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"This project sets out to identify and address the need for adaptive ascent guidance techniques necessary for responsive launch. This report provides comprehensive details to two recent advanced ascent guidance algorithms, tailored to endo-atmospheric and exo-atmospheric optimal ascent with possibly multiple stages, respectively. These algorithms generate optimal ascent guidance commands based on the current state of the vehicle, the currently selected targeting condition, and available vehicle/environment modeling and wind information. The algorithms depend on no vehicle-specific characteristics therefore are applicable to different types of launch vehicles without the need for significantly modifying the software. Verification, validation and extensive testing of the algorithms are performed with many mission scenarios and a number of different launch vehicle configurations, including winged reusable and conventional expandable, single-stage and multiple-stage, launch vehicles. This work demonstrates that promising techniques and algorithms have reached a level where launch ascent planning can benefit from automation based on these advances to significantly reduce ascent guidance planning time and potential realization of fully closed-loop optimal ascent guidance from liftoff to orbital insertion is possible."--Report documentation page.
To enable autonomous operations in future Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs), reconfigurable control and adaptive guidance will often be required to facilitate recovery of the mission following a major anomalous event such as an effector failure. An adaptive guidance system that works in conjunction with a reconfigurable controller and an autonomous trajectory command reshaping algorithm is presented. The guidance law utilizes a backstepping architecture to generate pitch rate commands that drive the inner-loop control system. Under extreme failure conditions the control surfaces can saturate in an attempt to meet commanded moments. In these cases, the guidance feedback gains are reduced to preserve stability margins in the guidance loops. A case study is presented that shows the benefits of the guidance gain adaptation. Without adjusting the gains, the guidance loops go unstable, whereas stability is maintained with gain reduction.
This paper presents an adaptive guidance system approach applied to hypersonic Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs). After an effector failure, it is assumed that the inner-closed-loop system utilizes a reconfigurable control algorithm to recover nominal maneuvering capabilities to the extent possible. However, nominal performance will typically not be fully recovered for RLVs, and the outer-loop guidance system must account for the degraded vehicle response. Two main approaches for the adaptive guidance system are presented. The first approach augments the existing production guidance system by adding adaptation capabilities. A case study shows that stability is maintained following a primary pitch effector failure. This is achieved by adapting gains in the guidance feedback loops. However, it is shown that the trajectory commands to the guidance loops must also be re-targeted in order to achieve a safe landing. The second approach employs an on-line optimal trajectory re-targeting algorithm. Here, the calculus of variations is used to generate a database of admissible neighboring extremals. This database is then encoded in an efficient manner to generate mappings between the current states and vehicle capabilities and the costates defining the admissible optimal trajectories. These mappings are interrogated on-line at regular intervals to obtain the optimal guidance commands. A proof-of-concept case study of this approach shows that the final landing conditions are achieved following a primary speed control effector failure.
This open access book highlights the autonomous and intelligent flight control of future launch vehicles for improving flight autonomy to plan ascent and descent trajectories onboard, and autonomously handle unexpected events or failures during the flight. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, space launch activities worldwide have grown vigorously. Meanwhile, commercial launches also account for the booming trend. Unfortunately, the risk of space launches still exists and is gradually increasing in line with the rapidly rising launch activities and commercial rockets. In the history of space launches, propulsion and control systems are the two main contributors to launch failures. With the development of information technologies, the increase of the functional density of hardware products, the application of redundant or fault-tolerant solutions, and the improvement of the testability of avionics, the launch losses caused by control systems exhibit a downward trend, and the failures induced by propulsion systems become the focus of attention. Under these failures, the autonomous planning and guidance control may save the missions. This book focuses on the latest progress of relevant projects and academic studies of autonomous guidance, especially on some advanced methods which can be potentially real-time implemented in the future control system of launch vehicles. In Chapter 1, the prospect and technical challenges are summarized by reviewing the development of launch vehicles. Chapters 2 to 4 mainly focus on the flight in the ascent phase, in which the autonomous guidance is mainly reflected in the online planning. Chapters 5 and 6 mainly discuss the powered descent guidance technologies. Finally, since aerodynamic uncertainties exert a significant impact on the performance of the ascent / landing guidance control systems, the estimation of aerodynamic parameters, which are helpful to improve flight autonomy, is discussed in Chapter 7. The book serves as a valuable reference for researchers and engineers working on launch vehicles. It is also a timely source of information for graduate students interested in the subject.
Space Vehicle Guidance, Control, and Astrodynamics is written for those who are interested in guidance, navigation, control, and dynamics of advanced space systems, launch vehicles, robotic and human exploration of asteroids, and/or planetary defense missions. Chapters 2 through 5 are adopted from the author's previous book Space Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Second Edition. Chapters 1 and 6 to 11 contain all new material specifically developed for this volume. New Topics Include: Spacecraft attitude determination and control, Launch vehicle ascent flight control, fundamentals of astrodynamics, Orbital intercept, rendezvous, and terminal guidance, Trajectory analysis and design for asteroid missions, Planetary defense mission analysis and design, Close proximity dynamics and control around asteroids Space Vehicle Guidance, Control, and Astrodynamics is intended for use as a textbook or a sustaining reference source for senior undergraduate or graduate courses. With emphasis on practical applications it is also a valuable reference for practicing engineers and researchers. Book jacket.
Recent, interests in responsive launch have highlighted the need for rapid and fully automated ascent guidance planning and guidance parameter generation for launch vehicles. This dissertation aims at developing methodology and algorithms for on-demand generation of optimal launch vehicle ascent trajectories from lift-off to achieving targeting conditions outside the atmosphere. The entire ascent trajectory from lift-off to final target point is divided into two parts: atmospheric ascent portion and vacuum ascent portion. The two portions are integrated via a fixed-point iteration based on the continuity condition at the switch point between atmospheric ascent portion and vacuum ascent portion. The previous research works on closed-loop endo-atmospheric ascent guidance shows that the classical finite difference method is well suited for fast solution of the constrained optimal three-dimensional ascent problem. The exploitation of certain unique features in the integration procedure between the atmospheric portion and vacuum portion and the finite difference method, allows us to cast the atmospheric ascent problem into a nested fixed-point iteration problem. Therefore a novel Fixed-Point Iteration algorithm is presented for solving the endo-atmospheric ascent guidance problem. Several approaches are also provided for facilitating the convergence of the fixed-point iteration. The exo-atmospheric ascent portion allows an optimal coast in between the two vacuum powered stages. The optimal coast enables more efficient usage of the propellant. The Analytical Multiple-Shooting algorithm is developed to find the optimal trajectory for this portion. A generic launch vehicle model is adopted in the numerical simulation. A series of open-loop and closed-loop simulations are performed. The results verify the effectiveness, robustness and reliability of the Fixed-Point Iteration (FPI) algorithm and Analytical Multiple-Shooting (AMS) algorithm developed in this research. In comparison to Finite Difference (FD) algorithm, the Fixed-Point Iteration algorithm is more adaptive to the "cold start" case for endo-atmospheric ascent guidance. The simulations also validate the feasibility of the methodology presented in this research in rapid panning and guidance for ascent through atmosphere.