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These are presentations to be presented at the 31st International Cosmic Ray Conference, in Lodz, Poland during July 2009. It consists of the following presentations: (1) Correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic objects in Pierre Auger Observatory data; (2) Discriminating potential astrophysical sources of the highest energy cosmic rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory; (3) Intrinsic anisotropy of the UHECR from the Pierre Auger Observatory; (4) Ultra-high energy photon studies with the Pierre Auger Observatory; (5) Limits on the flux of diffuse ultra high energy neutrinos set using the Pierre Auger Observatory; (6) Search for sidereal modulation of the arrival directions of events recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory; (7) Cosmic Ray Solar Modulation Studies in the Pierre Auger Observatory; (8) Investigation of the Displacement Angle of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Caused by the Galactic Magnetic Field; (9) Search for coincidences with astrophysical transients in Pierre Auger Observatory data; and (10) An alternative method for determining the energy of hybrid events at the Pierre Auger Observatory.
This book introduces you to the physics of cosmic rays, charged particles which reach us from known – and maybe unknown – sources in the cosmos. Starting from a brief history of this fascinating field, it reviews what we know about the creation of elements in the Big Bang and inside stars. It explains cosmic accelerators reaching fabulous energies. It follows the life cycle of cosmic rays all the way from their sources to detection near, on or below Earth. The central three chapters cover what we know about them at the level of the solar system, the Milky Way and the Universe at large. Up-to-date experimental results are presented in detail, showing how they are obtained and interpreted. The book provides an accessible overview of this lively and diversified research field. It will be of interest to undergraduate physics students beginning their studies on astronomy, cosmology, and particle physics. It is also accessible to the general public by concentrating mathematical and technical detail into Focus Boxes. Key features: Complete introductory overview of cosmic ray physics Covers the origins, acceleration, transport mechanisms and detection of these particles Mathematical and technical detail is kept separate from the main text
Identifying the sources of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs, above 10^{18} eV), the most energetic particles known in the universe, would be an important leap forward for both the astrophysics and particle physics knowledge. However, developing a cosmic-ray astronomy is arduous because magnetic fields, that permeate our Galaxy and the extra-Galactic space, deflect cosmic rays that may lose the directional information on their sources. This problem can be reduced by studying the highest energy end of the cosmic ray spectrum. Indeed, magnetic field deflections are inversely proportional to the cosmic ray energy. Moreover, above 4x10^{19} eV, cosmic rays interact with cosmic photon backgrounds, losing energy. This means that the sources of the highest energy cosmic rays observed on Earth can be located only in the nearby universe (200 Mpc or less). The largest detector ever built for detecting cosmic rays at such high energies is the Pierre Auger Observatory, in Argentina. It combines a 3000 km^2 surface array of water Cherenkov detectors with fluorescence telescopes to measure extensive air showers initiated by the UHECRs. This thesis was developed inside the Auger Collaboration and was devoted to study the highest energy events observed by Auger, starting from the selection and reconstruction up to the analysis of their distribution in the sky. Moreover, since the composition at these energies is unknown, we developed a method to select proton-like events, since high Z cosmic rays are too much deflected by magnetic fields to be used for cosmic-ray astronomy.
Cosmic rays are an intriguing aspect of astrophysics, originating from various sources in the universe, such as supernovae, pulsars, and even black holes. They consist of charged particles accelerated to incredible energies, often far beyond what our most powerful particle accelerators on Earth can achieve. These particles, when they collide with the Earth's atmosphere, create secondary particles in a cascade of interactions, leading to a fascinating array of phenomena. Studying cosmic rays provides valuable insights into the universe's most extreme environments and processes. They offer clues about the composition of cosmic objects, the nature of dark matter, and the magnetic fields permeating space. Moreover, understanding cosmic rays is crucial for space exploration, as they pose radiation hazards to astronauts and spacecraft. Researchers use ground-based detectors, high-altitude balloons, and even satellites to study cosmic rays from different vantage points. By analyzing the energy spectrum, arrival directions, and particle types, scientists aim to unlock the mysteries surrounding these enigmatic messengers from the cosmos.
