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Les territoires connaissent un foisonnement d'initiatives et de projets variés qui mettent en évidence l'importance des proximités et une autre approche des ressources. La proximité géographique ne suffit pas pour définir sa dimension territoriale. C'est dans les maillages, les collaborations formelles et informelles, dans la vivacité des pratiques démocratiques locales et dans le sens que les acteurs donnent collectivement au devenir du territoire, qu'émergent les proximités organisées et territorialisées. Ces construits sociaux tentent de valoriser les atouts et potentialités d'un territoire dans leurs dimensions marchandes et non marchandes pour envisager une spécification des ressources. Plus les individus et les groupes se mobilisent selon des formes en perpétuel renouvellement et en s'appuyant souvent sur des rhizomes relationnels complexes, plus ces socio-systèmes activent leur créativité, leur imagination, les rencontres et débats d'idées et font émerger des ressources inattendues et inédites. C'est en activant ces potentialités innovantes et créatives que ces maillages de proximités tendent à révéler des ressources spécifiques à un territoire. De par la diversité des exemples et des réflexions, cet ouvrage montre que les proximités et les ressources territoriales peuvent être au coeur de territoires créatifs.
This Handbook is a state-of-the-art analysis of proximity relations, offering insights into its history alongside up-to-date scientific advances and emerging questions. Its broad scope – from industrial and innovation approaches through to society issues of living and working at a distance, territorial development and environmental topics – will ensure an in-depth focus point for researchers in economics as well as geography, organizational studies, planning and sociology.
Tourist destinations are subject to the strategies and interactions of the people who reside in them, with complementary and sometimes conflicting interests. To ensure that these destinations remain competitive, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) are tasked with stimulating cooperation between all partners (independents, organizations, networks). Tourist Destinations According to Stakeholder Strategies is based on a series of case studies that are analyzed and discussed from a dual geographical and managerial perspective. This enables us to extract operational typologies and propose recommendations for actors in the tourism sector. The authors have opted for an original and innovative name for the object of study, "Localized Tourism Systems" (LTS), thus emphasizing the triple aim of territorialization, tourism activities and actors that interact together in collective projects.
This book serves the purpose of showcasing some of the works in respect of applied research, field projects, and best practice to foster climate change adaptation across the region. Climate change is having a much greater impact in the Mediterranean than the global average. In the Paris Climate Agreement, the UN member states pledged to stop global warming at well below two degrees, if possible at 1.5 degrees. This mark, which is expected elsewhere only for 2030 to 2050, has already been reached in the region. The situation could worsen in the coming years if the global community does not limit its emissions. The above state of affairs illustrates the need for a better and more holistic understanding of how climate change affects countries in the Mediterranean region on the one hand, but also on the many problems it faces on the other, which prevent adaptation efforts. There is also a perceived need to showcase successful examples of how to duly address and manage the many social, economic, and political problems posed by climate change in the region, in order to replicate and even upscale the successful approaches used. It is against this background that the book "Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region" has been produced. It contains papers prepared by scholars, practitioners, and members of governmental agencies, undertaking research and/or executing climate change projects, and working across the region.
Founded in a perspective that speaks to the diversity of contexts and processes used across Canada, this work is nevertheless firmly grounded in theory, offering an in-depth analysis geared toward advanced study in community practice. This depth is further strengthened by the diversity of topics represented in this collective work: community work in various regions of the country exploring issues of poverty and environmental activism; community work with immigrants and refugees, and with trans communities; feminist community organizing as well as organizing with persons with disabilities and with members of linguistic communities; and, finally, artsbased community work with the elderly. This book is published in English. - S’il reflète une diversité de contextes et de processus mis en oeuvre partout au Canada, cet ouvrage est toutefois fermement ancré dans la théorie, convenant aux études avancées en pratique communautaire. La diversité des sujets que propose cet ouvrage collectif est d’un intérêt particulier, qu’il s’agisse du travail communautaire dans diverses régions du pays explorant les questions de la pauvreté et de l’activisme environnemental; le travail communautaire auprès des immigrants et des réfugiés et avec les communautés de personnes trans; l’organisation de la communauté féministe ainsi que celle des personnes handicapées ou celle des membres de communautés linguistiques, et enfin, le travail communautaire axé sur les arts auprès des personnes âgées. Ce livre est publié en anglais.
