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The body of the world is a huge storehouse of corruption and degeneracy. In the great magical agent, which is the Astral light, are preserved all the impressions of things, all the images formed, either by their rays or by their reflections; it is in this light that our dreams appear to us, it is this light which intoxicates the insane and sweeps away their enfeebled judgment into the pursuit of the most fantastic phantoms. To see without illusions in this light it is necessary to push aside the reflections by a powerful effort of the will, and draw to oneself only the rays. Who are the dead whom we take for the living, and the vampires whom we mistake for friends? They are the poisonous mushrooms of the human species, absorbing the vitality of the living; that is why their approach paralyzes the soul, and sends a chill to the heart. These corpse-like beings prove all that has ever been said of the vampires, those dreadful creatures who rise at night and suck the blood from the healthy bodies of sleeping persons. In the hands of the true adept of the East, a simple wand of bamboo with seven joints, supplemented by their ineffable wisdom and indomitable will-power, suffices to evoke spirits and produce the miracles authenticated by the testimony of a cloud of unprejudiced witnesses.
In its highest aspect, Akasha is Divine mind reflected in the waters of Space or Chaos. It is undifferentiated Noumenal and Abstract Space, which will be occupied by Primordial Consciousness. Akasha has several fields: The first is the field of latent consciousness which is coeval with the duration of the First and Second Logos. Another Akashic field is coeval with the emergence of the Third Logos. From the latent potentiality there radiates a lower field of differentiated consciousness, which is Mahat, or the entire collectivity of those Dhyani-Chohans of sentient life of which Fohat is the representative on the objective plane and the Manasaputras on the subjective. 1. Akasha is eternal; Astral Light; periodic and ephemeral. The ideals of Divine Mind become reflected and reversed in the Astral Light, which also reflects the life of our Earth. 2. Akasha is eternal divine consciousness, undifferentiated, and unconditioned. Astral Light is a periodic projection of the One Celestial Unconsciousness to myriads of terrestrial, individualised consciousnesses. 3. Akasha is the germ within the acorn; Astral Light is the acorn. 4. Akasha is the Divine Soul of Thought and Compassion, a perpetually reasoning Divinity. Compassion, being the Spirit of Truth, is the Law of laws. 5. Akasha is the Soul of the World on the spiritual plane; Astral Light, the Body of the World on the psychic plane. 6. Astral Light is the dregs of Akasha polluted by man’s selfish and perverted thoughts and deeds, storehouse of all human and especially psychic iniquities. Astral Light is bi-sexual. The male part is purely spiritual; the female part, tainted with matter. 7. Astral Light is not even the thought substance of the Universe, but a mere recorder of every thought. Astral Light retains the thoughts and deeds of the animal man; Akasha, those of the Spiritual Man.
Lust is the Mother of Jealousy. The kind of Love that is mostly responsible for the feeling of Jealousy is that which is best denominated Lust. Satiety, exhaustion, weariness, dreariness, and unhappiness are some of the evil consequences of Lust.
Manas-mind, its vehicle, kāma-desire, and their interplay with other minds through karma-action are hard concepts to grasp without an appreciation that they are a single dynamic trinity, and not three ontologically distinct ideas. In his Science of the Emotions, Bhagavān Dās undertakes a bold and incisive study of the continuum of Desire-Thought-Action, where he demonstrates elegantly and convincingly that “emotions” and “feelings,” mostly mixed and lumped together by the ignoramus, are none other than the workings of this occult triplet. Mastership of the mind’s pendular māyāvic movements, swinging back and forth from the Centre of Being, is prerequisite to success in whatever domain it chooses to focus upon. Dr. Dās identifies the essential nature of Desire, elaborates upon the duality of primordial e-motions and their endless permutations, and proceeds unravelling the aetiology of attitudes and their behavioural implications. His Science sheds light on man’s lower propensities which, if left unchecked, will go on demeaning character and disgracing kith and kin. He instructs, amuses, and enlightens the reader through a series of pithy essays. He even lays bare the distinguishing qualities between confusingly similar emotions, from Devotion and Worship, to Smile and Laughter. The Science of the Emotions remains the definitive text for those seeking knowledge of self and Self.
