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An environmental audit on an industrial premise employing a due diligence approach was conducted which includes interview, site historical review, soil and groundwater sampling and analysis. The due diligence audit was conducted to ensure that the premise is free from any environmental and regulatory noncompliance, since there is a potential property transaction. Based on the initial investigation comprehending onsite and offsite interviews of workers from neighbouring sites and local authorities, findings indicate that the site is free from any contaminant. Soil and groundwater samplings using borehole soil investigation method and further analysis using Inductive Couple Plasma (ICP) spectrometer for determining heavy metals, showed lead in paint at one location at a value of 870 ppm used in the building. Barium and lead was also detected in soil. Barium was 1020 and 576 ppm at two locations and lead was 914 and 880 ppm soil analysis. Chromium and barium was also detected in groundwater. Chromium was 56 and 63 ppm and barium was 1420 and 3780 ppm for groundwater. The levels of the identified contaminants were compared with the Dutch Intervention (DIV 2000) Standards because Malaysia does not have any heavy metal standards for soil and groundwater contamination on any industrial premise. A risk assessment was made to determine the extent of the potential harm that could arise from the contaminants and the impacts on the occupants on site, the neighbouring sites and the ecosystem. Based on the audit protocol for the investigation of a contaminated site developed in this study indicated that the risk assessment for the site is safe to be used.
The contamination of soil and groundwater resulting from exploration, transportation, storage and handling of petrochemicals has become widespread and has produced an overwhelming number of contaminated sites in every country of the world that require investigation and remediation. This book presents step-by-step investigation methodology from initial site assessment to closure in an integrated and understandable format. The book explains effortlessly about regulatory requirements, phased approach for site assessments, site investigation methodology, soil and groundwater sampling techniques and also about documenting the investigation results through technical report writing. The emphasis is laid upon investigation methodology in the field, which is the key factor in quality assurance of the investigational work. Environmental site investigation, site characterizations, remediation planning, and report writing are all covered in detail. The book is of great value for environmental consultants, regulatory agency personnel, environmental engineers and geologists, and environmental attorneys. In addition, this is advisable to all field professionals to have an all time access to this book as a guide to quality work during the contaminated site investigation.
This volume presents proceedings from the first Australian-New Zealand Geoenvironment conference. The conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners in the region to exchange ideas, share information and discuss the effective management of the geoenvironment.
Australian Master Environment Guide was previously published by CCH Australia.The Australian Master Environment Guide is a practical handbook designed for environmental managers, health and safety managers, business managers, students and anyone who needs an overview of environmental best practice and law. It contains information on key aspects of environmental management in industries such as techniques, systems, land development, pollution, chemicals, energy, waste, water and biodiversity.
The life-supporting systems of the planet are being threatened due to deforestation, destruction of habitats, over use of energy resources, and environmental pollution. This book discusses the basic concepts in environmental management, including environmental policies, international treaties, and legislations.
Dr Simon Johnson BSc, MSc, Ph.D, FGS Research Manager, Construction Industry Research & Information Association (CIRIA) Extensive efforts have been made in recent years those already owning, or responsible for, in the U.K. to recycle contaminated land for contaminated sites, further spurs are increasingly further beneficial use. However, rapid expansion stringent legislation and its enforcement by of the knowledge base and the variety of regulatory agencies. remediation techniques now available can inhibit Public pressure is for the best possible their adoption into practice. Developers and their environmental protection. Rehabilitating engineering advisers, in making commercial and dereliction and cleaning up contamination are technical judgements, have to be confident that seen as positive actions. The public, wanting they understand initially unfamiliar technologies improved neighbourhood services and and changing environment liabilities. preservation of green belt and countryside, Remedial treatmeĀ·nt of contaminated land always prefers new development to be within schemes for requires specialist input, but it is often carried out urban regeneration. for developments designed and built by However the standards of treatment, have to construction professionals. They have to assess achieve a viable compromise of safety, the best engineering options for remediation. In effectiveness and cost in the short term, and order to do so, they have to assimilate, sort, and satisfy long-term requirements of reliability, in question an expanding amount of research and order to gain the confidence and acceptance of performance information. Effective and owners and purchasers.
Colin Wainwright Director & Secretary, The British Chemical Distributors & Traders Association Ltd (BCDTA) Sec. Gen., Federation of European Chemical Traders & Distributors (FECC) Chemicals are the building blocks of almost all minimum risk to both man and the environment. other industries and it is a fact of life that a Third party carriers, if involved, should also be a hazard value, however low, can be placed on party to this working relationship. most chemicals. Whatever systems are in place, Whilst the prime responsibility and liability falls on there will always be hazardous waste and the disposer - both producers and carriers have unforeseen accidents. shared liabilities and it is the responsiblity of all Chemical manufacturers already have cradle-to involved to be confident of the professional and grave, product stewardship and Responsible Care effective disposal of the waste involved - by policies in place which should incorporate waste incineration or landfill. In the USA, there is a law minimisation, control and disposal. These systems ensuring that liabilities revert back to those whose do not, as yet, go all the way downstream. waste has entered a site and covering the cost of Reputable distributors or agents either have these cleaning-up the site.
National, sectoral, and international approaches to environmental law education are integrated in this comprehensive resource on environmental law in Asian and Pacific countries. A broader definition of sustainable development that incorporates social, cultural, and economic dimensions facilitates consideration of social justice and equity in environmental law. The jurisprudence of environmental law is outlined with attention to impact assessment, implementation, and dispute resolution in this first volume.
The Australasia-Pacific Region supports approximately 50% of the world's population. The last half-century has witnessed a rapid increase in the regional population, agricultural productivity, industrial activities and trade within the region. Both the demand for increased food production and the desire to improve the economic conditions have affected regional environmental quality. This volume presents an overview of the fate of contaminants in the soil environment; current soil management factors used to control contaminant impacts, issues related to sludge and effluent disposals in the soil environment; legal, health and social impacts of contaminated land, remediation approaches and strategies to manage contaminated land, some of the problems associated with environmental degradation in the Australasia-Pacific Region and steps that we need to take to safeguard our environment.