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Seeing in the pattern of the astrological symbols both the development of ego and the path beyond ego's restrictions, Tim Lyons discusses the relationship between astrology and perennial wisdom. The first three chapters present thought-provoking ideas about the development of awareness through the stages described by the planets, signs, and houses. Succeeding chapters explore the role of relationships and emotion in our spiritual development, the evolutionary potential symbolized by the outer planets, and the importance of collective projections. The final chapter explores the relationship between our ideas about freedom and astrological time-analysis. Astrology Beyond Ego concludes with an appendix that explains some astrological correlations to the Buddhist Abhidharma. Tim Lyons has been an astrologer for more than 30 years. He has contributed to two of Llewellyn's New World Astrology series (How to Manage the Astrology of Crisis, 1993; Astrology Looks at History, 1995), been a columnist for American Astrology (now Your Daily Horoscope) since 1990, and contributed numerous astrology articles to Welcome to Planet Earth and The Mountain Astrologer. He has also contributed to The East West Journal, The Liguorian, Chrysalis, The Vajradhatu Sun, Bodhi Magazine, ETC., The Vocabula Review, and various newspapers and given numerous lectures both in Colorado and elsewhere. He has a B.A. in English Literature from Occidental College in Los Angeles (1971) and an M.A. in Creative Writing from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (1974). He works as a writing instructor at the University of Colorado and maintains an active astrology practice.
Unsuspected by the world at large, astrology uses a model that ignores the stars. Many who practice it do not know that there is a lost, star-based zodiac, entirely distinct from the well-known circle of twelve sun signs. Although not wrong on its own terms - the popular sun sign profiles do work- astrology it is wrongly defined as "the language of the stars." Quest for the Zodiac corrects this error and recovers the visible star patterns observed in ancient times. The distinction between sign stereotypes and the real-sky constellations is astounding and revolutionary. The mythic images of the constellations, not the signs, present a new approach to the age-old question: What is destiny? In the code language of the constellations, myths and archtypal themes reflect the long-term experience of humanity. In the author's formulation, the star zodiac is a visionary tool for detecting the way each individual can advance on the learning curve of the human species. In effect, we each have a second horoscope, but its message is transpersonal, not ego-centered. Sun sign astrology examines and elucidates personality, but with the star zodiac we discover the innate genius of the person. Quest for the Zodiac proposes a new method of interpreting life-patterns. It breaks the 2000-year-old monopoly astrology holds on the interactivity of psyche and cosmos. This is the future of astrology, and the astrology of the future.
Do you believe in fate? Do you feel that things are preordained? Do you believe that higher forces govern the course of your life? Which is why astrology comes in picture, as it’s a science of deciphering the mysterious way of how fate operates. We know that astrology has been around for thousands of years, foretelling many events of life by mystically interpreting the movements of the planets and guiding us to anticipate our future . But did you know that fate is not working on its own, unknowingly we have been constantly influencing it too. Which is why the science of astrology has always come under scrutiny of many critics for not being very reliable as there is lack of accuracy in prediction. This book illustrates the reason for that. By taking you through the journey where predictive astrology stops and the scope of astrology that goes beyond prediction begins. This book explains how you unknowingly participate actively in the shaping of your future along with fate and how you have the free will to influence the very planets that are responsible for the predetermined events of your life. Discover the hidden secrets to understand life and your purpose in it
The earliest civilizations frequently applied astrology to make predictions about everything from weather to war. While our modern lives may not be so rough-and-tumble, we can still seek answers from astrology to help illuminate our life's path. In Astrology Made Simple, professional psychic and astrologer Alyson Mead moves step-by-step through astrology's complexities. With her guidance, you will: Gain in-depth insight into the twelve zodiac signs, as well as the importance of lunar placement, rising and descendant signs, planets, asteroids, and more Learn the mechanics of a birth chart's construction, and methods for interpretation to reveal your horoscope Get strategies for applying your horoscope to facets of everyday life, such as romance, career, family, and health Go beyond your sun sign and unlock astrology's secrets!