Fohat, the Light of Logos, shapes the atoms from crude material, which is as yet invisible to us. Since sound and rhythm are closely related to the Four Elements of the Ancients, the potency of the spoken word awakens their corresponding powers with good or bad results. As the differentiation of the Divine Monas precedes the evolution of the Dhyani-Chohans of the Third Hierarchy of Being in the primary creation, before those Devas can occupy their first ethereal form, so animal creation has to precede the evolution of man on earth. Then the Great Breath vibrates and differentiates the primordial, first manifested Atom. How could you make yourself understood by those semi-intelligent Forces, whose means of communication with us are not through spoken words but through sounds and colours in correlated vibrations between the two? By employing sound, light and colours, which are understood by these grades of intelligence. Light and heat are ghosts of matter in motion. Natural-born magicians are those whose inner selves are connected, by reason of their direct descent, with that group of Dhyani-Chohans who are “the first-born of Ether.” No substance possesses any inherent gustatory or olfactory property. Taste and odour are mere sensations caused by vibrations — hence illusionary perceptions. We taste and smell in our dreams and visions. Akasha is primordial substance, the vehicle of Divine Thought. Knowledge of Akasha and other mysteries can alone lead to knowledge of the Forces of Nature. Could air exist if there were no etheric medium in Space to buoy up its molecules? The waves and undulations of Science are all produced by atoms propelling their molecules into activity from within. Atoms fill the immensity of Space and, by their continuous vibration, are Eternal Motion (Atman), cyclic and spiral, which keeps the wheels of Life rolling.
Theosophy is the Aletheia of Occult Science and the Religion of Reason. Prerequisites and qualifications and for aspirants. The fundamental propositions of the Secret Doctrine. First proposition — Cosmogenesis. Second proposition — Law governs Cosmos and Man. Third proposition — Anthropogenesis. “Spiritual” nature cannot be “cultivated.” A sincere lover of the race can accomplish more in three incarnations during Kali-Yuga, than he could in a much greater number in any other age. What is the “moment of choice”? The elementals are spirits of the four elements of the terrestrial world. Our Earth is densely populated by these mystifying centres of energy. By coalescing around our thoughts, and being coloured by them, they act as impartial agents of karma. Curses, like chickens, come home to roost. As universal law contains within itself the means for its own accomplishment, and the punishment for its violation, it requires no further authority to carry out its decrees. The origin of man, his “original sin,” and his destiny. The doctrine of reincarnation. The inner constitution of man. The real hell is life on earth. The bliss of “paradise” is a delusion of the lower self stemming from the “heresy of individuality,” which heresy determines the monad’s future birth. Upheld through Eternity, Karma decrees harmony across the Universe. Since Compassion is the Spirit of Truth, karma follows its behests and manifests as the Law of ethical causation. It is the One Law that governs the World of Being impartially, to Cosmos, Man, and Angel alike. The universal onward march of evolutionary progress proceeds along contrary directions — spirit falling gradually into matter, and matter ascending to its original condition, that of a pure spiritual substance. Greatness is measured by the standard of genuine spiritual (not psychic) development, i.e., the acquirement of soul-wisdom by personal effort and merit. Heart-wisdom and head-learning are divergent paths. A mountain abyss separates the two, so hopelessly impassable and obstructive to the traveller. The law of spiritual development supersedes the purely intellectual growth; the latter is more of an impediment than of help. Theosophy, being the only system of true religion and philosophy, offers lucid explanations and solutions to the puzzles of life. A rebuke to the Theosophical Publication Society: We are not seeking to cater to fiction readers and curiosity hunters, but to the pressing needs of earnest minds. The United States contain more theosophists and possible subscribers and readers than the whole of Europe. They do not want fiction. They want no padding in their search for truth. They are perfectly able to grasp that which the Theosophical Publication Society in London deems to be “too advanced.”
