, and its meditations on God and human nature have made it an essential text for philosophers and theologians for centuries. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Saint Augustine’s Confessions is a classic of autobiography and Christian theology reimagined for modern readers.
The Confessions of Saint Augustine is considered one of the greatest Christian classics of all time. It is an extended poetic, passionate, intimate prayer that Augustine wrote as an autobiography sometime after his conversion, to confess his sins and proclaim God's goodness. Just as his first hearers were captivated by his powerful conversion story, so also have many millions been over the following sixteen centuries. His experience of God speaks to us across time with little need of transpositions. This acclaimed new translation by Sister Maria Boulding, O.S.B., masterfully captures his experience, and is written in an elegant and flowing style. Her beautiful contemporary translation of the ancient Confessions makes the classic work more accessible to modern readers. Her translation combines the linguistic accuracy demanded by 4th-century Latin with the poetic power aimed at by Augustine, not as discernable in previous translations.