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Sound is utilized by marine animal taxa for many ecologically important functions, and these taxa are vulnerable to adverse effects of anthropogenic noise on hearing and behavior. However, little is known about marine invertebrates’ responses to anthropogenic noise, and the ambient environmental sounds (“soundscapes”) they detect and respond to. Most acoustic studies report sound pressure (detected by mammals and some fish), but few report particle motion, the back-and-forth vibratory component of sound detected by marine invertebrates. I investigated invertebrate use of and response to sounds in two facets: 1) behavioral responses of longfin squid, Doryteuthis pealeii to anthropogenic noise, and 2) particle motion of coral reef soundscapes in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In laboratory-based experiments I exposed D. pealeii to construction noise originally recorded from an offshore wind farm. I found significant increases in squids’ alarm responses and in failed prey capture attempts during noise. Conversely, noise exposure had no significant effects on reproductive behaviors of groups of D. pealeii, indicating high motivation of these squid to reproduce during this stressor. Collectively, these experiments revealed the importance of considering behavioral context in studies and regulatory decisions regarding invertebrates’ susceptibility to anthropogenic noise impacts. In studying coral reef soundscapes, I reported particle motion trends over several months for coral reefs varying in habitat quality, including coral cover and fish abundance. I found acoustic properties over which particle motion closely scaled with pressure, and others over which it did not. I compared soundscape data with particle motion hearing thresholds, and found that invertebrates may only detect high amplitude and low frequency transient sound cues on reefs, such as those produced by fishes. My research bring new insights on natural and anthropogenic sound cues detectable by marine invertebrates, and how and when invertebrates will be vulnerable to anthropogenic noise pollution.
For the 119 species of marine mammals, as well as for some other aquatic animals, sound is the primary means of learning about the environment and of communicating, navigating, and foraging. The possibility that human-generated noise could harm marine mammals or significantly interfere with their normal activities is an issue of increasing concern. Noise and its potential impacts have been regulated since the passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. Public awareness of the issue escalated in 1990s when researchers began using high-intensity sound to measure ocean climate changes. More recently, the stranding of beaked whales in proximity to Navy sonar use has again put the issue in the spotlight. Ocean Noise and Marine Mammals reviews sources of noise in the ocean environment, what is known of the responses of marine mammals to acoustic disturbance, and what models exist for describing ocean noise and marine mammal responses. Recommendations are made for future data gathering efforts, studies of marine mammal behavior and physiology, and modeling efforts necessary to determine what the long- and short-term impacts of ocean noise on marine mammals.
Most coral reef fish adults have limited home ranges, but their pelagic larvae have the potential to disperse over great distances. At the end of the pelagic phase, these larvae must seek appropriate settlement habitat. Which environmental signals do they use to find the reef? It has been suggested that fish larvae utilize a combination of visual, olfactory, and acoustic cues at different ontogenetic stages and different distances from the reef. At least ten experiments in the last decade have tested the response of reef fish larvae to sounds of a coral reef, resulting in more than 650 citations. This dissertation focuses on the potential role of acoustic cues in the orientation behavior of larval reef fish from the open ocean. First, a biophysical model was used to examine the consequences of orientation behavior if larvae could detect acoustic signals from 1-10 km from the reef. When larvae oriented early during ontogeny and from larger distances, they greatly increased their settlement success and settled closer to home. These findings suggest that early orientation is critical to the survival of fish larvae, which must be active agents of their own dispersal. Second, a time-series of coral reef soundscapes was conducted for two nearby coral reefs in the Northern Florida Keys. The reef soundscapes were highly variable over daily, lunar, and seasonal time-scales, and the highest amplitudes coincided with new moons of the wet season - the time when the larvae of most coral reef fish species settle. Interestingly, the wind-based contribution to the soundscape also had a lunar period. Third, an acoustic playback experiment was conducted at Dean's Blue Hole in the Bahamas, a relatively "quiet" environment. Larvae from Apogonidae (cardinalfish) and Acanthuridae (surgeonfish) families were exposed to reef sounds recorded in the Bahamas and in Florida and played back at ambient levels. The acanthurid species demonstrated no response to the playbacks, but the apogonids exhibited a disruption of their orientation behavior. This finding suggests that apogonids were able to detect the playbacks, but had no directional response, as was anticipated based on previous studies where sounds were broadcast at higher amplitudes. Finally, an acoustic propagation experiment was conducted in the Upper Florida Keys. Both acoustic pressure and particle acceleration diminished gradually with distance from the reef, but the amplitude of the signal, particularly for particle acceleration, was lower than the detection thresholds of most fish larvae. Furthermore, the particle acceleration field (measured 1-1000 m from the reef) was not highly directional, which may restrict the use of acoustic signals to animals that can detect acoustic pressure. These findings suggest that most fish larvae in the pelagic zone near Florida reefs would have a difficult time locating the reef using acoustic cues alone. However, this may not be the case for species with particularly sensitive hearing (e.g., those that can detect acoustic pressure), and for reefs with higher-amplitude soundscapes. The results of this study challenge research from the past decades that demonstrated a clear attraction of larval fishes to sounds played-back at high amplitudes. Further work is needed, specifically hearing thresholds in other fish larvae, and particle acceleration measurements over longer time periods and near additional coral reefs, to determine whether the trends found in the Florida Keys are consistent with other parts of the world.