Dreams are images of hopes and fears. Somnambulism, premonitions, and second sight are a disposition, energised by the power of the imagination, to perceive and guess by intuition reflections from the Astral Light. In sense dreams the mind is always asleep. The sensual tendencies of the dreamer are readily impressed by pictures from the Astral Light, and thus the direction of such dreams is always towards the animal plane. We should therefore train ourselves to wake up when a sense dream occurs; and the instantaneous rejection of impure thoughts during the period of waking consciousness will tend to set up a habit of rejection, which will act automatically in sleep. There is no simple answer to the question “what is it that dreams?” for it depends entirely on each individual, what principle will be the chief motor in dreams, and whether they will be remembered or forgotten. When the material man dreams, all he sees with his eyes shut, and in or through his mind, is of course subjective. But the Inner Man, who is the silent spectator of the life of the dreamer, all he sees is as objective as he is himself to himself. The dream state is common not only to all men, but also to all animals, from the highest mammalia to the smallest birds, and even insects. Every being endowed with a physical brain, or organs approximating thereto, must dream. Human dreams do not differ much from those of the animals. But that which is entirely terra incognita for science is the real dreams and experiences of the immortal Ego overshadowing mortal man, which thinks and acts independently of the physical body. What we often regard as dreams or idle fancies may be stray pages torn out from the life and experiences of the Inner Man, the dim recollection of which at the moment of awakening becomes more or less distorted by our physical memory. Every night, when the Inner Man is freed from the trammels of matter, he lives a separate life within his prison of clay. But the outer man cannot be conscious of the Inner Man, for his brain and thinking apparatus are paralyzed more or less completely. Ordinary dreams are caused by sensuously desirous consciousness awakened into chaotic activity by the slumbering reminiscences of the lower mind. The combined action of desires and animal soul is purely mechanical. It is instinct, not reason, which is active in them. But, as a rule, our memory registers only the fugitive and distorted impressions which the brain receives at the moment of awakening. Among the vast number of meaningless dreams there are some in which presages are given of coming events. When such dreams come true, they may be termed prophetic. In the case of individuals who have truly prophetic dreams, it is because their physical brains and memory are in closer relation and sympathy with their Higher Ego than in the generality of men. The Adept, however, does not dream, he just paralyzes his lower self during sleep, and becomes perfectly free. Dreams are illusions and the Adept is beyond illusion. Imagination is the best guide of our blind senses. We see through our imagination, and that is the natural aspect of the miracle. But we also see actual and true things, and it is in this that lies the marvel of the natural phenomenon. Those of a nervous temperament, whose sight is weak and imagination vivid, are the fittest persons for this kind of divination. The stronger the spirituality of the dreamer, the easier it will be for the Higher Ego to impress on the brain a vivid picture of the dream. In the materialistic man, in one whose proclivities and passions have severed his astral soul from her spiritual counterpart and master, in him whose labour has so worn out the body as to render him temporarily insensible to the voice of his soul — such persons rarely, if ever, will have any dreams at all. On the other hand, highly spiritual people will see visions and dreams when asleep, and even in their hours of wakefulness. Messages sent by one soul to another are perceived as premonitions, dreams, and visions. Facts are generally inverted in dreams, and this can be explained by the law of introverted mental vision. The Higher Ego does not think as its evanescent personality does. Its thoughts are vivid pictures and visions of past and future scenes, of wonderful living acts and heroic deeds, which are all present in the eternal now — even as they were when speech expressed in sounds did not exist, when thoughts were things, and men did not need to express them in speeches, for they instantly realised themselves in action by the power of Kriyashakti, that mysterious power which transforms instantaneously ideas into visible forms. In persons of a very materialistic mind, because the Ego is so trammelled by matter, it can hardly give all its attention to one’s actions, even though the latter may commit sins for which that Ego will have to suffer conjointly in future. True dreams, being actions of the Higher Ego, they produce effects which are recorded on their own plane. Ordinary dreams, by and large, are the waking and hazy recollections of such actions. Between the inner man and the physical brain there is a kind of conscious telegraphic communication going on incessantly, day and night. When the brain is asleep, the physical memory and imagination are also asleep, and all cognitive functions are at rest. Our mundane life is a “dream” to the Higher Ego, while the inner life, or what we call the “dream plane,” is the real life for it. The will of the common man is dormant in dreams and therefore inactive. A sick person, especially just before death, is very likely to see in dream, or vision, those whom he loves and is continually thinking of; and so also is a person awake, but intensely thinking of a person who is asleep at the time. In cases of consumption, or other emaciating diseases, dreams become pleasant because the astral soul of the patient has begun detaching from the physical body, and therefore becomes more clairvoyant in proportion. As death approaches, the body wastes away and ceases to be an impediment or barrier between the brain of the ailing man and his Higher Ego. In Black Magic it is no rare thing to evoke the “spirit” of a sleeping person. Thus the sorcerer may learn from the apparition any secret he chooses, while the sleeper remains ignorant of what is going on. A nightmare arises from oppression and difficulty in breathing; and the latter will always create a feeling of oppression and a sensation of impending calamity. By cultivating the power of dreaming, clairvoyance is developed. But only one’s clairvoyant faculty, aided by spiritual intuition, can interpret one’s dreams. The only one who profits from a dream book is its author. If you could remember your dreams in deep sleep, when the spiritual consciousness is active, you would be able to remember all your past incarnations. That exalted state of remembrance is the “Memory of the Heart”; and the capacity to impress itself on the brain, so that it becomes part of its consciousness, marks the opening of the Third Eye.