In The Heavens Declare, author and astrologer Alice O. Howell proclaims, “We are not confronting the end of the world, but the end of the Age of Pisces!” Integrating two major disciplines of astrology and Jungian depth psychology, Howell’s latest title reveals the fascinating connection between astrology and the evolution of the Collective Unconscious, C.G. Jung’s theory that the unconscious mind is shared by all humans and contains archetypes and universal mental predispositions not grounded in physical experience. Written in the form of thought-provoking letters to her analyst friend, Howell’s natural wit and charm compliment the text. Exploring the synchronicity between myth, history, religion, and the evolution of humankind over the past five astrological ages—spanning some 12,000 years—she presents the current tasks and the potential traps humanity now faces. Howell also provides her audience with a deeper understanding and method of healing the individual psyche. She illustrates that an astrologer serves as a type of psychologist who analyzes the position of the stars and planets within an individual’s astrological chart for the purpose of understanding his or her psychological makeup, the personal challenges he or she may face, and the possible solutions to overcoming those obstacles.
This amazingly simple method from a Tibetan Master unlocks the secrets of your Soul - revealing your Soul Path and life purpose for this incarnation. A potentially mind-blowing read, Soul Astrology can help you to get clear on what you came here to do AND how you'll do it! What you can learn in Soul Astrology: * WHAT you came here to do * HOW you'll do it * BLOCKS that are in your way * HOW to REMOVE them * HOW to FIND your SOUL PATH in YOUR HOROSCOPE * Your INNATE MASTERY and GIFTS that you brought with you that will accomplish your life purpose During the early twentieth century a Tibetan Master who simply called himself "The Tibetan" transmitted a body of work known as A Treatise On The Seven Rays, to an Englishwoman named Alice Bailey. Part of that work was the volume known as Esoteric Astrology. Many have studied Esoteric Astrology and found the work to be complex in it's presentation. In Soul Astrology Ruth Hadikin cuts through the complexity so you can easily access the essential wisdom of the Tibetan Master DK. This amazingly simple (yet deeply profound) approach to your birth chart shows you how to easily identify your Soul's Path and determine your life purpose for this incarnation. "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" are the biggest questions that you will ever ask yourself as you walk though this journey of life. The answers are hiding in plain sight and can easily be revealed through your horoscope. You just need to know how to look, and this book is about to tell you... Drawing upon Esoteric Astrology, the Greek myth of Hercules, and ancient principles from spiritual masters, Ruth Hadikin describes the journey of your Soul through the twelve signs of the Zodiac. Your Soul's Path and your life purpose will become crystal clear to you. For spiritual seekers and lovers of astrology alike, Soul Astrology is a powerful addition to your toolbox for your ongoing journey of spiritual awakening.
The astrologic map or horoscope reveal our real nature and soul. When we feel lost in the labyrinth of life, it will serve us as a compass sent from Gods and cosmic forces to show us the direction in which we can go further, the direction of our heart and soul. Horoscope is a projection of our personal soul and of our real nature. It covers what we are, but not what we are required to be. It greatly illustrates our own myth and tale, shows those parts of us we are in connection with and those we are disconnected with. Through the native map we can reconstruct (restore) this relation between spirit and soul, respond to the authentic Ego without having fear from the environment, bring together opposites and become one with the cosmic soul. The horoscope gives the most truly and closes direction to our psychic, spiritual and real nature. It can wakes up the hero/soldier in each of us, it can provoke us and motivate to undertake those big journey-challenge in the process of which we stand up in front of our self and our authentic nature. My aim in this book is to join you to the journey of the hero in each of you, i.e. from your birth itself, through the process of grow up, mature and to the end of the adventure. As much as closer to it we are, much more things we understand for our self and for our real nature, for our authentic Ego