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Lynn Freeman Olson's music has enchanted several generations of students and teachers. His legacy lives on in this series of books that have been pulled from his most loved sheet music solos. Book 1 spans the early elementary and elementary levels, Book 2 is late elementary/early intermediate, Book 3 is intermediate/early advanced.
Lynn Freeman Olson's music has enchanted several generations of students and teachers. His legacy lives on in this series of books that have been pulled from his most loved sheet music solos. Book 1 spans the early elementary and elementary levels, Book 2 is late elementary/early intermediate, Book 3 is intermediate/early advanced.
Lynn Freeman Olson's music has enchanted several generations of students and teachers. His legacy lives on in this series of books that have been pulled from his most loved sheet music solos. Book 1 spans the early elementary and elementary levels, Book 2 is late elementary/early intermediate, Book 3 is intermediate/early advanced.
Lynn Freeman Olson's music has enchanted several generations of students and teachers. His legacy lives on in this series of books that have been pulled from his most loved sheet music solos. Book 1 spans the early elementary and elementary levels, Book 2 is late elementary/early intermediate, Book 3 is intermediate/early advanced.
THE STORY: Henry T. Aythecliff, a much married and once successful writer, now heavily in debt, summons his three ex-wives to his mansion, his plan being to extort a sizable amount of money from each of them. He has a secret meeting with each in tu
THE STORY: When murder roars through a small Missouri town, Ruth Hoch begins her own quest to find truth and honesty amid small town jealousies, religion, greed and lies. This tornado of a play propels you through its events like a page-turning mys
▶〔適用讀者〕 適用於各年齡層,尤其是想學習該如何寫英文作文的讀者。 ▶〔本書主打特點〕 ■ 建立英語素養題組寫作能力 ■ 符合108課綱新理念 ■ 精選18篇閱讀文章,掌握寫作概念 ■ 從閱讀文本到深度思考,提升英文寫作素養實力 ▶ 如何精進自己的英文寫作能力? 編輯整理出了英文寫作3部曲,戰勝作文恐懼症! 1. 用淺顯易懂的英文帶你瞭解敘述文、應用文、說明文、論說文的寫作概念, 透過英文說明同時可以培養文字的鋪陳能力 2. 從建立寫作概念、賞析範文、寫作引導到組織架構,一步一步教你寫出文字 流暢、主旨連貫且一致的英文作文。 3. Tool Box針對主題提供寫作加分技巧,讓文章更生動、清晰、有條理。 ▶ 為何非買這本書不可? 本書專為想徹底學會英文寫作的讀者而設計,全書分為「應試篇」和「實用篇」兩大部分、共18個單元。「應試篇」著重於基礎寫作以及常見的寫作技巧,掌握這部分概念並按書中規劃進行寫作練習的讀者,在面對各種大考,如學測、國考、資格考試等時,都能順利寫出可拿高分的優質作文。「實用篇」則著重於針對特定情況的寫作,例如大學申請論文、求職信、履歷、詢問或抱怨的電子郵件等,讓讀者能應對生活中可能遇到的各種寫作情境,培養英文寫作素養。本書透過嚴謹的規劃,一步步教讀者如何寫出正確的、有條理的、有意義的英文作文,同時為你的英文寫作奠定紮實的基礎。 目錄介紹 Section I:Basic English Writing and General Writing Skills Unit 1 Writing a Narrative Essay Unit 2 Picture Writing Unit 3 Writing a Postcard Unit 4 Writing a Thank-You Message Unit 5 Writing an Invitation Email Unit 6 Writing a How-to Article Unit 7 Describing Graphs and Charts Unit 8 Writing an Argumentative Essay Unit 9 Giving Suggestions Unit 10 Tips on Writing Descriptions Unit 11 Explaining Cause and Effect Unit 12 Comparing and Contrasting Section II:Advanced English Writing for Specific Situations Unit 13 Writing a College Application Essay Unit 14 Writing a Cover Letter and Résumé Unit 15 Writing Business-Related Emails Unit 16 Writing a Summary Unit 17 Writing a Review Unit 18 Writing a Reflective Essay
Examining post-1990s Indie cinema alongside more mainstream films, Brereton explores the emergence of smart independent sensibility and how films break the classic linear narratives that have defined Hollywood and its alternative 'art' cinema. The work explores how bonus features on contemporary smart films speak to new generational audiences.
There's always a need for recreational piano solos, and these sparkling collections contain a wide variety of light styles that are guaranteed to delight students and audiences alike. Jazz, pop, Latin, country, blues, ballads -- you name the style, it's here! Grouped in three progressive books.
There's always a need for recreational piano solos, and these sparkling collections contain a wide variety of light styles that are guaranteed to delight students and audiences alike. Jazz, pop, Latin, country, blues, ballads -- you name the style, it's here! Grouped in three progressive books.