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Indian food and fuel inflation has remained high for several years, and second-round effects on core inflation are estimated to be large. This paper estimates the size of second-round effects using an estimated reduced-form general equilibrium model of the Indian economy, which incorporates pass-through from headline inflation to core inflation. The results indicate that India's inflation is highly inertial and persistent. Due to second-round effects, the gap between headline inflation and core inflation decreases by about three fourths within one year as core inflation catches up with headline inflation. Large second-round effects stem from several factors, such as the high share of food in household expenditure and the role of food inflation in informing inflation expectations and wage setting. Analysis suggests that in order to durably reduce the current high inflation, the monetary policy stance needs to remain tight for a considerable length of time. In addition, progress on structural reforms to raise potential growth is critical to reduce the burden on monetary policy.
This paper examines how the effects of fiscal policies are transmitted internationally. The analysis emphasizes that fiscal shifts of recent years constitute major disturbances to saving and investment flows. An increase in a country's fiscal deficit corresponds to a higher level of public sector dissaving. For increased foreign saving to enter through the capital account, the current account deficit must rise via an appreciating real exchange rate. An autonomous rise in investment, such as that induced by US tax measures passed in 1981–1982, produces qualitatively similar effects in the short run. Simulations suggest that a permanent fiscal deficit reduction of 1 percent of capacity output in any one of the three largest industrial countries produces a significant decline in real interest rates and a large initial depreciation in that country's currency. US tax incentives for investment would induce higher interest rates and an appreciated dollar. Simulations of the combined effects of increased US investment and observed movements in inflation-adjusted deficits in all three countries in 1981–1985 suggest that substantial fractions of these interest and exchange rate movements were related to shifts in fiscal policy.
Contains records describing books, book chapters, articles, and conference papers published in the field of Latin American studies. Coverage includes relevant books as well as over 800 social science and 550 humanities journals and volumes of conference proceedings. Most records include abstracts with evaluations.
Vols. for 1975- include publications cataloged by the Research Libraries of the New York Public Library with additional entries from the Library of Congress MARC tapes.