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Atrevete a pensar quiere ser a la vez una invitacion y un impulso. El libro no pretende decirle a nadie lo que debe pensar. Solo quiere ayudar a que cada cual piense con mas claridad y mas rigor. En la nueva sociedad de la informacion y de la comunicacion ya no basta con el eslogan moderno del B+Atrevete a saberB; . El saber ha dejado de ser hoy un atrevimiento para convertirse en una necesidad y una imposicion. Lo que realmente resulta atrevido y urgente es que los ciudadanos sean capaces de pensar y repensar las cosas por su cuenta, sin dejarse arrastrar por los cliches y sin dejarse aplastar por el pensamiento unico. Atrevete a pensar propone la claridad del pensamiento como valor sustantivo y defiende que la transparencia y el rigor en la argumentacion favorecen, a la vez, el pensamiento critico y el dialogo democratico. Pensar no es una actividad oscura reservada a unos pocos escogidos. En sus diversas formas, es la actividad mas comun de los humanos. El libro quiere precisamente desplegar algunas de las muchas posibilidades del pensamiento riguroso para mostrar su utilidad en la vida cotidiana. Cada capitulo del libro parte de un interrogante. El resto del capitulo ofrece pistas de reflexion para que el lector llegue a sus propias conclusiones. Josep Maria Terricabras es catedratico de filosofia y director de la Catedra Ferrater Mora de la Universidad de Gerona. Becario de la Universidad de Munster Alemania, del St. JohnB's College Cambridge y de la Universidad de Berkeley California, ha centrado sus trabajos en temas de filosofia contemporanea, particularmente de filosofia del lenguaje, logica, teoria del conocimiento y etica. Ha publicado, entre otros, Ludwig Wittgenstein:Kommentar und Interpretation 1978, G4ica i llibertat 1983, Fer filosofia avui 1988, Introduc
Una lucha feroz contra la camisa de fuerza impuesta a las mujeres por el patriarcado y las religiones Valiente, lúcida y sincera, Joumana Haddad aborda en El tercer sexo su obra más ambiciosa: un ensayo en el que apuesta por deconstruir la sociedad actual, asentada en valores y medidas artificiales como el dinero, la raza o el género, para reconstruirla a partir de aquello que es inherente al ser humano y que nos hace auténticos: nuestra humanidad. "Es sólo nuestra humanidad, es decir, nuestro 'núcleo' lo que hace que la comparación (e incluso la discriminación, me atrevería a decir) entre nosotros sea aceptable, en lugar de adoptar nuestras 'cortezas' como base para la evaluación. Con mucho gusto aceptaría vivir en un mundo en donde dijéramos: 'Esta persona es más humana que esa persona', pero no en uno en donde decimos: 'Esta persona es más blanca que esa persona'".
The second issue of the yearbook History of Intellectual Culture (HIC) dedicates a thematic section to modes of publication. This volume addresses recent advances in publication studies and stresses the cultural formation of knowledge. By exploring and analyzing layers of presenting, sharing, and circulating knowledge, we invite readers to critically engage with questions of media uses and publishing practices and structures, both historically and in our contemporary digital age. The articles in this volume attest to the great variety of publication modes and perspectives, from the potential and limits of digitizing newspapers such as the New York Times to questions of positionality in building and using Wikipedia, from translation policies and female participation to the genre of university histories.
What kind of political representation existed in the Ancien Régime? Which social sectors were given a voice, and how were they represented in the institutions? These are some of the issues addressed by the authors of this book from different institutional angles (monarchies and republics; parliaments and municipalities), from various European territories and finally from a connected and comparative perspective. The aim is twofold: analyse the different mechanisms of political representation before Liberalism, their strengths and limitations; value the processes of oligarchisation and the possible mismatch between a libertarian model and a reality which was far from its idealised image.
The university reforms that took place in Europe throughout the 18th century were an important moment of change in the history of these institutions. In the Iberian Peninsula, this wave of reforms left its mark in Coimbra and Salamanca (later reaching the other Spanish universities). Portugal and Spain were no strangers to the motivations and even to the general lines of this wave of reforms. Inseparable from the ideas of the Enlightenment, and with a clear will to combat the backwardness and decadence of these institutions, rather ambitious projects emerged, albeit in different degrees. Coimbra faced a rather disruptive initial situation while in Salamanca later plans (1807, for example) proved to be quite ambitious as well. All having a mandatory nature, it would not be correct to say that these Universities did not participate in these processes of reform. Individually or on behalf of collective bodies, several initiatives and proposals emerged during this period in both Universities. In addition, the participation of professors in the statutes and plans that were launched since 1771 is recurrent. Beyond this aspect, it will not be forced to state that the curricular aspect was the most significant mark of these reforms. Thus, we chose to study in a comparative way subjects that sought to explain the concept of nature and its products. With the clear objective of preparing a body of technicians capable of providing a rational and effective exploitation of the various natural products, the faculties of mathematics and philosophy emerged. In the case of medicine, natural products were essential to produce medicines and in this sense the reform of this knowledge brought, among other changes, matters linked to pharmaceutical studies. In the area of law, a relevant introduction was natural law. The perception of natural law was not similar in both countries, and an evident consequence was the greater instability of this chair in Salamanca. Inseparable from the curricular aspects was the adoption of foreign compendia and the encouragement given to the teachers to write their own textbooks. The adoption of textbooks was quite similar, and clearly shows us the lines that reformers sought to follow to modernize these university institutions.
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