Apocalypsis is a Kabbalistic book, par excellence, far older than Christianity. The author of Apocalypsis is no other than Oannes, the Chaldean Dagon or Man-Fish, who rose every day from the Persian Gulf and taught wisdom to men. As the sun sunk below the horizon, he retired into the sea passing the night in the deep for he was amphibious, i.e., he lived on two planes: the spiritual and the physical. The Gnostic Oannes-John and the Hindu Vishnu are one and the same, personifications of Microcosm, the Inner Man. The numerical value of words, known as Isopsephia, is a branch of the ancient sacerdotal language. Words or phrases that share the same numerical value also share the same spiritual significance. Isopsephia was taught in the Lesser Mysteries but the language itself was reserved for high initiates alone. When good and evil come to an equilibrium in the scales of human actions, 666 million men will have “Supreme Wisdom” incarnated in them. The Christian application of the compound name Jesus-Christ is based on Gnostic and Eastern Mysticism. St. John’s Apocalypsis has been written in the mystery language of the ancient Tannaïm, a relic of Egyptian and Chaldean Wisdom. The Tannaïm were Initiates from whom the wisdom of the Kabbalah was obtained by the later Talmudists. Number 6 was the symbol of our globe, ready to be animated by divine spirit. Figure 6 stands for the Earth in autumn and winter; figure 7, the Central Informing Force, in spring and summer. The ancients divided our globe into 60 degrees, which, multiplied by 60, became 3,600, the Great Year. Hence also the hour, with its 60 minutes of 60 seconds each. Number 6 has now completed the Earth, a globe with a cross over it. Number 7 is the festival day of the Earth and birthday of our world. It represents the seven principles throughout Kosmos, Nature, and Man. The Monad has to pass through its mineral, vegetable and animal forms, before the Light of Logos is awakened in animal man. Till then, the animal form cannot be referred to as a thinking man but has to be regarded as a Monad imprisoned in ever-changing forms. 666 is the isopsephic value of the mind in animal man, devoid of any noetic element. 666 stands for the physical man of the late Third (Lemurian) to early Fourth (Atlantean) Root-Races. This is the very “beast” of the Revelation and Plutarch’s “Eight Race” man. The isopsephic value of Plato’s word for the Lower Mind (Η Φρην) is also 666, suggesting that the Higher Mind is dormant. A hint for Masons: learn to multiply 333, and you may strike 666 instead. Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis numerically and geometrically expressed. The One attracts within itself the Divine Unity of the One Circle and forms out of It the Perfect Square, thus “squaring the circle.” The Great Circle or Ring Pass-Not is the “Rope of the Angels” hedging off the phenomenal from the noumenal Kosmos. That Circle is the Universal Principle which, from any given point, expands to embrace all things, while embodying the potentiality of every action in Kosmos. How does the Triangle become the Square? How does the Square become the Six-faced Cube? How does the Triad becomes a Tetrad, the Pythagorean Perfect Square in heaven, and a Cube on earth? Mathematically expressed, Logos become Tetragrammaton, i.e., the Three become Four. When the Spiritual Ego, the holy number 7, germ and matrix of the 6, enters the animal body, the 6 faces of the cube unfold, thus forming the cross of passions upon which material man (Chrēstos) crucifies himself and disappoints his glorious Spirit (Christos). Kabbalistic interpretation of the “crucifixion nails” reveals their sexual meaning. The occult meaning of the Svastika, emblem of the activity of Fohat, symbolised by the figure 6 and the Sacred Four, explained.26 Number 7, being the compound of 6 + 1, is the Number of numbers. Metaphysically, number 7 is the ever invisible centre, the spirit of everything, as there exists no body with six lines constituting its form without a seventh being found as the central point in it — which is the source and origin of the six. Esoterically, number 7 symbolises the secondary “perfection” for it is related only to the manifested planes. Whereas the Greek Delta is the “vehicle of the unknown Deity.” Exoterically, number 3 became the ideograph of the three material elements — air, water, earth; plus number 4, the principle of all that which is neither embodied nor perceptible. But this has never been accepted by the real Pythagoreans. With the Egyptians, number 7 was the symbol of life eternal, and this is why the Greek letter Z, which is but a