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El libro es fruto del trabajo realizado durante varios a¤os por un grupo de investigadores. Delitos contra la seguridad del tr fico: an lisis dogm tico, criminol¢gico y pol¡tico criminal. El libro esta dividido en cap¡tulos que corresponden a unidades tem ticas: introducci¢n y parte genral, delitos imprudentes de homicidio o lesiones relacionados con la seguridad vial, omisi¢n del deber de socorro, delitos contra la seguridad del tr fico, valoraci¢n pol¡tico-criminal, contenidos criminol¢gicos, responsabilidad civil, procedimiento.
La reforma del Código Penal -por medio de la Ley Orgánica 15/2007, de 30 de noviembre, en materia de seguridad vial- fue uno de esos hitos legislativos en los que el ciudadano percibe más que nunca la potencial peligrosidad de su conducta por el uso indebido de un instrumento tan familiar y diario como son los vehículos a motor. Estar correctamente informados sobre el alcance y las consecuencias de esta reforma debe, además, interesar no sólo a los usuarios sino especialmente a los profesionales de los diferentes sectores sociales, económicos y jurídicos para los que -tanto la seguridad vial como su traducción penal- forman parte de su quehacer diario. Con el fin de crear un instrumento de trabajo y una fuente de información práctica, y no una simple reflexión doctrinal, se ha elaborado este libro que presenta un equilibrado contenido, tanto teórico, que plantea cuestiones esenciales sobre la interpretación de los preceptos del Código Penal que regulan la materia; como práctico, aportando ejemplos de escritos procesales de innegable aplicación profesional.
La obra, recoge la nueva reforma del C¢digo penal en materia de Seguridad Vial.
The objective of The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises is to deconstruct, question, and redefine through a critical lens what is commonly understood as "migration crises." The volume covers a wide range of historical, economic, social, political, and environmental conditions that generate migration crises around the globe. At the same time, it illuminates how the media and public officials play a major role in framing migratory flows as crises. The volume brings together an exceptional group of scholars from around the world to critically examine migration crises and to revisit the notion of crisis through the context in which permanent and non-permanent migration flows occur. The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises offers an understanding of individuals in societies, socio-economic structures, and group processes. Focusing on migrants' departures and arrivals in all continents, this comprehensive handbook explores the social dynamics of migration crises, with an emphasis on factors that propel these flows as well as the actors that play a role in classifying them and in addressing them. The volume is organized into nine sections. The first section provides a historical overview of the link between migration and crises. The second looks at how migration crises are constructed, while the third section contextualizes the causes and effects of protracted conflicts in producing crises. The fourth focuses on the role of climate and the environment in generating migration crises, while the fifth section examines these migratory flows in migration corridors and transit countries. The sixth section looks at policy responses to migratory flows, The last three sections look at the role media and visual culture, gender, and immigrant incorporation play in migration crises.
Poetry. "Kenneth Goldsmith is without doubt the leading conceptual poet of this time. His poetry, which draws from Fluxus, Dada, and conceptual art traditions, is clever and self aware. With now classics such as FIDGET, SOLILOQUY, and DAY (all available form SPD), he has made poetry out of the mundane and when reading his work one is forced to reconsider the stakes and the measurements of aesthetic practice. THE WEATHER, a collection of weather reports, is one more test of poetry. And what is most striking about this book is that it aces the test. There is something wonderfully celebratory and shockingly pleasant and stimulatingly interesting about reading day after day of weather gone by"--Juliana Spahr.