The Pierre Auger Observatory studies Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) physics. The flux of UHECRs is very low (less than 1 particle/km2-year) and their properties must be inferred from the measurements of the secondary particles that the cosmic ray primary produces in the atmosphere. These particles cascades are called Extensive Air Showers (EAS) and can be studied at ground by deploying detectors covering large areas. The EAS physics is complex, and the properties of secondary particles depend strongly on the first interaction, which takes place at an energy beyond the ones reached at accelerators. As a consequence, the analysis of UHECRs is subject to large uncertainties and hence many of their properties, in particular their composition, are still unclear. Two complementary techniques are used at Auger to detect EAS initiated by UHECRs: a 3000 km2 surface detector (SD) array of water Cherenkov tanks which samples particles at ground level and fluorescence detectors (FD) which collect the ultraviolet light emitted by the de-excitation of nitrogen nuclei in the atmosphere, and can operate only in clear, moonless nights. The main goal of this thesis is the measurement of UHECR mass composition using data from the SD of the Pierre Auger Observatory. Measuring the cosmic ray composition at the highe-st energies is of fundamental importance for particle physics and astrophysics. Indeed, it allows to explore the hadronic interactions at ultra-high energies, and to discriminate between different scenarios of origin and propagation of cosmic rays.
The scope of the book is to give an overview of the history of astroparticle physics, starting with the discovery of cosmic rays (Victor Hess, 1912) and its background (X-ray, radioactivity). The book focusses on the ways in which physics changes in the course of this history. The following changes run parallel, overlap, and/or interact: - Discovery of effects like X-rays, radioactivity, cosmic rays, new particles but also progress through non-discoveries (monopoles) etc. - The change of the description of nature in physics, as consequence of new theoretical questions at the beginning of the 20th century, giving rise to quantum physics, relativity, etc. - The change of experimental methods, cooperations, disciplinary divisions. With regard to the latter change, a main topic of the book is to make the specific multi-diciplinary features of astroparticle physics clear.
In recent years, cosmic rays have become the protagonists of a new scientific revolution. We are able today to film the Universe with telescopes of completely novel conception, recording information from many different messengers and accessing previously unknown cosmic regions. Written by a recognized authority in physics, this book takes readers on a captivating journey through the world of cosmic rays, their role in the revolutionary field of multi-messenger astronomy, their production from powerful accelerators close to the surfaces of black holes and compact objects, reaching the highest levels of energy observed in nature, and the implications this has for our understanding of the Universe. Through the stories of pioneering scientists, explorations of cutting-edge technologies, and simple explanations related to particle physics, quantum mechanics, and astrophysics, the book provides an illuminating state-of-the-art introduction to the current state of high-energy astrophysics. The book was written in straightforward yet rigorous language, so as to be accessible to the greater public. For those curious about the cosmos and cosmic gamma rays, nuclei, neutrinos, and gravitational waves, from casual observers to professional astronomers and physicists, the book is a must-read, offering a thrilling adventure into the future of astronomy and particle physics.
The origin of ultra high energy cosmic rays is one of the big unsolved questions in Astrophysics today. Knowing the mass composition of these cosmic rays would help to determine information about both their propagation and acceleration. The Pierre Auger Observatory was built to gather more information and more statistics than any previous cosmic ray detector ever built. In this thesis, I will detail my method of extending the current Pierre Auger mass composition information by using surface array parameters as a proxy for the depth of shower maximum, an established mass indicator.
Energy-dependent patterns in the arrival directions of cosmic rays are searched for using data of the Pierre Auger Observatory. We investigate local regions around the highest-energy cosmic rays with $E \ge 6 \times 10^$ eV by analyzing cosmic rays with energies above $E \ge 5 \times 10^$ eV arriving within an angular separation of approximately 15$^{\circ }$ . We characterize the energy distributions inside these regions by two independent methods, one searching for angular dependence of energy-energy correlations and one searching for collimation of energy along the local system of principal axes of the energy distribution. No significant patterns are found with this analysis. The comparison of these measurements with astrophysical scenarios can therefore be used to obtain constraints on related model parameters such as strength of cosmic-ray deflection and density of point sources.
The purpose of the School was to promote cosmic ray physics and astrophysics within the Latin American community. These proceedings aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and experimental aspects of Cosmit Ray Physics and Astrophysics. The list of lecture topics includes: experimental techniques, primary spectrum and composition of cosmic rays; high-energy interactions; gamma ray astronomy and GRBs; neutrino astrophsyics; cosmic ray detectors; simulation; solar modulation, and present status of the development and results from several present-day observations such as the Pierre Auger, IceCube, HESS, KASCADE, etc. The proceedings will provide students with a common background, and will give them an updated panorama.