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Astrology is the Divine science that makes sense of the order of the Universe. In this book you will come to understand how mathematically numbers are the bases of astrology. The houses in astrology are the core essence that will give numbers meaning. Once the meanings of houses are understood in terms of the numerical order the perfection of the Universe is revealed. The houses reflect the purpose and meaning of life and how everything is interconnected and related. In this book the meanings of numbers and how they relate to each other come alive through the meanings of the houses. It will reveal our spiritual journey through life from birth to old age. The houses are divided into the categories of the 4 Aims of life, which are the 4 elements. This gives an understanding of the energetic flow of how life unfolds and the purpose and meaning of our lives. This is revealed from the understanding of Fire-Dharma, Earth-Artha, Air-Kama, and Water-Moksha. As the planets are placed into the houses the areas of one's life and destiny become clear as to the karmas of the soul. The houses the planets rule and the houses they are placed indicates the intricacies of an individual's life. The houses are assessed through the experiences of seasoned astrologer Joni Patry from many years of working with planets, signs, and houses in her personal life and with clients. In each chapter all 12 houses, are explored with deep and profound understanding leaving no stone unturned. The book is organized in this way: The houses are grouped according to the 4 elements or 4 Aims of life. Each house is analyzed as it is in relation to all the other houses giving deep perception into the meaning of numbers. For example, the 2nd house rules our personal finances. Therefore, the 2nd house to any house indicates financial gains from the house in question. The 8th house is the 2nd house from the 7th house indicating the partner's (7th house) money (2nd from the 7th house). Each house is understood by its relationship to other houses, and Bhavat Bhavam. For example, the 5th house represents children. Counting 5 houses from the 5th house is the 9th house. So the 9th house is our children's children or grand children. Each planet is analyzed and interpreted in all the houses. And the planet's rulership of each house is analyzed as it is placed in all 12 houses. Each house has 2 birth charts of famous individual's to explain the core essence of what the house means. Finally, all the planets are analyzed as they transit through all the houses. Future predictions are revealed through the understanding of all the transiting planets through all 12 houses. This is the most in-depth analysis of the understanding and meaning of the astrological houses, using numbers, signs and planets in astrology. Amazing and powerful, this will change the way you view astrology through and understanding of the Divine Order of the Universe!
The Book that has been awaited for 54 years is now finally published. The spiritual communiques, issued from the Plan of Sublime Duty and named 'Onder [Pioneer]' in 1959, were compiled by Bedri Ruhselman. Since then they have been preserved in the safes of notaries and banks. Now that their time has arrived after 54 years, they have now been published. The book in your hands is the faithfully translated version of the original Turkish text. In The Divine Order and The Universe you will find: * The unending rain of knowledge starting from spirit and matter... * The true comprehension of love; the advance from love towards the essence... * Discovering existential freedom and planetary awakening... * The implications of global warming, floods and earthquakes... * The lessons we learn from natural events... * Spiritual preparation through predicted facts about inevitable natural events...
Presents Astrology in its true sense as a spiritual rather than predictive system.
Going through the 12 astrological signs we learn how the structures of the astrological symbols are rediscoverd in the form and function of our organs and realize how connected we are with all of life. This book, with beautiful colour illustrations, will empower you to see who you truly are, a spark of the Divine in a human body (microcosm), resembling the universe (macrocosm). For the German translation, visit
Jung on Astrology brings together C. G. Jung’s thoughts on astrology in a single volume for the first time, significantly adding to our understanding of Jung’s work. Jung’s Collected Works, seminars, and letters contain numerous discussions of this ancient divinatory system, and Jung himself used astrological horoscopes as a diagnostic tool in his analytic practice. Understood in terms of his own psychology as a symbolic representation of the archetypes of the collective unconscious, Jung found in astrology a wealth of spiritual and psychological meaning and suggested it represents the "sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity." The selections and editorial introductions by Safron Rossi and Keiron Le Grice address topics that were of critical importance to Jung—such as the archetypal symbolism in astrology, the precession of the equinoxes and astrological ages, astrology as a form of synchronicity and acausal correspondence, the qualitative nature of time, and the experience of astrological fate—allowing readers to assess astrology’s place within the larger corpus of Jung’s work and its value as a source of symbolic meaning for our time. The book will be of great interest to analytical psychologists, Jungian psychotherapists and academics and students of depth psychology, Jungian and post-Jungian studies, as well as to astrologers and therapists of other orientations, especially transpersonal.