The Second International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life will take place in Ireland August 15-20, 2010. The main emphasis of the conference will be on defining the current state of knowledge. However, we will also assess progress in the three years since the First conference. The Second conference will place strong emphasis on recent research results, the sharing of ideas, discussion of experimental approaches, and analysis of regulatory issues.
The impact of anthropogenic noise on the marine environment is a subject of increasing concern to the United States Navy. Sources of noise include ambient noise from ship traffic, acoustic sources such as air guns used in petroleum exploration, and active sonar operations conducted for military operations. The Navy has acknowledged that the use of active sonar was a contributing factor to the cetacean strandings in the Bahamas in March 2000. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) subsequently initiated the Effects of Sound on the Marine Environment (ESME) program to address these issues, and to explore comprehensive approaches for reducing the adverse effects of anthropogenic noise on the marine environment. NRL was designated as the ESME systems integrator, and during the process developed the ESME Software Workbench. The ESME workbench, written in MATLAB (trademark), integrates data sets and computer models contributed by the ESME team of experts in the areas of oceanography, underwater acoustic propagation, and marine mammal physiology and behavior. Complex simulations can be rapidly constructed from an underlying set of conceptual models. Models are incorporated for simulating active acoustic sources and for simulating marine mammal movements. (A simulated marine mammal will be referred to as an "animat.") Additional models are provided for estimating the received time series along an animat's track, and for predicting the animat's cumulative acoustic exposure.
Anthropogenic threats are facilitating rapid environmental change and exerting novel pressures on the integrity of ecological patterns and processes. Currently, habitat loss is the leading factor contributing to global biodiversity loss. Noise created by human activities is nearly ubiquitous in terrestrial and marine systems, and causes acoustic habitat loss by interfering with species' abilities to freely send and receive critical acoustic biological information. My dissertation investigates how novel sounds from human activities affect ecological and evolutionary processes in space and time in marine and terrestrial systems, and how species may cope with this emerging novel pressure.Using species from both marine and terrestrial systems, I present results from a theoretical investigation, and four acoustic playback experiments combining laboratory studies and field trials, that reveal a range of eco-evolutionary consequences of noise-induced acoustic habitat loss. First, I use sound propagation modeling to assess how marine shipping noise reduces communication space between mother-calf pairs of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis), an important unit of an endangered species. I show that shipping noise poses significant challenges for mother-calf pairs, but that vocal compensation strategies can substantially improve communication space. Next, in a series of acoustic playback experiments I show that road traffic noise impairs breeding migration behavior and physiology of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). This work reveals the first evidence that traffic noise elicits a physiological stress response and suppresses production of antimicrobial peptides (a component of the innate immune response) in anurans. Further, wood frogs from populations with a history of inhabiting noisy sites mounted reduced physiological stress responses to continuous traffic noise exposure. This research using wood frogs suggests that chronic traffic noise exposure has negative physiological consequences, and that populations have adapted over short time-scales to minimize the detrimental impacts of this novel pressure. Finally, I present results from a field acoustic playback experiment that show that noise from the invasive Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) differentially affects the vocal behavior of native anurans, with those with more similar calls being disproportionally more affected. Green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) shortened their calls, called louder, and maintained call spacing (e.g. continued actively calling) during noise stimuli whereas pine woods treefrogs (H. femoralis) did not modify vocal behavior in response to any noise stimuli.Collectively, the results of these investigations (1) provide insight into the extent of noise-induced acoustic habitat loss in space and time, (2) reveal fitness-relevant individual- and population-level consequences of this form of habitat loss, and (3) show resiliency within ecological systems through the individual- and population-level responses to this novel pressure over short time-scales. These findings advance the field by illustrating how the spatiotemporal extent of anthropogenic noise impacts important ecological processes, and by demonstrating the resiliency of some species in responding rapidly to novel pressures.