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This book consists of reviews covering all aspects of quantum chromodynamics as we know it today. The articles have been written by recognized experts in this field, in honor of the 75th birthday of Professor Boris Ioffe. Combining features of a handbook and a textbook, this is the most comprehensive source of information on the present status of QCD. It is intended for students as well as physicists — both theorists and experimentalists.Each review is self-contained and pedagogically structured, providing the general formulation of the problem, telling where it stands with respect to other issues and why it is interesting and important, presenting the history of the subject, qualitative insights, and so on. The first part of the book is historical in nature. It includes, among other articles, Boris Ioffe's and Yuri Orlov's memoirs on high energy physics in the 1950's, a note by B V Geshkenbein on Ioffe's career in particle physics, and an essay on the discovery of asymptotic freedom written by David Gross.
This book consists of reviews covering all aspects of quantum chromodynamics as we know it today. The articles have been written by recognized experts in this field, in honor of the 75th birthday of Professor Boris Ioffe. Combining features of a handbook and a textbook, this is the most comprehensive source of information on the present status of QCD. It is intended for students as well as physicists OCo both theorists and experimentalists.Each review is self-contained and pedagogically structured, providing the general formulation of the problem, telling where it stands with respect to other issues and why it is interesting and important, presenting the history of the subject, qualitative insights, and so on. The first part of the book is historical in nature. It includes, among other articles, Boris Ioffe''s and Yuri Orlov''s memoirs on high energy physics in the 1950''s, a note by B V Geshkenbein on Ioffe''s career in particle physics, and an essay on the discovery of asymptotic freedom written by David Gross."
Landau's theoretical minimum, Laudau's seminar, ITEP in the beginning of the 1950's / B.L. Ioffe -- pt. 9. ch. 36. QCD and weak interactions of light quarks / J. Bijnens -- ch. 37. Heavy quarkonium dynamics / A.H. Hoang -- pt. 10. ch. 38. Monopoles, vortices and strings: confinement and deconfinement in 2 + 1 dimensions at weak coupling / I.I. Kogan and A. Kovner -- pt. 11. ch. 39. Uses of effective field theory in lattice QCD / A.S. Kronfeld -- ch. 40. Loop equations and nonperturbative QCD / A. Dubin and Y. Makeenko
The highest-energy particle accelerator ever built, the Large Hadron Collider runs under the border between France and Switzerland. It leapt into action on September 10, 2008, amid unprecedented global press coverage and widespread fears that its energy would create tiny black holes that could destroy the earth. By smashing together particles smaller than atoms, the LHC recreates the conditions hypothesized to have existed just moments after the big bang. Physicists expect it to aid our understanding of how the universe came into being and to show us much about the standard model of particle physics—even possibly proving the existence of the mysterious Higgs boson. In exploring what the collider does and what it might find, Don Lincoln explains what the LHC is likely to teach us about particle physics, including uncovering the nature of dark matter, finding micro black holes and supersymmetric particles, identifying extra dimensions, and revealing the origin of mass in the universe. Thousands of physicists from around the globe will have access to the LHC, none of whom really knows what outcomes will be produced by the $7.7 billion project. Whatever it reveals, the results arising from the Large Hadron Collider will profoundly alter our understanding of the cosmos and the atom and stimulate amateur and professional scientists for years to come.
This book focuses on the basics of particle physics, while covering as many frontier advances as possible.The book introduces readers to the principle of symmetry, properties and classification of particles, the quark model of hadrons and the interactions of particles. Following which, the book offers a step-by-step presentation on the unified theory of electromagnetic and weak interaction, as well as the gauge theory of strong interaction: quantum chromodynamics (QCD).In sequential order of the book's development, readers will study topics on the deep inelastic scattering and parton model, the mixing of electrically neutral particle and anti-particles of neutral K meson, neutral B meson and neutral D meson, the CP non-conservation, the charmonium, the exotic states, the glue-ball and hybrid state, the lattice gauge theory, the neutrino oscillation and CP violation of lepton system. Several new models beyond the standard model, such as the grand unified theory and supersymmetric model, are then discussed. As one of the salient takeaways of this book, readers will also explore the interface between cosmology and particle physics.This book is suitable for senior undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and researchers in the field of particle physics. It is also valuable for experimental and theoretical particle physicists as a foundation for further research.
Part of the Physics in a New Era series of assessments of the various branches of the field, Elementary-Particle Physics reviews progress in the field over the past 10 years and recommends actions needed to address the key questions that remain unanswered. It explains in simple terms the present picture of how matter is constructed. As physicists have probed ever deeper into the structure of matter, they have begun to explore one of the most fundamental questions that one can ask about the universe: What gives matter its mass? A new international accelerator to be built at the European laboratory CERN will begin to explore some of the mechanisms proposed to give matter its heft. The committee recommends full U.S. participation in this project as well as various other experiments and studies to be carried out now and in the longer term.