double 7, is the initial letter of the verb ZΩ (I live) and of Zeus, Father of all living. Interpreted by the Pythagorean Key, the 365 days of a solar year read “The Earth animated by the Spirit of Life.” Number 7 interpreted astronomically, geometrically, and sexually. Astronomically, number 7 is closely connected with the Atlantides who have become the Seven Pleiades. The two are connected with the destinies of nations, as shaped by past events according to Karmic law. Kartikeya-Mars, the occult symbol of the cycle of Naros, is composed of 600, 666, and 777 years. Esoterically, number 7 is symbolised by two interlaced triangles, forming a six-pointed star around a central point. For Seven is the germ of the six and their matrix. In the old Sanskrit works number 6 is mentioned more often than 7, the central position of which is implied by the point that had produced the first line. Geometrically, 7 is the number of the spiritual man, symbolised by the cube unfolding as “cross.” Deity in Man is symbolised by the Tau cross, a double glyph. Tau is formed from the figure 7 and the Greek letter Γ, symbols of divine and earthly life, respectively. In its terrestrial attachment, Tau is the Sun shorn of his beams. The days of the solar year correspond with the 7 principles of psychic man, and the 7 aspects of the physical man. The sexual meaning of the crucifixion nails, when numerically interpreted, explain how number 6 became 7. The position of the three nails into the crucified’s extremities and on the cross, form the corners of a triangle facing down. The three nails with the three wounds are in number 6, which denotes the 6 faces of the cube when unfolded. When the feet are separated, the three wounds become four, forming a square, and thus the number of the crucified (3 + 4) become 7, a most holy number. And when 3 and 4 kiss each other, they form the Procrustean bed of torture where Prometheus is crucified. While 7 is the feminine number of pristine purity, 9 is the number of the phallic or male energy. But the Jews made of number 7 a feminine number of generation, thus introducing the phallic element into religion. 777 is the isopsephic value of the Cross (Σταυρος) and symbol of the Kosmic Man. Radiating from a Pyramid of Heavenly Stars, 777 enlightens the inferior worlds. The mundane cross is the oldest phallic symbol of the dual generative power, not the instrument of the alleged crucifixion. Jesus was crucified by his own Church, not by Scripture. Christos is the Man-God of Plato, who crucifies himself for an eternity in the darkness of matter, in order to redeem the Spirit of Truth from the clutches of untruth and self-deceit. The Fathers have falsified Jesus’ last words and made him a victim of his own success. The paronomastic terms Chrēstos and Christos are linked astrologically — a double pun. Scorpio is Chrēstos in humiliation; Leo, Christos in triumph. Christos is the eternal, real Individuality, or universal Altruism; whereas Jesus-Chrēstos is the mortal man who, by crucifying the man of flesh and his passions on the Procrustean bed of torture, is reborn Immortal and leaves the animal-man behind him tied on the Cross of Initiation like an empty chrysalis. Then, his Higher Soul becomes as free as a butterfly. Christos is the God in Space and Man’s Saviour on Earth. What is the meaning of Moses beseeching the Lord to show him “his glory”? A grotesque verse from Exodus interpreted esoterically. Why Moses and Jehovah are in numerical harmony? Because the number of Moses is that of “I am, That I am,” i.e., 345. The number of Jehovah is 543, the reverse of 345. Number 8 symbolises the regular Kosmic breathing overseen by eight gods. Number 8 also symbolises the equality of units, order and symmetry in heaven, transformed into inequality and confusion on earth by man’s intense selfishness and rebellion against Nature’s decrees. If number 6 was the symbol of our globe ready to be animated by a divine spirit, number 9 is the symbol of our globe informed by an evil spirit. 888 is the Gnostic and Kabbalistic number of Jesus (Ιησους), and also the tripartite division of a solar day. When the “back parts” of Moses and his “face” are added up we have 888, which is the Gnostic-Kabbalistic name of Jesus. The main purpose of this system of number checks was to preserve in perpetuity the exact value of the Lunar Year in the natural measure of days. The Semites seem to have had no higher purpose in life than that of procreating their species. Jewish Deity is proved to be, at best, only the manifested duad, never the One Absolute ALL. The Jews had no aspirations towards the Ideal.