L'économie créative s'inscrit dans le mouvement de transformation du capitalisme où la connaissance et la créativité sont sources de création de valeur et jouent un rôle dans le / développement des territoires. Au coeur de cette nouvelle économie se trouvent les industries créatives, dont la croissance depuis les années 1990 est soutenue. La première partie de cet ouvrage lance le débat sur les liens entre économie culturelle et économie créative et pose la question du modèle de développement : tous les territoires sont-ils égaux face aux enjeux de l'économie créative ? L'Europe doit-elle suivre le modèle américain ? Les industries traditionnelles peuvent-elles s'adapter à cette nouvelle donne comme l'a fait l'industrie horlogère suisse pour capter le marché international du luxe par un mixte entre tradition et créativité ? Les villes créatives sont-elles des villes de création ? Autrement dit, les villes doivent-elles parier sur les artistes ou sur les nouvelles entreprises créatives ? La deuxième partie du livre revient sur le rôle de la classe créative dans le développement économique et urbain. La théorie de Richard Florida est mise à l'épreuve à travers le devenir des diplômés bohèmes du Royaume-Uni, de la géographie de la classe créative en France, de la question de la mobilité des créatifs en Europe et des nouvelles dynamiques économiques dans les villes de Toulouse, Roubaix et Saint-Etienne. La troisième partie s'intéresse aux conditions d'émergence et d'ancrage des industries créatives dans des régions industrielles en mutation, en particulier dans le Nord Pas-de-Calais, ou dans des pays émergents à travers le cas de l'industrie du cinéma en Inde. La richesse des débats ouverts par les auteurs est mise en perspective en conclusion autour de l'articulation entre nouvelle culture du capitalisme, impacts de la crise économique et inégalités de développement territorial.
This book explores the geographical, geomorphological, ecological, touristic and socioeconomic aspects of natural heritage, argues for the dynamic conservation of that heritage and explains its key characteristics, promotion, conservation and management to achieve sustainable development goals. Emerging concepts such as geodiversity, geographical heritage sites, geomonuments, geoparks and geotourism are increasingly being used by conservationists. At present, the development of geoparks is a major global theme involving the application of geosciences to promote the inclusive growth of society and the protection and conservation of our unique geoheritage. Currently, there are 147 UNESCO global geoparks across 41 countries, in addition to a number of national-level geoparks. Pursuing a holistic approach towards such sites will sensitise the general public to the need for geoconservation of significant geosites and promote it through geotourism. It is a crucial issue, as various countries around the world are eager to develop their geoparks and are working for the conservation of geoheritage sites at the national level. This unique book gathers contributions from 15 countries in the form of case studies analysing the realities on of geographical heritage, geoparks and geotourism. The respective chapters address the role of geoparks as essential tools for education, recreation and nature conservation. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide for geoscientists, planners, policymakers, civil society and anyone concerned about the conservation of geoheritage sites and geoparks for a sustainable future Earth.
This book examines regional responses to marginality by highlighting social innovation, local capacity and new path formations in what are often seen as economically weak regions where policy and institutional considerations play a key role. Divided into three parts, it covers a wide range of topics related to geographical marginality from various angles, on both regional and local scales. The first part focuses on the role of social innovation and illustrates the themes of social innovation and new localism, local revitalization and social entrepreneurship. The second part then addresses the issues of economic responses, valorization, resource use and local action in response to marginalization. Lastly, the third part explores various policies and measures taken to respond to marginality and intensify regional development in marginal areas.
Here is an engaging overview of the development of, definition of, and approach to modern geotourism, a growing movement to help sustain and showcase the distinctive geographical characteristics of many places around the world. This volume provides a clear conceptual framework with illustrative examples from all corners of the world to better understand abiotic nature-based tourism. The volume looks at the establishment and effective management of the over 140 UNESCO geoparks around the world and other travel and tourism destinations of interest for their significant historical, cultural, and frequently stunning physical attributes. With studies from a selection of geotourist areas, the volume explores urban geotourism, mining heritage, geomorphological landforms, geoheritage (based on cultural and historical interest), roadside geology of the U. S., community engagement and volunteer management programs, and much more. There is even a chapter on space and celestial geotourism.
This timely and interdisciplinary book is the first to examine mountain tourism and local communities with a pro-poor lens. By drawing on human geography, political and social science, ethics and moral philosophy and empirical research, the volume explores how mountain tourism can be used to fight poverty and inequality in mountain regions. Mountain tourism represents a growing mass tourism phenomenon. The local population, recognizing the possibilities for increased income, started to develop in situ services. However, sensitive to outside influences, the environment of high-altitude mountain areas resident communities have been abruptly exposed to impacts from mountain tourism-related activities, although until recently, they have been cut off from civilization. The natural environment and people living in mountain regions have been affected by an increasing number of visitors in the last few decades. Hence, this book provides an expert-led and comprehensive summary of mountain tourism development and illustrates how tourism can increase benefits for the poor within local communities. Furthermore, it presents updated management and governance policies. This volume will be of pivotal interest to scholars and practitioners from the fields of geography and tourism studies, ethics, and development economics, as well as policymakers, aid agencies, and general readers interested in sustainable development in mountain regions.