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Ever since its creation, China has been claiming territories of numerous countries. There have been wars and clashes, and the usual tone of policy statements has remained assertive. After annexing Tibet, Communist China has described China as a palm with Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Arunachal and Ladakh as the country`s five fingers. It is pertinent to note that some maps have even shown Assam and the Andaman Islands as a part of China. The standard tactics of gradual cartographic invasion seems to have been extended to new areas - tentatively, casually first and then with increasing emphasis until the time comes to usurp the quest. Though Chinese White Papers always project a defensive and peaceful attitude, Beijing`s intentions appear deceptive. China`s official media continues to publicise articles that caution India about China retaining the option of initiating military hostilities. In India, China`s prime target, however, there has been scant research on the modernisation of the Chinese Armed Forces and its impact on Indian security. This book is an effort to fill that gap.
This book is a structured net assessment of China’s military power by a reputed and well-known Indian military analyst. The growth of Chinese military power has been examined with emphasis on how it primarily affects India. The book analyses how India must respond. It has an exhaustively researched section on how the Chinese PLA has performed in actual combat since 1949, and a detailed analysis of the evolution of China’s military doctrines and strategic Culture. The most dangerous for India is the exponential growth in the Chinese Airpower (PLAAF). China has already changed Asia’s balance of power.
With its fanatic national fervour, China is all set to achieve its legitimate place - the Middle Kingdom syndrome - in the emerging multi polar world order by 2050 AD. The most effective tool to achieve this is the Chinese Armed Forces - the PLA. The centrality of the PLA in China's internal and external policies has always remained unquestioned. China has recently embarked on a massive systematic programme for the modernisation of its Defence Services. Its short and long term objectives are yet to be assessed. The question now is, will a modernised professional military dance to the tune of the Chinese Communist Party? The impact of China's Defence modernisation on India's national security would be profound and direct. Are India & China natural rivals? What threats China poses for India? How should India respond to these challenges? This extensively researched book from a highly experienced soldier comprehensively examines all these & other related issues which should be of great interest for the China watchers.
Through extensive primary source analysis and independent analysis, this report seeks to answer a number of important questions regarding the state of China’s armed forces. The authors found that the PLA is keenly aware of its many weaknesses and is vigorously striving to correct them. Although it is only natural to focus on the PLA’s growing capabilities, understanding the PLA’s weaknesses—and its self-assessments—is no less important.
China’s emergence as a global economic superpower, and as a major regional military power in Asia and the Pacific, has had a major impact on its relations with the United States and its neighbors. China was the driving factor in the new strategy the United States announced in 2012 that called for a “rebalance” of U.S. forces to the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, China’s actions on its borders, in the East China Sea, and in the South China Sea have shown that it is steadily expanding its geopolitical role in the Pacific and having a steadily increasing impact on the strategy and military developments in other Asian powers.
China’s reform policies during the past decade have resulted in the reorganization of economic and political structures and have led to a dramatic reorientation of the nation’s foreign policy. These reforms have especially influenced China’s military establishment, which is now in a period of major transition. What new paradigm is replacing the old Maoist model of People’s War, however, is not clear. This book examines what China’s military modernization means for the global and regional balance of power and for China’s internal political-economic system. Specific chapters focus on changes in Chinese strategy and doctrine, developments in defense industries and military procurements, China’s acquisition of foreign technology, its military education system, and its nuclear weapons program.
ndian Defence Review (IDR) had earlier, in 2011, published a Book titled “Threat from China” edited by Late Bharat Verma. Team IDR felt that since May 2014 when the National Democratic Alliance government took over the reins of governance in India bringing in a more focussed, dynamic and assertive approach in conduct of its foreign relations, it was necessary to review the security paradigm between India and China. Moreover, around the same time there had been a tactile parallel change in leadership at the helm in China too. During the preliminary discussions there were strong views from a certain section of the community of academic scholars and diplomats that China was not an existential THREAT. However, the military community felt that the People’s Liberation Army’s substantive military modernisation manifested such a THREAT. The academic and diplomatic community did feel that there was surely a CHALLENGE in dealing with an assertive rising China – more relevant with a decline of US interest in Asia. To accommodate both views the Title was thus revised to “China – Threat or Challenge?” The Book is a compilation of articles written and published in the IDR since May 2014. Some articles are by Authors who were requested to express their contrary views on the subject so as to present to the Readers broad based views of various Authors across the spectrum on issues impacting India-China bilateral relations. The final verdict, of course, lies entirely with the discerning Readers.
In Strategic Asia 2012-13: China’s Military Challenge, leading experts assess and forecast the impact of China’s growing military capabilities. What are China’s strategic aims? What are the challenges and opportunities facing the United States? How is the region responding to China’s military power and to the U.S. policy of “strategic rebalancing”?
This book explores the question of how the United States should respond to China's military modernization effort, including its naval modernisation effort, which has emerged as a key issue in U.S. defence planning. China's naval modernisation effort, which began in the 1990s, encompasses a broad array of weapon acquisition programs, including anti-ship ballistic missiles, submarines, and surface ships. Observers believe that the near-term focus of China's military modernisation effort has been to develop military options for addressing the situation with Taiwan. Potential oversight issues for Congress include whether the U.S. Navy in coming years will be large enough to adequately counter improve Chinese maritime anti-access forces while also adequately performing other missions of interest to U.S. policy-makers around the world; the Navy's ability to counter Chinese anti-ship ballistic missiles and submarines; and whether the Navy, in response to China's maritime anti-access capabilities, should rift over time to a more distributed fleet architecture.