A thorough analysis of this important subject is badly needed. That is why this book addresses the vital issues of astrology authoritatively & in some depth. It explains the power & influence of astrology; how astrology claims to work; the world view about astrology; the truth about chart interpretation; the alleged evidence for astrology; why astrology works; astrology & the occult. It answers the questions: What exactly is astrology? Do the heavens really influence life on earth? What does the Bible say about astrology? Are astrology & Christian doctrine compatible? Many examples & experiences are shared in this extensive study on astrology.
Longtime astrologers Shiva Das and Mercy Ananda take readers through every aspect of astrology, from its history, principles, components, and meanings, to its use as a tool to raise awareness and to understand possibilities in cause and effect. With nearly 180 black and white illustrations, including zodiac, primary wheel, and sign relationship depictions, Divine Love Astrology provides a thorough education in this ancient system. This essential guide embraces the immediate personal and practical applications of astrology and encompasses the broadest philosophical and universal values, guiding us from Earthly mundane to the celestial Divine. Not only do the authors teach readers the basics of the field, but they also provide them with tools to reflect and develop intuitive understanding that will aid in reading astrology charts and living a conscious life. Divine Love Astrology will benefit those interested in becoming astrologers and help them— through the use of astrology as a contemplative science—develop their intuition. Rather than proposing that we live our lives by astrological events or learn to stereotype people, Das and Ananda help readers get in touch with their inner knowing, enabling them to make conscious choices for themselves in the present. With its spiritual and applicable lens, Divine Love Astrology will help both professional astrologers and laypeople alike take charge of their lives from the inside out.
The secret to success in every endeavor is timing. What Divine Time are you on now? Take a look inside to find out! This is The Power of Divine Timing 2019! The Power of Divine Timing 2019 is an annual astrological guide and method that helps readers to nurture the correct source at the right time to create desired results based on astrological timing. You’ve heard the term, “have an attitude of gratitude”; but how can you be gracious if you can’t see the blessings, you’re supposed to be grateful for? Indeed, sometimes we have starved the blessings so much, it’s as if they do not exist, or they have simply withered and died. That’s sad; right? Humans tend to naturally feed the wrong source, challenges. You may also know that whatever we feed, whatever we nurture, grows stronger. You hear this time and time again from wise and prophetic teachers: “Live in the moment.” How do you do that when you don’t know what moment you’re in—or where to place your intention and energy? That’s where The Power of Divine Timing 2019 comes in! This is The Power of Divine Timing 2019—the technique that locates your specific, personal Universal blessings and challenges in real time and simply teaches you how to starve your challenges and to nurture and grow your blessings! The question then becomes: what happens to something that starves? It cannot exist without a source of energy feeding it. So, this, simply put, means you can starve your challenges to death until they have no power to survive and wreak havoc in your life. For, what I have intrinsically found is that when you focus on the blessings in your life, solutions for life’s challenges can be found there. It’s really quite easy. Each chapter focuses on the planet's current transits and movements, how they affect each astrological sign from the perspective of Challenges, Blessings, Change, and how to approach your current chart utilizing The Power of Divine Timing Technique. You should read both your Sun and rising sign. As you get familiar with this year’s challenges and apparent Universal Blessings, you can start to nurture the right source. As you nurture the correct source, you will notice your life shifting, the challenges diminishing, and the blessings increasing. I have included exercises and suggestions for each of the astrological signs, and transits, to assist you in nurturing the right source.